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Everything posted by walrus2517

  1. Well done. I didn't like Fallujah but I've been playing quite a bit on Takistan and enjoy the terrain differences. However, this looks like it should be a great new map to explore. Thanks for putting the video together.
  2. walrus2517

    Loot Spawn system study

    I believe loot spawns are based on triggers and relative to the players in the area. For instance, if you remove all the loot from a spawn point, then move outside that spawn point's trigger area, and no other players are in the trigger area, then upon re-entering the trigger area again the loot will respawn. The catch is you must remove all loot from a spawn point for it to respawn, otherwise I believe it is timer based, although I'm not sure how long it remains. I believe vehicles are spawned upon server restart though.
  3. As a lone wolf player I don't mind the blood bags as they are. Having to maintain a pack of cooked meat is one of the enjoyable trade-offs of the lone wolf style. However, if we're talking realism, I think it's more realistic a person low on blood would manage to save his life via a self-given blood transfusion than eating 10 cooked steaks at one sitting. :)
  4. walrus2517

    Over 230 hackers got banned on my server

    Those of us who don't cheat and thus actually feel good about ourselves when we've worked hard and accomplished something in the game do still enjoy it. I can't imagine cheaters like yourself get much out of any game because there is zero risk/reward factor, zero challenge, and therefore zero excitement for you.
  5. walrus2517

    Lingor Island: My DayZ Savior

    I quit playing about 8 weeks ago after about 80 hours of play. Installed Day Z Commander on a whim about a week ago and saw the new maps. The private hives are great too. Now I'm having a blast again and even getting a buddy who finally upgraded to a decent PC to buy Arma. :)
  6. I was in the same boat. Quit playing about 8 weeks ago once I had a fully kitted player and got bored (after 75+ hours of playing I should note). However, download Day Z Commander and it will provide links to 3 new maps you can play that really add some new excitement for those of us who had already memorized the best loot points on the original. Plus its a fantastic program for sorting through the 5k servers now listed. I'm not 100% sure on the private hives and how they work except that Rocket used to be against them but changed his mind because they are much easier to administer, keep hackers at bay, and decrease the load on the central server. They can set their own rules though I've found most stick to the vanilla Day Z starter kit. Sometimes you'll come across one that gives you a starting weapon. I believe the catch is you're character won't be linked across servers, so if you want to continue that character you'll only be able to do so from that private hive server. Anyways, welcome back. :)
  7. walrus2517

    Advice on which gun to use

    Download The Shooting Range mod and test the various weapons to see what you like best. As you can tell from the varying responses, it's as much a matter of personal preference as anything else. I personally use an m107 with an m9sd as a sidearm. My primary goal these days is repairing vehicles so I don't have the storage space for a second primary in my pack or else I'd keep something with a higher rate of fire as well. However, the m107 is a good sniper rifle (I love the right-click zoom) and the m9sd is perfect for killing any aggro'd zeds when raiding without attracting further attention. Ammo for both is fairly rare but available in barracks, which beats weapons like the FN FAL and Bizon SD where you can only find ammo at heli crashes. The AS50 is better (and quieter I believe) than the m107 but much rarer and I've only found one once on a dead body so while I would definitely upgrade, I still consider the m107 my favorite because I find it far more often.
  8. walrus2517

    Should I add sniper hotspots on maps?

    When it comes to information, I say the more the better, so I voted yes. Thanks in advance for the work putting this together. Everyone seems to draw the line in a different spot for this mod when it comes to external help. Some folks use all the loot maps they can find, others refuse to use any kind of external map at all. I imagine a few truly hardcore players don't even use the wiki or read the changelogs so they really play blind. :)
  9. Interesting idea and I wish you the best of luck, but I don't see this working. At best you'll be able to semi-protect one city on a server, but once folks find out you'll have bandits from everywhere trying to get into that server just to mess with your patrols. IMO, there isn't any other way to put a dent into rampant banditry other than to give them something else to do. While some folks willingly take on the role I think most are just bored and have nothing else to do but hunt other players.
  10. walrus2517

    THIS CANT BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!

