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Everything posted by walrus2517

  1. I think most people get the gist of what you are saying (don't make Day Z too easy) and probably agree with you, they are just flaming you for the "anti-mainstream"/"it's the corporations man" soapbox ranting. Given Rocket's propensity to mock everyone who declares the mod too hard, I don't think you need to worry. :)
  2. walrus2517

    And suddenly, everybody dropped from the sky

    Someone else posted this along with a video of it happening to them. Yes, it's a hacker. I'm sure the dev team is aware of it and working to fix the issue.
  3. walrus2517


    Someone posted the camo/ghillie bug only happens if you disconnect within 15 minutes of putting the suit on. I spawned in the ocean with my best character ever because I disconnected within 15 minutes of putting on camo and it sounds as though you did the same. Folks using camo/ghillie who wait at least 15 minutes don't seem to be having any problems (since 1.7). Again, I cannot guarantee this as it was just a post from someone else, but based on the responses I think it is true.
  4. YES Yes to the heartbeat idea but I'd still like to have some kind of visible humanity stat for my own character.
  5. walrus2517

    Cooking Meat

    This happened to me too. Don't put the meat into the fire using the gear menu. Just make sure it is in your active inventory (not your backpack) then hover the cursor over the fire and use the scroll wheel to select "cook meat". You'll do a brief animation and the meat will cook in about 2 seconds. Then you can enjoy your nice 800bp snack. :)
  6. The simplest answer is that players are learning both how to survive (zed AI loopholes, loot locations, etc.) and the Arma system (inventory use, keybindings, etc.). Also, I think there is probably something to the suggestion from a few folks that the Deathmatch crowd is going back to other games better setup for that play style. Finally, as someone else also mentioned, the first month or so most servers had 50 player caps and were almost always full. Now there are ample servers, many with a 25 player cap, and it really isn't hard to find a server with only 7-10 other players.
  7. I live on the West Coast and never get to play until 8pm or later local time, meaning every US server is already dark. However, I have bounced around through enough US servers and written down the ones that have their system times inverted to have a nice list of servers with a low ping that I know will still be daylight. It would be nice if all servers followed the appropriate naming convention and listed their UTC code but until that happens you just have to spend some time trying various servers until you find a few daylight ones. Then just make a note of their name for future reference.
  8. YES Just add makarovs to loot points at a decent percentage. I find plenty of makarov ammo, but never a makarov (except what I spawn with).
  9. walrus2517

    Dead Zeds

    I'm sure this has been asked before but I couldn't find any results searching the forum or using google... How long do dead bodies, both zombie and player, stick around? Every time I wonder across a trail of dead zeds it would be nice to know what the time limit is on how long ago the slaughter happened. Thanks for any help.
  10. walrus2517

    Zombies pwn me

    The zombies have gotten me quite a few times too, no matter how stealthy I try to be. I've died far more times from them than bandits. The main thing for me, someone who had no prior Arma experience, was learning the key bindings. Learning how to use shift to walk and alt to look around were a huge help. Also, I always (if the server allows it) use 3rd person when I go prone. Folks have provided good advice for playing more stealthy, but in my own experience, if I aggro zeds or have to shoot one and think the shot will aggro a bunch, I always start running to the first open field I see (and hopefully away from other non aggro'd zeds). With the recent patches making zombies spawn relative to the player, I've had a few cases where even in a small town a seemingly endless parade of zeds keeps coming if I stay indoors. In the fields I can at least look back with the "alt" key and get a tally of how many I have to try and take down. I try to stick with the Winchester because I find it to be the best overall combo. You get 15 rounds per box (which are relatively common), its one shot, one kill anywhere on a zed's body from a medium or shorter distance, and half the times a shot doesn't even aggro zombies I can see just a short distance away.
  11. walrus2517

    If you see people on Bicycles

    The "Bicycle Gang" idea reminded me of this Flight of the Conchords scene:
  12. Obviously this guy does not speak for all Americans (although if he is educated it certainly speaks to the degradation of our education system that a college graduate starts a post with "Lol you are dumb").
  13. walrus2517

    Just put on the ghillie suit. What are my chances?

