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Everything posted by Squeekie

  1. Squeekie

    The best sniper rifle in the game?

    While the as50 combined with Rangefinder is sweet, I do prefer the DMR. Once you learn the mildots it's not too hard to use and ammo is relatively easy to come by.
  2. Squeekie

    I like the game and all.. But.

    Had 2 encounters with hackers so far that I'm 100% sure is hacking. Had a few that I suspect to be hacking, but could have been a lucky hit. First encounter was a chopper flying around and crashing outside Berenzino, one of my friends went down to check the crashsite and shortly after we heard a second chopper and then 2 shots from a AS50. This was at nighttime and it was pitch black. The 2 shots killed a zombie and my friend and the shots came directly after eachother. The second chopper hover ove us and then second guy from our team who is hiding in a bush a bit from the crashsite so nowehere near the light gets oneshotted by the as50 guy. Chopper lands, the as50 sniper runs to the chopper as the pilot of the first is outside doing something and 2 choppers takes off from the same position. One of them crashes and shortly after a new as50 shot and the third guy who was hiding with a ghillie suit a long way away from lights get one shotted. At that point I decided to back off and head to Khelm as I needed food and drinks badly. While there I hear the guys on ventrilo talk about how 2-3 choppers crashes in Elektro and Cherno, and shortly after another chopper comes to Khelm and starts to go in for landing. At this point I logged off as I cba to fight hackers and just loose my gear. 3 minutes after logging off everyone on the server breaks their leg. Second was while looting a store, had been fighting a guy over and over and died to him a few times in Elektro. All doors in the back of the store closed and after I killed him I went back there to eat and get ready to leave when suddenly I started taking damage. Turning around a guy stands right behind me with a silenced weapon and basically just fills my head with lead. All doors still closed and he somehow managed to sneak up on me in a 5 second timeframe without me hearing it. Had a few other times that has been suspicious, but could be bad luck that there was a guy ther randomly. Hacking does happen, but isn't as bad as it could be, best way to fight them is to change server or simply log off and do something else.Eventually they will get bored. :P
  3. Squeekie

    Do you kill on sight?

    Since I started playing this game I have realised one thing. On EU servers it's kill or be killed, if you encounter a person with a weapon the chance he will greet you and help you is 0,1%. So far I have yet to encounter someone who hasn't tried to shoot me or kill me on sight regardless if I have a weapon or not. I think the "best" death I had was spawning at the beach outside Elektro just to see one guy run up to me and shoot me in the head with a enfield when I had nothing. So after enough of those deaths you kind of build up a natural shoot on sight instinct as long as you are armed and see other players being armed.
  4. Squeekie

    Zombies way too hard now

    The problem with zombies now isn't imo that they are too hard to kill. However if you find yourself in need to kill a zombie you will have every zombie in miles coming running. Sort out the aggro and zombies are not that bad, Sure needs a few well placed shots or one head shot, but fully possible. It gets umpossible when one shot attracts what seems to be half the map with zombies.