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Everything posted by Sabboth

  1. Sabboth

    so im batman

    But I thought I was the batman?
  2. Read the whole thing, rational discussion with logic and obvious thought put into it. Not hostile in anyway, and very suggesting as opposed to demanding. I understand what you're saying about death not being permanent, I mean, my little 2 man group of myself and my girlfriend already feel completely lax about dying due to the fact that we have a base full of food and gear tucked away in the woods. Our fear of death stems only from knowing that whatever we have on us at the time of death is lost, but not the items that we have stockpiled. Your character progression reminds me of the stuff written about in an interview with the guy behind WarZ and if it manages to be executed correctly, I'd honestly think it could work. It would return the fear of death because you'd have lost the knowledge you actively use to survive, taking you out of your methods and habits and making it that much more dangerous once you respawn. KOS though, once a bandit has a team that fills all the needed roles there's no reason for them not to KOS anymore. Though with storage being the main culprit, I think it's more of the sense of "realism" the community is latched onto. We can do our best to shove more realistic features into the game, but your proposed methods of storage management seems to take away from that. I should be able to put guns and medicine in my car, I can go outside and do that right now. It's the persistence of the player behind the screen and that little ball of mush inside their noggin. You can rationalize it all you want with RP scenarios and "new people joining the group" just to get geared up once they make it back to the base, but things like skype and teamspeak effectively adds telepathy to everyone and everyone has persistent memory that remembers where their stash is after death. The best way in my opinion to deal with this without mucking up all the inventory functionality (though I do agree that a full car assembly in a camping tent with ten guns on top is a bit much) is to have temp/perm bans from the server. Even if just for an hour, that's an hour that the survivor of a gun fight has with their mind at ease knowing that they have an hour PLUS the time it takes for the guy to get to his stash once he does respawn before he has to watch his back again, if he even is still at the same place for him to find him at in the first place. For the most part, I like the effort put into this suggestion and the ideas are good too. Maybe not how I would do it though.
  3. Sabboth

    Player Punishment Ratio Unacceptable

    I dunno man, I've never died because of a bug insofar and I've been playing for a month. The game is severely held back due to it's nature, but Rocket is also a developer so I'm sure this isn't news. Also, you're just one drop in the whole pond so... I'mma go have some more fun playing DayZ like I have been.
  4. Sabboth

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    The bugs you are referring to are bugs made from the source code. Rocket can't do anything about that unless he had access to the source code. He'll actually be in direct control of the source in the standalone letting him do exactly what he wants with few to no bugs. And all faster too. It's not competence, it's limitations.
  5. Sabboth

    Duping/Map Hack on US599

    Upload the pics at a site like imgur then link to them if the files are too big to upload straight to the forum.
  6. Sabboth

    Killed by a tree.

    Known for it's patience, the wild tree is an expert in knowing when to strike.
  7. Sabboth


    1. - You already have grabs of all their loot, find your own damn tent. 2. - That's a bug, you can actually place a tent anywhere by repeatedly trying to place it while stepping backwards every now and then. It just takes some finangaling.
  8. Sabboth

    Tent Question

    So my girlfriend and I play on a server that frequently resets, about every 4 hours. I don't mind and happen to like using it to re-roll good loot spawns but we have a base of a couple tents and came back to see that they were missing. We already know about the bug with tents and server resets, and I've saved them multiple times. We had them up just fine for almost 3 days, 4 hour resets and all. My real question though is that if a tent is flattened, how long do the remains persist? Do they survive any resets? Because we're hoping it's just a bug and that we aren't waiting for nothing, my girlfriend is low on food and we had 16 cooked meats inside a coyote backpack. If we lose our Backpack, DMR, and all our supplies, that's fine, half the fun is raiding towns and exploring, not dicking around with hoards. I just don't wanna be sitting around for nothing if a player looted our base fair and square and then destroyed it like any sane survivor would. :P
  9. Sabboth

    Tent Question

    No, we frequent a low pop server and mainly at night, we have no vehicles either. :P Plus I'm fairly sure that we picked a spot so far out of the way that considering that its a low pop server with no clan control, the chances of someone with a vehicle to destroy them with, a vehicle that can traverse a forest on a hill, are pretty low. I'm crossing my fingers that they'll be back when I get off work. :P What server were you on?
  10. Sabboth

    This game ...

    He's probably referring to the fact that many DayZ players bought ArmA II for the mod, but still, I at least did my homework before I just went and bought a game out of the blue. I'd like to hope that other's did too and had at least some sort of expectations for the game and how it worked so far. Wait till it's out of beta? We're not even out of Alpha!