Forget it guys. DayZ devs don't care about hackers. The only times I died were to hackers, and those were from really long lives as well. But you know what? The DayZ devs don't care about our personal problems regarding hackers. They don't talk to the Arma 2 devs about the hacking problem. They received their money from everyone who bought Arma 2 just for DayZ, even from the hackers. It's all about the money. They have yours already. They're probably not going to do a single real thing about it (ENGINE UPDATE) until the game sees a very low population, which probably isn't going to happen any time soon due to more new players (MORE MONEY). Just give it up and stop playing the game. These people don't care about you, and the people destroying your fun don't care about you, so why even stay involved? It's not worth it anymore, trying to play this game and getting the consequences of direct contact with sociopaths, while the only people that can help you are ignoring you. I only wish at this point that I could get a refund.