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Everything posted by walrus2517

  1. walrus2517

    DayZ Mobile app for Android (v. 1.50)

    Ah' date=' I'll upload the apk and put a link up here too. EDIT: Here's the link: DayZ Mobile zip Heh this brings back memories. I used to have just one monitor and when I got another one I was in heaven. I had so much space and never had to alt tab for anything. Then I got a 3rd monitor expecting the same euphoria but I never had anything on it. 2 monitors is perfect' date=' 3 is one too many. Eventually sold it. [/quote'] Many thanks for the APK. I'll let you know how it works on my tablet. I have two monitors at home, but rarely use the second one, and 3 monitors at work where I use every inch of space on all 3. It just depends on what you are doing. However, I haven't found the second monitor very useful in Day Z because you still have to tab out of the game to scroll around the map.
  2. walrus2517

    DayZ Mobile app for Android (v. 1.50)

    Can you make the APK available on your website? I have a tablet running Android 2.3 and haven't figured out how to get the Play store to work on it yet. TIA!
  3. If you find a watch, which is more common than a compass, you can find north: I use this method until I find a compass. It isn't perfect but works well enough.
  4. It was nice to get a name when someone DC'd in a fight but Rocket removed it for the immersion factor so you don't have a constant flood of connect/disconnect messages filling your screen. Assuming they eventually work something out to prevent the disconnect exploit I prefer the change.
  5. walrus2517

    [How To] Removing Wire Fencing

    I currently have a toolbox but have never used it to remove anything. Does the removed item get placed back in your inventory? If my inventory is full will it replace items already there?
  6. walrus2517

    Everyone please get a mic!

    I have a mic but won't use it even though I know it puts me at a disadvantage. I live with my girlfriend and don't want her to have to listen to me running my mouth about zombies for hours while she tries to read or watch tv. I'm already pissing her off as it is just playing Day Z so much. :) Chat just isn't feasible for some people. If it gets me killed, oh well. Starting over is half the fun.
  7. walrus2517

    Anyone know where Alice packs spawn?

    I usually have trouble finding an Alice pack, but once I've found one the damn things seem to spawn everywhere. I've seen 3 spawn in a two story apartment in one of the major cities. They are fairly common but as someone else mentioned if they spawn with other loot they can be difficult to pick up so you may have to pick up and move all the loot around them first. Also, be sure you drop your old pack first before picking up the new one, then you can mouseover and open your old pack to move everything to the new one. Best of luck.
  8. I should have been clearer that I agree the server should be banned because this is against the rules. I was just trying to say that since this is alpha it might be worth experimenting with a few servers like this just to see what happens.
  9. Given how many servers there are these days I don't have any problem with this and kind of hope it is allowed in the future since it isn't now. There are already plenty of servers with only 1-3 people playing so I don't feel like this would necessarily lead to people looting this server heavily just because there are no bandits. Plus, at least until the communication mechanics are worked out, it would be a nice change of pace to play on a server where you don't have to assume it's kill or be killed every time you come across another human. Since this is alpha it might be worth a shot to let a few servers do this just to see what happens. I imagine the first few weeks would be rough as every bandit that hears about it would join and kill all he could until banned, but after that I bet it would lead to some interesting feedback on developing incentives and mechanics for group play on regular servers.
  10. I respect what the OP is trying to do in getting people to group up, but I always play solo and I'd rather not have large portions of the map restricted to me because I do so. Further, grouping just doesn't work for me for any extended period of time because I don't have a mic and constantly stopping to type just breaks the immersion for me (not to mention it makes an already difficult game even more so). I think Rocket (and the community) can come up with some incentives to group without taking away from the "lone wolf" style of play.
  11. I'm not sure if this is officially "cheating" yet but I know Rocket hates it. I just came across this video from ReignbowDash that shows 5 NwO members disconnecting when attacked by a bandit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKuUtH7lBN0&feature=plcp The cowardice of it makes me wonder why they would even post the video but there it is. They get attacked by a sniper and immediately begin instructing each other to disconnect. 10 clan members. 1 sniper. And they cheat and run.
  12. walrus2517

    NwO disconnecting before death video

    He tells them to disconnect and admits 5 of them do. I'm trying to help root out cheaters, which these people admit to being, not looking for profit. If you didn't notice this is the "Cheat Reporting" forum.
  13. All of us noobs went through the process of crawling through towns and learning which buildings are open and which aren't. Sorry the game has gotten tougher for noobs now but you will learn quickly to spot these buildings from the outskirts even without binoculars and plan your path to them accordingly.
  14. walrus2517

    Leaving Mod for now

  15. walrus2517

    Day Z backstory

    I don't think there is an official backstory yet so anything written was probably just someone's creative imagination. If you want to create some sort of backstory for yourself I highly recommend the book "World War Z" by Max Brooks as a plausible zombie story that isn't horror writing.
  16. walrus2517

    Is the camo still bugged?

    Just to be safe, if you put camo or a ghillie on just be sure you don't disconnect within 15 minutes. As I understand it that's all the bug was to begin with. Put on camo and disconnect, spawn in the ocean. Put on camo and stay connected at least 15 minutes, you will be safe on reconnect.
  17. I suppose everyone has a limit as to how difficult this mod can become before it stops being fun but with 80+ hours played I haven't hit it yet. I'm a lone survivor too because none of my friends play video games and my girlfriend won't let me use a microphone. :) Try playing on a less populated server and you'll tend to find people more friendly, at least that has been my experience.
  18. walrus2517

    DONT rearm at vehicles / tents.

    I accidentally clicked "Rearm" at a fireplace I made and it didn't do anything but after reading this I'll be extra careful going forward just in case.
  19. walrus2517

    Leaving Mod for now

    No, the proper way is to post issues to the bug tracker. You posted a threat to quit playing in the New Player forum if Rocket doesn't make the mod how you want it and fix a bunch of problems that aren't related to Day Z but the Arma engine. The funniest part about the 2-3 "I quit!" posts like yours that come up everyday is that we all know they aren't true. You aren't really quitting Day Z until it goes gold, especially someone like you who has been playing Arma for so long. You may stop playing for a week or two out of frustration, but Rocket will make some change or update that intrigues you and you'll start playing again. It just amazes me how people can play a mod for 4-6 weeks, absolutely love it, then after a few days of changes they don't like say they are swearing it off forever. In the words of the great American poet Axl Rose, "all we need is just a little patience".
  20. walrus2517

    Grey dots on screen

    Spawning with a weapon was removed in a recent update. If you are referring to the grey dots on the edge of your screen, that means there is a zombie, player, dead body, etc. in that direction. Those dots are supposed to represent some sort of peripheral vision system.
  21. walrus2517

    Seriously, WTF?

    It wasn't out of nowhere, you did something to alert it. If this was during the past couple of days zombies had almost supernatural detection powers but you still made some kind of sound or entered its line of sight. But yeah, as others have said, expect to die a lot due to bugs. It's alpha.
  22. walrus2517

    It's not the zombies or the bandits...

    Heh, the random broken bones due to stairs, ladders, shutting doors, etc. are frustrating but I'd still put zeds and bandits above them. It is a common problem. As for LeBron, probably, but go OKC! :)