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About AirmailMRCOOL

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    On the Coast
  1. AirmailMRCOOL

    Advanced ammunition management.

    This also would open up the operability to get different types of magazines. Excuse me if it sound's a bit CoD'ish but taping two magazines together for quick reload and drum magazines that can all be filled by the same ammunition box you have in your bag sounds interesting. Another thing it does is give the survivors the dilemma of should I carry more magazines so I can go longer in a fire-fight or should I carry a lot more ammunition in the boxes.
  2. AirmailMRCOOL

    Dungeons :)

    I have seen a lot of posts around about the need for a sustainable endgame and I thought I would pitch in my idea. I was thinking that zombie dungeons would be added to the game. These dungeons in my mind would be a lot like a left 4 dead level that could only be performed by players with high end gear. The loot from such runs would make the dungeon worth taking plus it would bring groups together to actually fight ZOMBIES! I just want to hear what you guys think and bear in mind that this idea is very open for revision. :)