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Post Hoc

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About Post Hoc

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    Illinois, US
  • Interests
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    - Studies in Pessimism
    - The world as will and representation
    - The Art of Controversy

    Peter Kreeft
    - Socratic Logic
  1. Post Hoc

    DrinkZ is a more appropriate name

    I think its bugged because i have sat down and eaten a whole bag of rice and my hunger didn't move from orange. Same thing applies to thirst, a whole canteen and didn't it quench my thirst.
  2. At the rate it is going, yes. Is it not feasible that it would release in more than 3 months? It peaked my curiosity, why did the author put that information in there? I'm not on the forum as much now so i thought maybe i had missed this bit of information somewhere. The sarcasm is not necessary P.S. I really don't care when it comes out, but I will be buying it when it does.
  3. Post Hoc

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Mein Führer! I can walk!
  4. Post Hoc

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    You're a towel.
  5. Post Hoc

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

  6. Im having trouble with this. i do all the steps but when i open xpadder my mouse pointer will automaticly move to the upper left part of the screen. I cannot keep it from going to the upper left part of my screen unless i unplug my controller.
  7. Post Hoc

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    It seems rocket has nothing to show. Just take this thread for example. All that has been given to us so far is a drawing and a "Dayz standalone confirmed" thread.
  8. Post Hoc


    I want to check out the new fallujah map but i want to do it via heli. now it would take hours to fix a heli and fly it on a server. is there any way to view that map in single player from a heli. ive seen a youtube video where some one does it, but i dont know how. any ideas?
  9. Today i was banned and accused of hacking when i was not. i will give you the jist of the story.... After dying and spawning in i found a city, in the city i found a czech pack, crowbar, and hatchet. i found the crowbar first, equipped it, and found an axe two minutes later. i equipped the axe while i still had the crowbar. on my screen i still had the crowbar out but in my inventory i had the axe. i thought to myself, strange, but whatever, and i went on my way. (No zombies spawned while i was there) 5 minutes after that i was being shot at, got hit and rolled to a fence to get away from the bullets. my character, who was a girl, wouldnt stop moaning. So i thought, oh someone must be hacking me, because it kind of sounded like a girl having an orgasm. i couldnt stand up but didnt have broken legs. Without being able to walk i decided to crawl towards the opening so this guy could finish me off. he kills me and i spawn in the same exact spot with nothing on me! WTF? Absolutely this guy is hacking right? I die 4 more times and still spawn in the same spot as where i died. The guy accuses me of hacking and types on side chat. "Mad Hatter is hacking he spawned four times in the same spot"....."He just spawned an axe and pack"..... IF I WERE HACKING, why would i spawn in the same spot and only spawn myself and axe and czech pack? why would i not try to kill the guy that was killing me? I got banned for "hacking". i fortunately frapsed this.... Video to come.....
  10. Post Hoc

    Need a Medic in * Takistan * ~ ! Plz&Thx ! ~

    Just kill yourself and start over
  11. Post Hoc

    My Army

    i started shooting them becuase i was bored and one of them returned fire killing me.
  12. Post Hoc

    My Army

    i put on a ghillie and it spawned me here with another guy in a ghillie, turns out it was me.( killed it then studied body) when i tried putting on civilian clothes, to see if it would teleport me back, it spawned another guy. so i did it several times and this is what happened.