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About sealteamaus

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. sealteamaus

    DayZ Commander to dayzmods.com

    Enjoy the beans
  2. sealteamaus

    Lasers & clickers/animal calls.

    Really need a laser pointer to make giving directions easier
  3. Are you suggesting that instead of having every squad member carry a med pack on their chest/back/thigh, which gets used by another member when the member becomes a casualty (as opposed to the attendant using his own), you're going to suggest that one player carries everyone's medical supplies, at the cost of combat efficiency?
  4. yeah but its the bugs that need to be removed before a true analysis of the situation can be ap[p[reciated
  5. sealteamaus


    God damn this is a good idea! Enjoy the beans
  6. sealteamaus

    Shit/Piss System

    oh my god first line made me laugh second line started to hurt third line the tears started flowing forth line was agony and there was thirty two points of gold i have never hurt so much from laughing
  7. Don't cook it fast enough? Man a steak can be cooked for two days at fifty degrees... Tastes damn good!!!!
  8. sealteamaus

    New way of getting blood! ( Player to Player Transfusion)

    Its really great that you're thinking this way but from a medical perspective, medic to casualty transfusion takes a long time AND how much blood would you give anyway? Half a liter?
  9. I think it's great you're thinking about this but at the end of the day the point of this project is being overlooked - authenticity. When authenticity is the focus, not "realism" or balance, trade offs like this are outside the scope.
  10. sealteamaus

    Make the Zombie infection infectious!

    If I were making the game I would address why you can't get infected if there was a 0% chance of infection. But we are still in alpha don't forget!
  11. sealteamaus

    Dayz goal / to easy

    The goal is to be patient because it's in alpha stage
  12. sealteamaus

    Stop making stupid suggestions?

    Don't stress bro cries for that garbage will go unheard