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About Timme20

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. You were banned by a misunderstanding on our side. We are sorry for that inconvenience. You are now unbanned!
  2. Yep, it really looks like they are banning you for no reason. But since this server is connected to a private hive/ is a private hive, they can do what ever they want. Even If you have proof, that those bans are not fair, you actually can't do anything about it.
  3. well we only ban people, who where cheating/hacking/exploiting in any way. And we have got proofs for every ban we did. So please contact us if you think that you weren't cheating/hacking/exploiting and don't abandon our camps like little kiddies! Thanks!
  4. Server Thread DE57 http://www.relegend..../dayzserver.png What the server offers: Difficulty: Regular Third person: ON Crosshairs: OFF Nametags: OFF Map: OFF Global chat: Disabled Max Players: 40 Location: Luxembourg Max Ping: 200 http://www.gametrack...42.227.98:2332/ Server host: Vilayer.com---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TS3 Server: - If you would like to have your own group, please contact the admins! DE57 will restart at 9am, 3pm and 11pm (GMT +2) We also have got our own Steamgroup "DE57-DayZ", where we are also going to post any news regarding the server! The admins are: Timme20 and gecko20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rules NO HACKING! Basic DayZ community rules! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donations: Feel free to donate! It will help us to keep the server running! Donators will also get into the Hall of Fame ;) Paypal: https://www.paypal.c...G.gif:NonHosted ~~Hall of Fame~~ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions feel free to join us on our Steamgroup or pm me Thanks for joining! =rl=
  5. CAREFUL! Sven_Gewalt did ID spoofing!
  6. OK. We will give them a 7 day ban to check the circumstances! We will also check the log files and if we can see, that they used scripts ,we will give them a perma-ban!
  7. ok, please explain the situation when you talked to axel:
  8. hello JDM, i'm the admin of DE57. We have now stopped the server to prevent any damages! If you have any prooves, that axle and Sven_Gewalt are hacking, please post them. Otherwise i am not allowed to ban them from the server. Any pictures or videos of them hacking would help! If you have any witnesses it would also be possible for me to ban them!