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Everything posted by walrus2517
Many thanks for the replies. I didn't figure there was any way my personal mission files would conflict with the server, and I've seen dozens of people talk about using the editor to explore a new map before logging into a server, but it was all I could come up with. Prob just a mistake by the admin. Oh well, off to another server. :) EDIT: In regards to the first two replies, sorry for the confusion, but I wasn't attempting to add vehicles and weapons to the server. That obviously would be cheating. I was just messing around with the map offline to learn the terrain and how to use the editor.
[Android] DayZ Central v2.27 - All-in-one App [Database, HD Chernarus map with Loot and Tables, Waypoints, Guides, and more!]
walrus2517 replied to skunkfu's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Thanks for updating with the new maps! -
I've been using GameBooster for a few years now and like it. It's a nice program.
I disconnect from every server now.
walrus2517 replied to slackboy1's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I had this issue and couldn't figure out if it was my router, adapter, or PC. In the end I gave up on wireless and just picked up a 25ft ethernet cable to hook up whenever I play DayZ. Pisses the old lady off having a wire snaking through our apartment but beats getting disconnected when I"m ferrying folks in a heli. :) -
Dayz Auto Run - [Application]
walrus2517 replied to assassin_ukg's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Sorry it has taken me a week to get back but I did get it working, just not consistently. It seems I need to hit W 3x at just the right pace for it to work. However, I just updated and will try the new version this weekend to see if it works better for me. Thanks again! -
I'd chalk that up to plain bad luck on your first go but if you find it happening often you may want to try some underpopulated servers to get your feet wet. Try a server with only 10-20 folks on it instead of a full one of 50 players and your odds will increase. Best of luck!
first and last time playing Celle
walrus2517 replied to intelligenttrees's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
As the moderator said, every map is PVP. However, what you describe has nothing to do with Celle, just your varying experiencess on different maps on different servers with different people. You can call some maps more PVP based than others due to certain features, such as Takistan having little cover, but there is nothing about Celle that makes it anymore PVP than other maps. As to my own opinion, I've been playing Celle for the last week to take a break from Namalsk and I've enjoyed it. Everyone does seem to spawn at one particular point on the river outside the city of Celle but if you can get away from there it can be a fun map. There are unique buildings and zeds plus some unique weapons like the G36. I've found numerous heli crashes and repaired a few vehicles. It's a nice change of pace. Try joining an underpopulated server and exploring for a bit. -
Dayz Auto Run - [Application]
walrus2517 replied to assassin_ukg's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I'll try to mess around with it this evening and let you know. I do use the Steam overlay so I'll try disabling that and rebinding the "Run Forward" key to just "W". If it's working for everyone else then it's just a matter of tinkering with my setup to find the problem. I'll definitely report back when/if I figure it out. Thanks again! -
Dayz Auto Run - [Application]
walrus2517 replied to assassin_ukg's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Win7 64-bit. "W" is still my default "Run Forward" key but I've mapped my 4th mouse button to be "Run Forward" as well. Could that have anything to do with it? Other than that I've changed a few other default keys, such as changing the "Vault" button from "V" to the spacebar and configuring a few of the buttons on my flight stick to handle certain functions too, but I'm fairly certain "Vault" is the only key I have actually changed from the default. The rest I have just added additional buttons to function along with the defaults. -
Dayz Auto Run - [Application]
walrus2517 replied to assassin_ukg's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I tried it out last night but couldn't get it working. I ran as administrator, alt-tabbed out and clicked "Run". When pressing "W" 3x I would hear the activation sound but my character wouldn't run. Pressing "W" again I'd hear it deactivate. I tried closing and reopening a few times but could never get it working. Any ideas? TIA! -
Whats so entertaining about this mod?