    I put on camo clothing on Sunday running the latest beta at the time (586 I believe). I left the server a few minutes later and respawned in the ocean. Total bummer because it was my best character yet but oh well. I see someone posted about waiting 15 minutes. I definitely didn't do that so I'll keep that in mind next time. Although once again I've built a pretty good character and I'm not sure I'm willing to take the chance again until I'm 100% certain this bug is gone.
  14. Your complaints seem to be broken down into a few points. As someone who never played Arma before Day Z I'll try to answer them. 1)The nights are too dark - people have been complaining about this since day 1. Rocket says he likes it so accept it and don't expect changes. Find a few good inverted time servers, write them down, problem solved. Or, learn to play at night. The zeds are harder to see, but it's much safer from bandits. 2)It takes forever to group up - people have been complaining about all the running since day 1 too, but if the map was any smaller, the bandit problem would be 10x larger. You need to accept this as well. 3)The UI/Inventory system sucks - while the Arma vets will defend it, I agree on this one. Rocket has made a few changes to make it easier but I still can't figure out how to move my flashlight from my backpack without losing my sidearm and all my ammo. I did read that Arma 3 is supposed to have a vastly improved system. While this doesn't help the mod in it's current alpha state, know that the final product will be much better. 4)I got frustrated and quit - this mod does have a learning curve. While I never played any of the original campaigns, I did at least go through the Arma II in-game tutorials. However, if you and your playmates have already lost patience with this game it probably is best you move on to something simpler. Not only does this mod require learning a unique system, but the gameplay itself requires immense patience. Expect to crawl for 20 straight minutes. Expect a bandit to snipe you the first moment you feel safe. Expect a bug to hit you and destroy a character you've spent 10+ hours building up. In other words, expect to find yourself waking up alone on the coast, many, many times. If you and your friends can't handle that, try another game. 5)I wasted $40 - this is a new one, primarily because every outlet was selling Arma II Combined Ops for only $30 when Day Z first came out, and Amazon had it for $15 just a week later. Unless you live in Australia, you need to find a new video game outlet. If you paid $40, you did get ripped off, not because Arma II and Day Z aren't fantastic, but because you literally paid more than market value.
  15. walrus2517

    Dead Zeds

    Thanks for the info everyone. I always avoid massacre sites myself but it's still nice to know a time frame in which it happened.
  16. walrus2517

    More animals?

    I've spent 30 minutes or so hunting on a few occasions but other than that I tend to stumble across a boar or something within a reasonable amount of time. Considering the amount of meat and benefits you get from the kill I think the current population is reasonable.
  17. In 30+ hours of mostly "head north, scavenge small towns and barns" play style I've only found an AK47 once (deer stand). It packed a great punch but was so loud it aggro'd every zed in sight so I ditched it. Considering I never saw anymore ammo it was a good decision. I love both the winchester and the enfield. Both pack plenty of firepower and ammo is so abundant I find myself passing over it. I'm sure the military stuff is more powerful, but you have to hit the crowded deathmatch areas like the cities and the airport to find it. For my play style which largely consists of giving those areas a wide berth, the lee and winnie are the best options. Plenty of power, plenty of ammo, and I don't have to run a gamut of bandits to get them.
  18. walrus2517

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    Last night for the first time I dropped my cautious, patient, methodical method of heading north and avoiding the major battlegrounds that has served me so well and instead decided to spend an evening playing the way I see most people play. Not necessarily running through every town guns blazing, but just staying crouched and taking a lot of chances around zeds. If I aggro'd a few, I'd run away for a bit, turn and kill those I'd aggro'd, then head back. Suffice to say I died. A lot. Including a few times from bandits which had never happened to me before. Yes, I even had one bandit kill me roughly 4 seconds after spawning. Zeds overwhelmed me several times too. I'd say I averaged about 20-25 minutes before death. However, it was still a very enjoyable experience but very different than what I was used to. I found some new loot I'd only heard about and explored some areas I'd never dared risk exploring before. I certainly have a greater appreciation for how difficult surviving this playing style can be, but I still maintain that nothing drastic should be done about it. Almost every idea I've seen to make it better for one style of play has negative effects for another style. If you want to survive longer, you are the one who needs to make adjustments, not the mod.
  19. Hehe, sounds like you are just moving the deathmatch zone from Cherno/Elektro a little north to the airport. I'm a lone wolf player that avoids the high traffic areas but I'm a friendly so I'll be following this idea to see what comes of it. Best of luck!
  20. While I certainly wouldn't say I "love" dying, I don't take it as personally as most. Whether I'm sniped by a bandit, killed by zeds, or worst case knocked off by someone I was trying to be friendly with who turned on me, I don't mind starting over again. Like you though I play the lone wolf style, avoiding the major cities and scavenging through the northern towns. I suppose if I ever got loaded up on tons of top gear I would have a bit more concern about dying.