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Everything posted by Radlemus

  1. Radlemus


    Someone on here was talking about being able to find smokes! I think rare items that give some minor effect like cookies, smokes, ect would be cool. Might be fun to trade with... or KILL FOR O_O Gimme dem cookies!
  2. Radlemus

    Make Dayz HARDER, Part A: Cities

    Anything that makes zombies harder to deal with and going in to cities something to fear is a good thing.
  3. I like the idea! Have some beans!
  4. Radlemus

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    If you removed pvp, getting food, guns and just surviving is very easy... time consuming... but easy... I think you have some good points about not starting with anything, maybe starting with some kind of basic weapons (like fist, or better using the flash light to hit people). I would like to see classes added in that start with specific things for them, medic with medical tools, fighter with a simple gun, so on... I think you miss the mark when it comes to talking about how easy it is to agro zombies. Zombies should be something to fear. Going in to a city SHOULD send chills up your back. You know its stupid, you know you probably won't come back... but you need food, you need some ammo... and that town has it... To me, that's fun. YOU may feel like that is a simple thing to pass over and move on from but I like the feeling of fear in a zombie game. Why you would want to run in and disconnect in the middle of that I don't understand :\ Now you may say that the zombies cheat somehow or that sneaking in bugged. Frankly im shocked at how easy it is to sneak past zombies. You hit Z and stay in grass, it's like a frigging cloaking device. That with line of sight in urban areas... getting food is easy! Even if they do see you, run around a building two or three times and they lost ya, whats the problem? Problem is real blood thirsty zombies would keep tracking you and hunt your ass down. Night time is stupid and silly bull crap... I don't understand night time being Black, it should be dark, hard to see... but not black! But on the other hand. If it was really dark. Would a player who thinks its ok to just run in and disconnect also think its fine to go in to settings and turn up gamma and light to see fine in the dark? I think that player would. So maybe it should stay that black to keep the night as some kind of obstacle. I rarely cheat in games, almost never look up cheat codes or look for exploits. Even when I know about them I don't like to use them. Players who find cheating or exploits acceptable will always find a way. If you don't like the game as is I'm sure you will find more ways to exploit later. A player out there will always think it's to hard or unfair and will want to cheat to make it right. So, no, I don't think the game should be simplified or made anymore basic when we all know some players will keep cheating and it only makes the game to simple for the rest of us.
  5. Radlemus

    Player run towns?

    I actually just posted a reply about making the game harder that touched on some of what you're saying. I made the comment that the bandits had all the tools of the trade in place, NVG, Thermal sniper rifles and lots of survivors running around to pick off. I fully agree that survivors need the abilities, tools and functions to get parts of town working or usable. Fix the pluming, set up generators and maybe new rooms or small buildings to store things in. The new facilities could tie in to better efficiency of things we can do. (mind you I'm suggesting making it more difficult outside of areas with the right tools) Want to fix a gun? It takes less parts if you have all the tools you need. Want to heal your friends broken leg? It can mend faster or be done easier in a medical facility. Maybe canned pasta does not give 100% food, only 20%. But if you have a kitchen with the basics you can cook food making it fill you a great deal more and heal larger amounts of health. Server jumping might harm this and would need to be looked at. Also everything would need to have the ability to be destroyed. How you do that without bandits just walking in the moment you log off I am not sure. Funny thought ... Build a jail and add stun weapons in to the game, no effect on zombies. But players can be stunned. Sick of bandits? Stun em! drag em in to the jail! If they log out stunned they are auto killed. If they go to the jail they need to wait no more than an hour before most of the gear being removed and randomly spawned somewhere nearby with a message they found a way to escape!
  6. Maybe... it's the kind of players that play arma 2 that is the factor that's overlooked. Maybe a large group of us simply want to relive stress by killing others. The time to get food and gear just adds to the sadistic pleasure of shooting someone in the head later knowing they will need to do the same all over again, thinking that having the ability to kill is the same as the right to kill. I also think that how people perceive this game may not be the same. I picked up DayZ out of my love for Fallout and Stalker, games I modded heavily to effect difficulty and rarity of gear. Fully expecting to walk in to a hellish, starving world in DayZ. I put hundreds of hours on to fallout and stalker and enjoyed it to death. But I am picking up that a large group of players here just want to spend a few hours, trying to get better gear and shooting people for the lulz. I'm not trying to be rude to more hardcore Arma players and I understand that dayZ is its own thing and not those other games. I am also not saying that I think the game would be better without pvp or that forcing co-op is the way to go. I am saying that this game may have different sides that pulled players in. But as the game goes on we need to recognize those other aspects and expand on it. I was drawn in for the hellish world that was out of food, had little left to offer humanity to get on its feet. I came to help rebuild society and aid those in need, scout out burned out cities and fight of swarms that attacks. I think the Bandits have everything they need. food, NVG, super weapons that can see heat and take you out from a mile away... Why would I not play a bandit type? A friend of mine was pushing me to pick up Orcs must die 2, I was pushing for him to pick up DayZ! I told him some of my stories of running out of food and looking for gear, running away from zombies. He thought it sounded really great but when asked, what was the goal? All I could say was "um... not get shot or eatten" -my main point -> Where are the rebuilders tools? Why can't we clean the streets? Why can't I get the power working some place? Why can't I fix the plumbing or set up solar power? Hell, if I need to start it out alone. I will... I'll start cleaning one road at a time, start moving all the broken cars out part by part. If bandits want to kill me, that's cool... but I think down the road someone may want to help. I think society might start to rebuild and get working. And of course, the more power we turn on the power or rebuild the more zombies will be drawn to it. Giving us, the rebuilders something to do other than just wait for bandits to get there shit together and come attack. -Removing the ability to jump from server to server would also help, the actions to take on one server are kind of long lasting, What you find matters. Just walking in to this new cleaned up city, taking things and logging out will not help you or me. -Having classes MIGHT help. Mechanic, cook, soldier, ect. Sure you and your buddies might have all you need in your tight little friends group, no need for other people. But maybe building cars or fixing a gun would go faster or take less parts if you work with others. And ... if it takes two other classes to make a soldier work at perfection they might get real board and want to work on things they can do. MIGHT slow down the gut reaction of just building a group to kill people off. -Rebuilding tools and the need for them. They make your life easier, make healing, fixing or rebuilding MUCH faster. Maybe even having social/culture saves your "humanity" level and stops you from hearing voices or seeing shit... I don't know... just thoughts. Summation - Ya, we got it, you're going to be a bandit for life and no one is going to change that. No one was asking you to in the first place (When the game gets more stable I might even try and play as a slaver >:D ... to fallout? sorry :\). I think what the co-op people are really asking for or maybe just point out is that all the tools to be a bandit are already in game. But now the co-op players want the tools, functions and incentive to play as a group. All given to us without stepping on the toes of those who only have an hour or two to play or don't have the mental capacity to get past pulling wings off flies for fun. Lets concede that there is more than one reason to play DayZ but the avenues to follow those reasons are not yet in place and have not been fully explored. Lets push the creators to look at those avenues.
  7. More power to this idea. I was just in game with the thought. I want to build a little tent area/fort thing. Leave some food and soda in the place and just leave a note that if someone needed it, take it. If they could spare something, please do. Just to try and bring something friendly in to the game world and check back on it now and then. Devs! Dont leave out the cool/spooky/sad elements that make zombie stories great from this mod! Like leaving notes behind or tags! Thank you! :D