walrus2517 replied to Tomeusz's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
What you describe is what makes DayZ so special compared to everything else out there: the fact you can lose hours and hours of work in a single shot from a thousand meters away, and then have to start over again. I never understood the appeal of clans and camps because that takes away all the thrill. Why do you care if you die when you know your friends are going to watch your body so you can recollect everything and be fully equipped again 10 minutes after spawning? I've put 250 hours into DayZ, 95% of which I was alone. Only recently did I start playing in a group on one particular Namalsk server after making a few friends one night flying a heli for them, but even then there are maybe 2 or 3 of us playing together, and we never organize anything. -
Dayz Auto Run - [Application]
walrus2517 replied to assassin_ukg's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
@Assassin_UK1 - One thing you'll find on these forums is nearly every post that in any way, shape, or form, even hints at the mere possibility of something in DayZ being made easier or more efficient will draw out all the "real men" of DayZ with their 15" e-penises to tell you how tough and hardcore they are compared to the carebears and COD kiddies like us. And if you really pay attention you'll notice it's the same folks nearly every time telling you how lazy/cowardly/etc. you are. My first rule of thumb on the forums is to ignore the statements of anyone with more than 1,000 posts unless they are a moderator. In my experience nearly all of them are people who basically spend 8 hours a day trolling the forums telling everyone what a DayZ badass they are. I think my favorite moment in the DayZ forums was then Rocket released the mod build (1.5.x I think) where zeds were superheroes with 180 degree field of vision that could spot/hear you prone from 300m, including through terrain. It was so ridiculously difficult the majority of servers didn't upgrade, the ones that did quickly downgraded, and a patch was released within 48 hours. Nevertheless, you still found plenty of people saying "this is the way it should be" and accusing anyone who disagreed of cowardice. You just have to laugh and ignore them. :) Now, as for the little program you made; many, many thanks. I tried another auto-run program a few months ago but couldn't get it to work. About the only time I need it is when trying to climb a steep slope when traversing isn't getting me anywhere. Now I won't have to jam my mini screwdriver under the "2" key to hold the "W" down while I grab a snack. EDIT: In regards to Sula's point about joint stiffness, I have the same issue, particularly with DayZ, holding the W key down so much. One workaround I found was binding the "Run Forward" key to one of my side mouse buttons so I can still run with just my mouse and give my left hand a few moments of rest. And another point. Most games of this nature have an auto-run feature built-in. Certainly every RPG I can think of has it. It has nothing to do with laziness. It's just a feature that comes in handy for some people. -
Very interesting news. I'm also happy to see Rocket is starting to work to lower expectations on the initial release of the SA. I see too many folks on the forums talking like the first iteration of the SA is going to be bug free and hacker proof and solve every issue they ever had with the mod. Many thanks for posting this.
Dayz Commander/Taviana - A question for the community
walrus2517 replied to dotjosh's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I suppose like every end user I'd love to see another map available, but if I'm in DotJosh's shoes I'm staying out of this one until the squabbling is resolved. You don't deserve the headache. Many thanks for adding Celle though! -
So stop fixing bugs, pump up the graphics, release it before it's ready, then disappear for a month? Sarcasm? I'm kinda hoping for the exact opposite. :)
I answered your question about why people like 24/7 daylight servers here if that's what you mean. However, it led to further discussion. :)
I have to say I don't feel as though you've made any supporting statements for your view other than "it's the principle of it". You can still play the exact version of the mod you want. It is available on plenty of servers. Why is it so bad people who want something a little different can also have what they want too?
Yes, this is 100% what I'm saying. If Rocket wants to close the SA, especially for security reasons, do whatever is necessary. That's his baby and he's selling it. But DayZ as it currently stands is a free mod. Let servers setup their game as they want. Let people release new maps like Namalsk with new gear and effects. Let groups edit the mod itself, as they are currently doing both with the community patches currently being released and with the various DayZ offshoots people have released. The more people are able to experiment with various settings and ideas, the more creative and original material will be created for the SA. DayZ exists because Arma2 was open. Let's keep DayZ open and see what happens next. EDIT: I don't know how different setups can really be in regards to adjusting night settings other than brightness/gamma, but you may be correct. All I know is that with my setup, if it's cloudy, regardless of any settings I've adjusted so far, all I can see is the silhouette of trees against the skyline. Everything else is solid black and blends together; ground, trees, buildings, etc. so that nothing is distinguishable.
I believe Rocket originally intended to lock everything, save for the simple regular/veteran/expert settings, but eventually opened it up because the market wanted it (and because server admins were able to fight hackers better individually than collectively). I still don't see why anyone would want everything locked to Rocket's specifications though. Why not just ask him his ideal settings then start your own server using those settings instead of requiring every single server to be the exact same? What's so wrong about giving the players the options they want so they can have different experiences on different servers? Want to play in the daytime? There's a server for that. Want to play with 200+ vehicles and a half dozen choppers? There's a server for that. Want to play Chernarus as it was originally intended? There are servers for that too. Again, allowing the server admins, who pay for the servers themselves, to pick and choose some of the options they want is just meeting the demands of the market and has largely contributed to the continuing success of the mod. If you go through the forums everyday you'll see multiple people coming back to DayZ after a long hiatus and praising all the new options. If we were still stuck with nothing but Chernarus in its original form they would all just leave again. And I wasn't trying to be dramatic with "forcing". All I'm saying is we have an open system now. If you close it because a small minority thinks everyone should play the exact same settings you are going to create a firestorm. As for the darnkess, if it's cloudy changing gamma/brightness settings no longer helps after they patched it sometime in the 1.7.2.x releases. And I've been in pitch black woods (I'm from the Southeast US) plenty enough to know that I can see at least the faint outlines of trees and other objects a few feet in front of me. If it's cloudy and dark in DayZ I can be stuck running into a tree for 10 minutes and have no idea.
