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Everything posted by antnxx

  1. antnxx


    Don't be such a noob. Your gear is nothing you should be clinging for. if you don't like do die in this game then you must uninstall. This game is about survival. If you cannot survive then you must be doing something wrong. Whiner.
  2. antnxx

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    No we don't need this shit.
  3. antnxx

    The game needs nametags

    I think the integral part is when you meet up with your friends you describe how you look - what clothes are you wearing and what part of area you are. Srsly this what makes the game. Describing yourself to your friends by movement or by color of your jacket etc. not by checking the screen and seeing exactly where someone is. Even to propose something like this is retarded.
  4. antnxx

    The game needs nametags

    For the love of god _ PLEASE NO nametags no bullshit. No Party system aswell. Go play Nether of Infestation if you want that shit.
  5. Need some saline and blood in Vybor - Office building. PM for IP.
  6. This is my homeserver. Is it possbile to get rid of them?
  7. Hello! Currently you are able to create a character in one server and continue playing with the same character in other server. My question is what is the logic behind this and why is it even allowed? This creates loads of server hopping and drastically reduces game play value. I wish that there could be only 1 char per server and if you die you have to start again. Currently when DayZ has become so popular players are just alt+f4 and change to different server and continue from there. This is not a huge issue but the whole principle of ability on changing server for your character seems way off. Thanks,
  8. But the whole idea of Hive would not be even needed anymore. All could be done 3rd party server side. I understand that there could be option to save your char and then go through a character transferring bureaucracy to get your char to a new server if for example the server is down and/or empty for some reason but ability to change servers every 5 minutes seems totally ridiculous and game breaking feature. It does't add up to the whole Survival experience and creates huge stress on servers and pipeline.
  9. Well if avarage life expectancy is about 1hour then changing the server would't be a problem after you have died if there is lag and or hackers. And my question is still unanswered. Why is the logic or principle of creating a global character even exist?