so i bought ARMA II during the summer sale on the recommendation of a friend to play Day Z. I looked into it and found the premise interesting, and I liked the idea of a realistic zombie survival game. And then I started playing, I logged in and died very fast. So I did my research and learned methods of not dying. coming back I was excited to play again, then I got hacked and killed while playing with a buddy....he was not amused. Then there were the bugs, aggroing zombies that were no where near me was frustrating when I am trying to sneak around, because i knew how to lose them. I learned to deal with them. The reason I will be leaving this game though is because of the community, I have never experienced such a terrible community for a game. The hardcore elite act like this is the second coming of video game jesus, and that there is nothing wrong with it what so ever, and have somehow strong armed the developer into thinking that the game NEEDS to be as gritty and grim dark as possible, which for every person I have played with has been a big turn off. the biggest issue i have with these elites is how they are destroying the game they defend so dearly. From a pure business standpoint you will bring about the death of your own game. No one wants to log into the game, spend hours scavenging for gear, only to be killed by a jerk on a roof with a sniper rifle. There is no bigger turn off to continue playing a game when hours of work are destroyed by something outside of your control. What they dont realize is that when the game no longer shows viability then they will pull the plug on the servers. Ive grown tired of this rant already, this game is shit not because of the ALPHA build(that's built on a two year old released game engine) it is because the community has already decided that they want it one way, and to think that any other way is wrong. this game has potential, lots of potential, but it is squandered pandering to a small group of ignorant gamers, and trying to build it on a engine that is far too limiting.