Well, forcing server admins, who pay for their servers and often try to collect donations to fund them, into a 12 hour night cycle where no one will play because a small minority don't think it's fair, isn't exactly "open" either. One thing the OP doesn't mention is it isn't like the night time servers were full before the 24/7 daylight servers started springing up. I remember in the early days of the mod, when there were less than 100 servers, that everyone was always complaining about Russians playing on US and European servers because they wanted to play in daylight, and vice versa. Only in the first few weeks of the public release, when there were so few servers that everyone was spam clicking each time they saw the player count drop to 49/50, were the masses willing to play at night, and even then it was still one of the biggest complaints on the forums. Let the market decide for itself. Most people obviously like playing in daylight, hence the growth of 24/7 daylight servers. I'm sorry the OP can't find enough folks to play on a night server, but forcing everyone to do so is not the answer.
Expert/Mercenary/Hardcore Servers Are Empty
walrus2517 replied to Kain Phalanx's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Trust me. If I ever find those ever so elusive NVGs, I intend to play at night and enjoy the hell out of them. :) -
Expert/Mercenary/Hardcore Servers Are Empty
walrus2517 replied to Kain Phalanx's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
My filters in DayZ Commander are set to have 3rd Person on and CH off. These are the only servers I play on. 3rd person on for reasons others have said (including Rocket in his reasons for including it as an option to begin with). I know a lot of the pre-DayZ Arma crowd are used to playing in 1st so it is more natural to them but the only time I switch to 1st is when I'm hiding in a tree and the tree is blocking my 3rd person view (outside of right-click zooming to aim of course). Another obvious (and cheating) reason is if you have the shakes from a zed hit (and no painkillers) or are shivering (and no heatpacks) you don't have to deal with a constant screen shake. CH off because too often I'd mouse over someone I couldn't even see by accident and find their location. I've seen videos of people on CH servers just moving their mouse all over the screen to try and find a hidden player's location. As to "why" people aren't playing on Expert servers it's the same reason I gave the guy wondering why people play on 24/7 daylight servers and all the night servers are empty. I know the hardcore crowd that fills the forum can't believe it but the majority of DayZ players are just trying to have a bit of fun playing a video game. For a lot of folks DayZ is already immensely more difficult than any other game they play, so why make it even harder if they don't have to? -
I suppose these "I don't get why people play an open sandbox game differently than I do..." threads will never stop, but here goes... There are a lot of different reasons people like 24/7 daylight servers: Not everyone wants the "realism" challenge; if it's cloudy it really is impossible to see anything regardless of brightness/gamma settings; on new maps like Namalsk you end up shivering within 5 minutes; some people may be in a location/situation where there aren't many quality servers except local ones and they can only play in the evenings, so their only chance to ever play in the daylight is on a 24/7 daylight server (this was my situation in the early days of the mod); NVGs are incredibly rare (I've played 200+ hours and never found any). Have you played on a server at night with 50 people? It's 10x the PvP bloodbath you get on a 24/7 daylight server because everyone can see the flares, flashlights, and chemlights and go towards them. Then you get one sniper with NVGs, or even worse, a sniper with a thermal weapon, and it's impossible. I enjoy playing at night on occasion. I had a blast ferrying a bunch of guys in a heli for a few hours in pitch black cloud cover the other night. But I only play at night when I'm sure I know a few folks on a server and we can team up, or if there are only a handful of other people on a server.
Standalone and Helicopters.
walrus2517 replied to ruecanonrails's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Honestly, just reading these posts and learning the basic mechanics has inspired me to give the ToH demo another shot, as you said, regardless of what mechanics the SA ends up using. It isn't that I hated it as much as it was just a very frustrating experience. Even after getting to the point I could maneuver mid-air without stalling, being unable to land just really pissed me off. It probably didn't help that I made things worse by working up a rage continually telling myself "If Rocket makes it this hard in the SA I'll quit!", which of course isn't true. If he does end up using the ToH mechanics as they are, well, I'll just suck it up and practice until I'm confident enough to fly in the mod. -
Standalone and Helicopters.
walrus2517 replied to ruecanonrails's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
@painfulleap1 - Thanks for the detailed info. You learn something new everyday. I recall trying to slowly descend multiple times, literally tapping the "s" key gently, waiting a few seconds, tapping it again, rinse/repeat, with no luck, but perhaps now that I understand the mechanics I can figure it out. That is, if I can force myself to try it again. The 90 minutes I spent in the demo was not fun. @Dreygar - Even in Arma I couldn't fly with my mouse because from 1st person view the adjustments were too slow and from 3rd person they were too quick (although admittedly I have a cheap mouse). However, I plugged in a $20 flight stick I bought 3 years ago and it worked great without even having to calibrate it.