    As others have said, cars are death traps. If you don't hit something and blow it up yourself every bandit within earshot will hear you rumbling through the countryside and come hunting. In other words, even if you do finally get one repaired and get to drive it, don't expect to last long. :)
  11. walrus2517

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    My signature used to say "Universally Friendly - If you'll shoot me while I salute you, you can have my beans." Then I got shot saluting people 10 or so times. It got old. Now I avoid PvP but won't hesitate to shoot if I'm stuck. All of my murders have been when I was trapped and couldn't avoid the encounter, like in the top of an apartment building and someone else starts up the stairs. I'll be honest. If you really want to avoid the PvP "Deathmatch" or whatever each individual chooses to call it, play on underpopulated servers with only 10-15 other players. The threat is still very real but the encounter rate is much smaller and I've found most other players on these servers are looking to avoid outright banditry. I've even found the encounters more thrilling than playing on a full 50 slot server because they aren't happening every 5 minutes. And those frustrating murders are still there too. I was recently shot in the back scouting a deer stand on a server that only had 5 people left on it.
  12. walrus2517

    Worried about DayZ's future, let's discuss.

    I don't ignore you. As I said, you make plenty of good posts. I was just telling LumberBack to ignore you because you were attacking him harshly and based on what I read of his posts without merit. I've argued PvE servers should be allowed because it's alpha and it's worth experimenting, but I'm 100% in support of PvP. However, I do think improvements to the system can be made and I think it is worth considering the opinions and suggestions of others even if you completely disagree.
  13. walrus2517

    Worried about DayZ's future, let's discuss.

    @LumberBack - Ignore ZedsDead. He makes plenty of good posts but a lot of his 800 posts are condescending replies to anyone who suggests the mod be changed. Usually he invokes the "not adjusting the mod to your playstyle" argument, but I assume that's just because the mod fits his playstyle perfectly well which is why he doesn't want it changed.
  14. I've seen this idea discussed in a few posts but couldn't find a direct discussion of the topic using the search function so I'm making this post... My suggestion is to change deer stands from military loot to farm loot. I have two primary reasons for this: 1. It would greatly reduce the amount of easily accessible military loot, making the airfields more dangerous and important. 2. If Day Z is a simulation based on realism, I find it hard to believe the eastern European residents of Chernarus were hunting game with assault rifles. Much more likely they would use Lee Enfields, Winchesters, or at best a CZ 550. At the least the number of zombie spawns needs to be doubled or tripled around deer stands (as has been suggested many times). They are often in the middle of nowhere so you can either easily sneak and loot the stand or just run in guns blazing, kill the 3 zeds (which are military spawns and provide more military loot), then loot the stand. I'm saying this as someone who plays a lone wolf style. All I do once I've spent 30 minutes or so looting towns kitting out a new character is start going from deer stand to deer stand easily grabbing all the guns, ammo, and supplies I need.
  15. walrus2517

    Worried about DayZ's future, let's discuss.

    I think both Rocket and BIS have already gotten far more out of this than they ever could have dreamed, so I'm not concerned for them, but I do think that soon the hype will begin to fade and the popularity will peak. Rocket seems to be developing things with teamwork/clan play in mind and the lonewolf playstyle is already starting to get boring (after 80+ hours for me, more than worth the $30 for Arma 2: CO). The casual gamers will start to leave and I feel by the time the final mod is actually released 6 months or a year from now it will already be whittled down to a primarily hardcore fanbase. Since this seems to be what they wanted all along, I don't hold it against them, even if it isn't what I personally want.
  16. walrus2517

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    When this mod first gained popularity teaming up with strangers was fairly normal because no one really knew what they were doing and everything was brand new. Now there are hundreds of thousands of skilled players who have collected plenty of rare loot plenty of times (and been murdered plenty of times) and realized the only things left to do are repair vehicles and kill other players. I've only murdered 3 people in 80+ hours of playing, but my current character is fully kitted, I bounce from server to server so vehicle repair is out for me, and I'm bored with nothing to do. I'm taking risky raids halfway hoping zeds knock me around a bit so I'll have to go hunt an animal for meat to get my blood level back up. IDunc - Are you the same Tyler I murdered on your first night then ended up teaming up with for awhile shortly thereafter?
  17. walrus2517

