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About Bellicose2112

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Bellicose2112

    Chernarus Coast Guard (CCG) [Recruting]

    I really want to join. I understand that I am supposed to join the TeamSpeak server but when I do there is no one to talk to about joining. Would love a respond or PM.
  2. Bellicose2112

    Chernarus Coast Guard (CCG) [Recruting]

    Deleted post. Connecting to TS server.
  3. Bellicose2112

    G36 with silencer?

    Just found some ammo for a silenced G36 on the body of someone who seemed to be invisble and was running around killing everyone. Definitely hackers. Thought I would put my share in.
  4. After a server restart my friends and I rejoined because our tent and a vehicle we found was on the server and we all got into the game but we were all stuck halfway in the ground in an awkward position. We abort and rejoin and it continues to happen. Now the server is not appearing on my Six Launcher. What do I do?? Has anyone else experienced this? EDIT: Now if I attempt to remotely join it says "Bad Version, Server Rejected Connection". Help!
  5. I have been playing Dayz for a couple of days now with a few friends and we have been alive for some time. We have pretty nice equipment and have been to the North-East Airfield, Devil's Castle, most of the large cities and other commonly traveled areas. We are not new to this game whatsoever but we seem to have a problem. No matter how many times we look at a so-called vehicle spawns in any server, we can't seem to find one. We have no problem finding all of the parts for vehicles but out of days of gameplay we have yet to come across a car/truck/van. Actually an hour ago we saw the first vehicle we have ever seen in-game and it was already occupied and moving away. Can someone please give some advice on how to find a vehicle. We have watched videos and read guides. Nothing works. We need help!