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About Mustifar

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Mustifar

    Vehicles still spawning?

    Not sure I was wondering the exact opposite of that. I have never seen a vehicle until last night I found a ATV. It seems like a spawn because it was in the middle of a field next to a town (can't remember which one atm, but in the middle of the map.) Then tonight I found a jeep that was loaded with weapons and ammo and other gear, again it too was sitting in the middle of a field near a town. Still kinda new to the game so idk if these are spawns or if people are really bad at hiding their vehicles. Also on both accounts they were not at locations for vehicles on the dayzdb map.
  2. Mustifar

    Tactics against Zombies in towns

    Yeah I was looking at the updated weapons chart and realized that was prolly the worst wep to use for that situation. It also seemed like they were respawning faster than we could kill them. I mean I don't mind a horde every now and then, keeps things interesting but an endless horde seems a little much.
  3. So me and a friend had a nice little surprise this week. We went into a house to loot, there were some zombies that followed us in. No biggie cause I had a Enfield so I shoot said zombies (maybe about 2-3 of them, big mistake). Within about 5 mins I had empty most of my ammo with about 20 dead zombies on the ground and another 10-15 covering up the doors. We shot our way out of there but just barely. Totally unexpected and thrilling and all, but it got me thinking, if you find yourself in that same situation it seems like there isn't a good way out of it. Shooting isn't a great way to go, and hatchets while effective can be dangerous because now you're in swinging range of the zombies. Any ideas on a better way to get out of a situation like that?
  4. PVP in this game is a total rush, it's why I still play. Even if I die I still have a blast and I don't care that I have to re-gear because sometimes it's nice to have to go back on the scavenger hunt where things are more intense cause now you don't have all your shiny toys. Beans man