    Question? Map White Dots? Hmmm

    Deleted. Misread OP.
  18. walrus2517

    Change Deer Stands from Military to Farm Loot

    I just feel like deer stands are the most low risk/high reward part of the game. Only 3 zeds and military loot. Changing them to farm loot would make them low risk/low reward. Most people playing a lone wolf playstyle like myself avoid the airfields completely and just raid the deer stands. Why raid airfields/towns with dozens of zeds and who knows how many bandits when you can just run up to a deer stand, kill 3 zeds, and make off with military loot? If one is empty, you are at most a 5 minute jog from the next one. Rinse, repeat, and within an hour you'll have a fully equipped character with all the military loot you need.
  19. Right now there are 3 ways I can think of to get good military loot. 1. The airfields (heavily defended by both zeds and bandits) 2. Corpses (based soley on luck or banditry) 3. Deer stands (everywhere and barely defended) 1 & 2 are difficult but 3 is a joke. I just think compared to the risk/reward ratio everywhere else in the game, deer stands are way too low risk/high reward.
  20. walrus2517

    Change Deer Stands from Military to Farm Loot

    Hah, great point. :) I always thought the green watchtowers that don't spawn loot were the lookouts and the deer stands were simply deer stands, especially since the majority are on a woodline overlooking an open field (there are exceptions, such as the four overlooking the coastal military tents in Berezino). The problem with simply lowering the spawn rates is that it's still far too easy for people to go from deer stand to deer stand easily collecting good loot, especially since there are so many of them. I should add that this is the first suggestion I've made to actual make the mod more difficult. Usually I'm asking for the exact opposite. :)
  21. I'm not sure why it's "ridiculous". It isn't a complaint, just a suggestion and I'm not crying about it, just trying to remove what I think is one of the easier exploits in the game. And deer stands are far easier to find military gear in than Cherno/Elektro, plus killing 3 zeds protecting a deer stand in the middle of nowhere is much easier than raiding Cherno/Elektro (or any town). I just think military gear should only spawn in military locations, and I don't consider a deer stand a military loot location. Farm: yes. Residential: maybe. Military: no.
  22. walrus2517

    Less military grade equipment.

    The loot percentages could be adjusted to make some of the better equipment even rarer but I think, as others have suggested, that changing the deer stands from military to farm loot would help immensely. This would make the airfields much more important (and dangerous) and remove what I think is the easiest exploit (if you want to call it that) in the game; deer stands that spawn military loot yet are only protected by 3 zeds. Right now, I spend about 30 mins looting towns to kit out a new character, then once I have the basics I just start bouncing from deer stand to deer stand to grab all the guns, ammo, and supplies I need.
  23. I think the OP makes some good and interesting points even if I don't agree with most of what he suggests. However, he made one suggestion in a later post that I think would help: Nerf the deer stands. I've never understood why deer stands spawn military loot instead of farm loot. I imagine the residents of an eastern European country would be much more likely to use Lee Enfields and Winchesters to hunt, not assault rifles. All I do once I've gotten my basic kit together is loot the deer stands. Either change the loot type from military to something else or double (if not triple) the number of zed spawns around deer stands. Military loot should be much more difficult to obtain.
  24. walrus2517

    My hands are shaking

    Take some painkillers to stop the shaking. Also, the shaking doesn't carry over to 3rd person view so if the server allows it try that.
  25. walrus2517

    First impression: This sucks.

    I've seen better posts get flamed far worse. Hell, you should see what people say to Rocket. Go read what people are calling him in the 1.7.2 release thread if you want to see real flaming. All I can tell you is don't say something sucks after trying it for 20 minutes then complain when people call you an idiot. Your first post could've been much more constructive and less whiny (again, don't title a thread "This sucks"). I'm very glad that you got your video settings corrected and are now enjoying the game with friends. Try to have a bit more patience in the future.