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Everything posted by Peekachoo

  1. Here's gameplay footage with some people we recruited yesterday.
  2. I have a group that's already geared. If you wanna band together, we're looking for some people who play regularly as well. I have 6-7 people, but only 3 of them are on regularly. Let me know if you want to join up. We use Steam chat, add me through the link on my signature if you're interested. There's a link to my group as well.
  3. I've been playing for weeks. I had this game down, or so I thought. I even organized a group of guys together, and we've been playing. I am used to a tactical style of play, but recently, I have been having the WORST game runs. I just spawned in Kamenka, checked out several deer stands, and I got through to Zelenogorsk to get pwned by a bandit in a barn. It's getting kind of frustrating, because I'm more used to being the bandit, and pwning others, and now I'm getting my butt handed to. I realize it's all part of the game, but the lingering suspicion that I am getting killed by a hacker half the time annoys me to no end. I'm looking for some seasoned veterans to play with. I am not a noob by any means, but I definitely want to learn some pro tips. I'm about to play right now, so please hit me up if you're down to spread some knowledge and wisdom. And perhaps a gun. (Kidding, I'm not trying to mooch.) ;) You can find me on Steam by clicking my signature below. I have a mic, and I am 24-years-old. (I know DayZ hates children.)
  4. Peekachoo

    Looking for Mentorship

    I didn't mean to imply I was a seasoned vet.***
  5. Peekachoo

    Going Lone Wolf for now on.

    Sucks, bro. You should come play with my group. We chat through Steam, though, and we've never had any instances of backstabbing. I've had my share of ups and downs in this game, and quite recently it has been a lot of down, but it will get easier. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/chernaruspeacekeepers
  6. Hey you. Yeah you. Are you looking for a group to play with? A group that's sick and tired of getting pwned by bandits every time you go into town? The Chernarus Peacekeepers are a coordinated, tactical clan that has dedicated itself to restoring peace to the once thriving lands of Chernarus. The zombie apocalypse is devastating enough as it is, let alone running the risk of being sniped every time you head into town. We target any and all individuals who pose a threat to the good people of Chernarus. Zombies, snipers, bandits, people running around the coast with dangerous flashlights---we bravely engage all those who oppose our brand of peace... through use of gratuitous violence. Check out our video: If that video made your nipples hard, here are the pre-requisites: 1. Have a mic. 2. Have Steam. 3. Speak English, and preferably live in the U.S. or Canada. (We frequent U.S. servers.) 4. Be 18 or older. (This pre-req may be waived granted that you aren't some noob kid.) If you meet those requirements above, add me on steam through this link, http://steamcommunit...561197990338467 and I'll send you an invite to our Steam group page.
  7. Peekachoo


    Hey guys, we're playing at 12 pm Pacific later today. We've received a little more interest than I expected, and it's hard to play with like 8 potentials at once. Sorry.
  8. Join our chat. We're playing right now. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/chernaruspeacekeepers
  9. I have a group that plays, but we're on at different times, so usually it's been me and two other people at any given time. We're looking for people who aren't complete noobs, and are interested in some coordinated, tactical play. We're aggressive, but we watch each other's backs. If you're interested, check the link on my signature and add me on Steam. Requirements: 1. You don't have to be geared to the max, but don't be a complete freaking noob. I don't want to guide you by the hand. 2. Have a mic. We use Steam chat. Don't bother if you don't have one. 3. Don't be in need of health right when you add me. If the first thing you ask me is to run to Stary Sobor to give you a blood transfusion, I will delete you. 4. Be American. 'merica! (Canadians are okay.)
  10. Peekachoo

    looking for players to join in DayZ.

    If you have a mic, add me on Steam. I have a group who meets up regularly for a tactical style of play.
  11. Peekachoo

    F.A.P Looking for new members

    I'm interested. I don't have a microphone, but I'm a pretty uptight, mean hacker who loves to kill teammates.
  12. Also, I'll probably be online tonight. Lemme know if you're down to play.
  13. I can't find that user ID in the Steam search. Add me through the link on my signature and I'll accept.
  14. I'm Pacific, but I play with Central and East Coast guys in my group.
  15. Hey, if you have a mic and you're up for some PVP, add me on steam. I have some guys I play with. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197990338467/
  16. You can be new, you just need to have a mic. I have a group of people I play with regularly. No, I won't try to mess you over, I'm pretty nice, and I always share my equipment with people I play with. Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197990338467/ I also have Skype, but I prefer Steam chat.
  17. Yeah actually. Near Kozlovka.
  18. Hey, I have a new group. We're not quite a clan or anything, just a group of players who would like to meet up regularly. I live in the United States, and I want to meet up with some people who are down for coordinated play. The requirements? 1. Have a mic. 2. Have Steam / Skype. (I prefer Steam for voice chat.) 3. Not be TOO nooby. (At least know the controls and directions, man. I don't want to walk you by the hand.) We're pretty much down for whatever styles of play are out there, but we try not to d-bag it up. I wouldn't say that we're bandits or anti-bandits; we don't kill unarmed noobs. If you're lurking around with a sniper rifle, then yeah, you're getting a bullet in the head. http://steamcommunit...ruspeacekeepers Hit me up if you're down to play right now. Steam: http://steamcommunit...61197990338467/
  19. Peekachoo

    New Group Using Skype

    I am the very best. Like no one ever was. Skype: ERCSRLM
  20. Hey. I'm down for some coordinated play. Do you have a mic?
  21. We use steam chat. You have to have a mic to hang with us. I'm the West Coast, and he's playing in Texas. Add me on Steam if you're down right now. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197990338467