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About timohepolis

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  1. timohepolis

    My DayZ Desk.

    My DayZ Wallpaper:
  2. timohepolis

    When will the update come?

    Thats not blasphemic, but currently its not possible to play the game as the devs meant it to be played! Remember the last hotfixes till - they came very quickly due to stability probs within the latest ones. And these horrible graphicbugs, paired with the non-syncing tents etc., are more important to be fixed as soon as possible than other things to be implemented like dogs! Thats why i'm asking about the current status and estimated release date
  3. Hi beloved DevTeam i´m (we all) waiting since wednesday for the pending update with the promised graphic- and serverfixes. I really dont wanna badger you, but this awsome mod turned to be a duped-high-level-geared players mess! No oppertunity to save our own gear (based on non-syncing tents/vehicles), no chance to get military high-loot based on graphical bugs....the challenge is gone, respectively there´s no encourage to play the game furher. The "pendig update" thread is locked since tuesday. Since then, there were no more info´s posted about the patch-status and when it will come out. Could you please give us a proof of life concerning to the update? THX PS: sorry for my english....
  4. timohepolis

    hack or legaly painted car?

    Yes, thats it.....
  5. timohepolis

    hack or legaly painted car?

    The police car was driven by two guys. they made a tour through cherno and honked a lot (idiots). As i told you before, there were definatly blut/red police-like lamps on the rofftop. the rest of the car has been colored white. Possibly it was a skoda, but not sure... EDIT: Damn, i didnt make a screenshot :(
  6. timohepolis

    hack or legaly painted car?

    So you think it´s basically possible, but not much probable? Any further experiences with this?
  7. timohepolis

    hack or legaly painted car?

    no way. Other buddies saw it also but couldnt specificate the type as well. definatly a police car....
  8. Yesterday i saw a car painted like a police car on our server. It was too far away to see if it was an original ingame car like a skoda or else...but it was painted like police car with blue/red lamps on rooftop. hacked? or is it possible to officially paint an ingame car like this?
  9. timohepolis

    will changing my player name reset my character?

    Ok, thx folks :D
  10. timohepolis

    will changing my player name reset my character?

    absolutly sure? :) I got a f***ing good gear and dont want to lose it with a dumb action like this....
  11. hi! as in title: when ein change my current player name in options, will my character (day 11 survivor) be reseted?
  12. timohepolis

    Tents - Do's and don'ts?

    This is a bug and depends on servers you are. there is a 50/50 chance on servers that tents sync and save correctly. got the same problem on our server... there is no way to deal with it, ecxept of waiting for the next update. PS: shouldnt the update come yesterday? where is it?
  13. timohepolis

    PvP tips we all should know.

    ...and run zig-zag as much as possible. try to hide behind buildings and crouch your way from corner to corner -> try to figure out where the shooter is an get around him. Otherwise look out for cover, lay on bottom and hope. Also: - try to recognize the weapon of use. Against snipers, theres a chance to get around him, cus mostly he changes his position just marginally. against assault rifles, there´s a chance that attackers changing position and search for you!
  14. Doesnt work for me....tried it so hard with multiple saving the tents, waiting for sync about more than 60 mins etc. Every server-restart will roll it back to previous setting/staff. therefore, it is possible to duplicate saved items in the tents. taking out a M24 + Mags, restart the server, M24 is back in tent and i got one in my gear. horrible!