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About UsedTampon

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  1. UsedTampon

    DK3 admin abuse

    i have played alot on the old DK 3 server with the DC guys have killed some of them too never got banned but i have been on the server a few times in the morning where they have been NWA and abot every 20 min they restart there server for loot or better loot to spwan.
  2. UsedTampon

    Lag Problem

    low fps will give you game lag but your right :P
  3. got an idea dont know if you can use it but its a try if you got a map in-game.. join a regular server open your map hold left shift down and left click on any city you will see a small black cercle close map and a way point will show on your screen and it will say how many metters your from that town and then just start running at it..it has to be a server with name tags on. gl
  4. UsedTampon

    Lag Problem

    Try: Video memory setting 'Default' AA Disabled Post processing effects - Off Shadow setting High or Very High all settings over normal will run on GPU insted of CPU or turn it off.. mouse smoothing in controle turn off that would also help. textur and terrain detail put them on High better fore your cpu.. your computer is not that big so your settings must be set just right to get the best out of the game.
  5. yeah keep insulting that will get you out of debug.. and if you read my post right you would know that "unlucky" was ment, as in did not get out of debug after relog....... gl getting out
  6. UsedTampon

    DayZ Commander not opening

    hmm i had that problem with anothere program ones that also used .NET and i fund out that it was the .NET that was corrupt so i reinstalled it and it worked. maybe you could try that..
  7. UsedTampon

    DayZ Commander not opening

    no you can use them both. but are you .net files up to date? you can use windows update to update them as commander uses that.