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Everything posted by Gooshnads

  1. LOL 1 post. inb4 burzaa making new account. Screenshots or it didn't happen. gg, get dunked son.
  2. Irony, at its best. You've got the hardest raging nerd boner.
  3. Gooshnads

    Probally shouldn't have removed respawn

    Not saying he's right but seriously, is this bashing needed? He even said that it might not be correct, trying never hurts. Jesus christ you're a mad one.
  4. Awesome! I'm looking for people as well, adding you Valar =] Can search me through on Gooshnads too!
  5. Gooshnads

    Elysium Corps

    Met Jesse, bflat and I<3Killingyou on US 100 the other night =] Nice people, would definitely like to join. I'm 20, steam name is Gooshnads, in game name is as well. Been surviving alone for a bit now and would like for some group play. Looking forward to it! Have previous experience in competitive Counter Strike 1.6 and Source + Currently playing DotA 2 way too much as well, so teamwork isnt too much of a problem for me to try to handle =] - I have also just been banned from the TS3 channel, jesse and bflat gave me access to it so if anything, you could ask them for confirmation if I am considered for recruitment. Thanks. - Guess it was just from me joining and you guys not knowing who I was considering I jumped on last night to play with a few of the members.
  6. Yay! Finally a more relaxed group!
  7. Joining group now, absolutely looking forward to being part of a group as a survivor.
  8. Age: 20 Name: Alex Location: East Coast Canada [Ontario] Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time Current survival record: 4 days Reason why interested: Would like to have a group of people I can rely on to survive and a group that can rely on me too. Most importantly have some fun. =] Steam Aliases that can be searched for: Gooshnads / NATURE'S PROFIT / Ultralisk Drop Harass