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About Dogsdogsdogs

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  1. please reset my id, i am stuck on setup completed and when I do manage to see anything im in the debug plains. even after dying of starvation i respawn in debug plains. I think I need to be more than just killed as I have died several times and each time I respawn in the debug zone with no sound. user name: Martin 53467334
  2. Do you have a link to the bunker suggestion?
  3. Dogsdogsdogs

    Dayz endgame ideas.

  4. i blew up all their camps. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  5. Dogsdogsdogs

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    http://imgur.com/a/kOFqy peace friend
  6. Dogsdogsdogs


    http://imgur.com/a/kOFqy thats what u get abusing scum. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  7. Dogsdogsdogs


    i blew up your camp friend XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  8. Dogsdogsdogs

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    just letting u know i blew up his camp. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  9. Dogsdogsdogs

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    if the op could list any other distinguishable features of the server i'd appreciate it, such vet/reg, timezone etc.
  10. Dogsdogsdogs

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    whats the name of the server please.
  11. if you were surving in an apocalypse why would you stand on top of a rooftop and shoot at people? if you actually in an apocalypse you'd die and wouldnt respawn on the coast, its a game, accept it.
  12. there has to be some incentive to control them though, such as loot, but if the loot can easily be farmed eg. there is no respawning NPCs within, then it becomes too easy to hold and too easy to loot.
  13. you've missed the point completely, it isnt about killing NPCs, the zone facilitates pvp - organised, tactical pvp which is the closest thing to an endgame this game will ever have.in regards to your 'it breaks my immersion' where do you think all these heli crash sites come from? someone is controlling them.
  14. First let me preface by saying I know this is a sandbox game and that we're supposed to make our own fun, at the moment however I feel we lack the tools to do so. My suggestion is not a 'raid' or 'dungeon' it is simply a means of instigating and facilitating squad vs squad play, squad co op play and a means of moving high geared players away from cherno and elektro toward an environment that is more suited to their current equipment. I propose a four walled, one entry, one exit, military style compound held by human NPCs who have the same health as player characters and have weapons that deal the same damage as they do when wielded by a player character. The NPCs would be equiped with mid-tier weapons such as akms, ak74s etc. to prevent tplayers simply farming the NPCs themsleves and ignoring the main objective of the zone. Within the compound would be barracks like that found at the NW airfield, these barracks would need to differ from their NW airfield counterparts in order to justify how difficult they are to access, perhaps allowing these barracks to spawn heli copter crash site loot as well as standard barracks loot or giving these barracks a higher chance to spawn weaponry as opposed to generic or trash loot. Given that there would be numerous NPCs that had the capability to one or two shot players from afar, to successfully take the compound and gain access to the barracks players would need to group up and work together. Due to the quality of the loot inside the compound, the compound and surrounding area would be a highly contested zone. This not only facilitates squad vs squad play as opposing squads compete to secure control of the compound but also squad on squad cooperation as seperated neither may have the required strength to take the compound. Squads may also attempt to farm the barracks by taking control of the compound for an extended period of time, this would facilitate seige gameplay as one squad attempts to defend the compound from another while at the same time contending with the respawning NPCs within. This compound would help to alleviate many of the percieved flaws in Day Z's current gameplay. a) It would be an endgame alternative to NW airfield camping or mindless cherno/elektro pvp. b ) It facilitates squad play as well as squad vs squad pvp, giving those players who are a part of squads something to do other than hoarde/farm NW/pvp on the coast c) Brings a new element in seige gameplay as well as the seizure and occuptation of an area that would come under attack from npc and players alike. d) Takes experienced players away from the coast and newer players and gives them an actual, quantifable objective other than sniping/pvp