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Darragh (DayZ)

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About Darragh (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Darragh (DayZ)

    SG#500 hacked.

    I've just had all the best gear in the game added to my inventory. I jumped off the server straight away, who knows what the next hack will be. Do I have to drop all this crap? It replaced all my current gear... I'm so freakin sick of this shit.
  2. Darragh (DayZ)

    SG#500 hacked.

    Whole server was just insta-killed, I was about 10 mins away from a hospital after crawling for 50 mins. These guys are killing the game for me. I hadn't seen a single hacker before the weekend, I've been insta-killed twice and thunderdomed since then. Also died from a table the other day which puts me at 4 pointless deaths in 8 hours of play. Is there anything that can be realistically done about hackers going forward?
  3. Darragh (DayZ)

    Killed by furniture and a doorframe.

    You're familiar with the movement in this game? Do you think any humans move in real life the way avatars move in Arma? What a ridiculous comment. You're suggesting that I deserve insta-death for crawling on the floor if a building that's in the middle of a zombie infestation. Take a minute and cop yourself on.
  4. Like the topic says. Frustrating as hell. Twice today!!
  5. Darragh (DayZ)

    SG #500 panzies

    They executed the entire server earlier today, so it's not even about pvp to them. Pretty disgusted, both times I had worked my way into decent gear.
  6. Darragh (DayZ)


    Just happened on SG#500. Earlier on SG#500 everyone on the server was executed. Total bullshit. I'll never understand the mentality behind hacks.
  7. Darragh (DayZ)

    SG #500 panzies

    Happened like 10 mins ago right? I've wasted 4 hours today on hacked servers.