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Everything posted by Peekachoo

  1. I was placing bear traps, and I get a message saying "Battleye: Admin Ban." My friend in the server said he saw a message saying I was beartrap glitching? What the heck? What's wrong with bear traps? I only had 2.
  2. Peekachoo

    Hiding bodies a Dick move?

    I don't hide bodies. Day Z is the one game where players are attracted to the bodies of the fallen. One dead body turns into a pile. >=-D
  3. I reject your bullshit argument. It doesn't take a genius to read server logs. You're no more entitled than anyone else. Anyone who spends a minute looking into Admin section of the forum can tell the difference between 60 lines of an item spawning in/seeing an item that doesn't belong in someone's inventory, as opposed to four lines of code for a bear trap. I don't say this in attack of Excelsior as he was kind enough to look through the forums and lift the ban, but I do this to point out how admins can easily make mistakes using the same logic. If I had an AS50, dropped it and picked it up a few times, then it would show up the same way in the code. What happens is you go from policing the black and white of what is legal and illegal in gameplay to this grey area of "Dude has two AS50s. Why would anyone have two AS50s, ever?" What concerns me more than not being able to play on one server is not being able to play on any of them because of this "community banlist" that is up and running, just because of one admin's misinterpretation of logs. TL;DR: You're rude, plhogan, why don't you STFU? Kthxbai.
  4. HIt me up if you want to join forces. We're always looking for more riflemen. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79947-special-tactics-assault-group-stag-recruitment/
  5. Peekachoo

    You killed me.

    Mission accomplished. I hope my teabagging warmed you up. P.S. Signature'd.
  6. That logic is still flawed. One, what if I did have more bear traps? That doesn't mean I spawned them in. I have a tent on another server with more bear traps that I have recovered. I use them for ambushes. Secondly, I didn't even have four bear traps to begin with. Anyone picking up an item and dropping it would show the same results, as you can see from your server log. Like I said, I had two, and I picked them both up and repositioned them. Frankly, a little warning or even questioning would have done more than some insta-ban. I didn't recall the server title being US 2830 NO MORE THAN 2 BEAR TRAPS [3P:on CH:on NT:off [-9]].
  7. My friend was in the server, and he saw the ban notice. He told me it said, "Spawning bear traps," after I got kicked. I wasn't scripting, and I have never done so. I put down two bear traps in an air control tower and it appeared in the middle of the air instead of the ground, so I picked them up and moved them outside, and that's when I got kicked.
  8. Hey you. Yeah you. Are you looking for a group to play with? A group that's sick and tired of getting pwned by bandits every time you go into town? The Special Tactics Assault Group is a coordinated, tactical clan that seeks efficiency in game play. DayZ is a tough game, but we try to find greater enjoyment through coordinated efforts of our individuals. The zombie apocalypse is devastating enough as it is, let alone running the risk of being sniped every time you head into town. We target any and all individuals who pose a threat to the good people of Chernarus. Zombies, snipers, bandits, people running around the coast with dangerous flashlights---we bravely engage all those who oppose our brand of peace... through use of gratuitous violence. Check out our video: If that video made your nipples hard, here are the pre-requisites: 1. Have a mic. 2. Have Steam. 3. Speak English, and preferably live in the U.S. or Canada. (We frequent U.S. servers.) 4. Be 18 or older. (This pre-req may be waived granted that you aren't some noob kid.) 5. AT LEAST be experienced enough to know North from South, East from West, and how to get to Cherno, Elektro, and the other major points on the coast. If you meet those requirements above, drop a post here or add me on steam through this link, http://steamcommunit...561197990338467 and I'll send you an invite to our Steam group page. After that, you can join our group and after a few play sessions together to demonstrate your competency, we'll invite you into our ranks. Remember: Weapons and loot come and go, but a well-organized group is indispensable. We currently have 7 members, but I'm looking to fill the ranks with people who play more relatively regularly.
  9. This just happened to me too. It happened three times today, in fact. Same character, kept my stats. I had absolutely nothing but the ghillie suit on my back...
  10. Same thing JUST happened to me. I Googled it, and ended up here.
  11. I kill everyone out of ill will. I tea bag the body of every single player I kill. Then, I take out all their stuff, and leave them with nothing but a can of beans on their body, so they get their hopes up when they return for their bodies. And then I record it. And screenshot it. And I print out the pictures and put them on the wall of my room. My collection makes me feel all warm inside.
  12. Who said we were anti-bandit? I'm 100% sure you didn't watch a single video I posted.
  13. Peekachoo

    Survivor Colony!

    Challenge accepted.
  14. They're FUTURE bandits. Duh.
  15. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79947-special-tactics-assault-group-stag-recruitment/
  16. Follow the recruitment thread if you want to see more of our videos. I just put one or two more up!
  17. Watch these short videos here and you tell me. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79947-special-tactics-assault-group-stag-recruitment/
  18. Watch these videos, and you tell me. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79947-special-tactics-assault-group-stag-recruitment/
  19. Peekachoo

    19 murders 6 bandit kills

    13 murders, 7 kills here. Check out my team's thread, and watch a few of the action vids. Let me know if this is what you're looking for. :3 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79947-special-tactics-assault-group-stag-recruitment/
  20. Join the fun! http://dayzmod.com/f...tag-recruitment
  21. New action video up of us running through Cherno:
  22. STAG teaches us why hitchhiking is bad.