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    On the Coast
  1. As the other mastermind behind this idea, I would like to thank you guys already for the positive feedback. That will be the thing that makes this eventually possible. I confirm we will be recruiting and we will need help especially in the beginning to get this service running. If you are interested in helping us with our cause, please PM me. The message should contain infromation on how you could assist us(manpower, vehicles, gear). Lets use this thread for suggestions and feedback!
  2. ESASE

    "MrEpicGoat" hack on SE #500

    There is a huge square made out of hescos in the middle of the NW airfield in same server.
  3. ESASE

    "MrEpicGoat" hack on SE #500

    The server is "SE #500 skudenes"
  4. ESASE

    "MrEpicGoat" hack on SE #500

    He is cheating in the server atm. He has my friend as captive and took 10 .50 cal rounds without dying. He also summoned weapons and a truck out of nowhere and made the forest explode. Server is SE #500 multiplay scudenes. Time is now 2218 GMT+. Coordinates of the incident are 013031.