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Everything posted by walrus2517

  1. I really thought they would be much further along by now so I was underwhelmed to say the least. It looks better than the mod, but that's about it. I really hoped his Everest excursion would reinvigorate Rocket, but hearing him say he's already tired of zombies and thinking about future games isn't inspiring confidence. Seeing Matt streaming other games recently makes me think the entire team may be over it and ready to just get the damn thing released so they can all move on with their lives. Like most others, I'll be purchasing the SA on day one no matter what. Whether I actually play it for more than a couple of hours remains to be seen. In the meantime, a great many thanks to everyone working on both the original mod and all the various offshoots. One year on and I'm still playing DayZ on a weekly basis.
  2. walrus2517

    Why is the forum so dead?

    Totally my fault. I got your comments mixed up with the comment Mitor made. My apologies. :)
  3. walrus2517

    Why is the forum so dead?

    I have no idea what it is except a start to something. It probably won't come to anything either. But you said you didn't think anyone would work on a DayZ/zombie mod for Arma 3 because you didn't see a point. I was just showing that some people already are and I doubt they are the only ones.
  4. walrus2517

    Why is the forum so dead?

    Because when the SA is released with crappier graphics and control mechanics than the Arma 3 alpha, a lot of folks will come to these forums to complain. As for the point of it, we're talking about modders. I don't mod for Arma but I do mod for a couple of other games and have found, as with experimentation in all facets of life, people will try it just to see if it can be done. If it doesn't work or if it isn't better than the SA so no one plays it, I'm fairly certain someone, somewhere, if not a team of folks, will still attempt it, if they aren't already. Judging by a quick cursory search of forum topics here it looks like this idea has been discussed at great length already although I don't see anything about it actually being worked on yet. EDIT: Scratch that. Just found this:
  5. walrus2517

    Why is the forum so dead?

    I understand but I'm sure folks are already working on it anyway. Hell, by the time anyone gets DayZ working well on Arma 3, Arma 4 will probably be close to release. ;) My point is simply that the controls for Arma 3 are far superior to Arma 2, arguably the biggest improvement in this iteration, and going back to the Arma 2/ToH controls for the SA will be a step backwards, no matter how great or feature-rich it may be (and who doesn't want to break from zed killing to crap in a tin can?). Plus, the longer it takes to release the SA, the more people will be playing and getting used to the Arma 3 mechanics. I'll still be purchasing and trying out the SA, but at this point it's primarily to honor/credit Rocket and Bohemia. My enthusiasm for it is practically zero now that I've put 20+ hours into Arma 3 and gotten used to it. EDIT: I should probably add that although I still check these forums almost daily, I haven't personally played DayZ in about 6-8 weeks, even before Arma 3 alpha, so my enthusiasm was waning already.
  6. walrus2517

    Why is the forum so dead?

    Arma 3 alpha plus Wasteland. Once you've played with the new controls going back to Arma 2 feels (and looks) awful and Wasteland is fulfilling everyone's multiplayer needs. At this point I'm more interested in the first Arma 3 DayZ port than I am the SA.
  7. walrus2517

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    To offer the one millionth opinion on the food/soda controversy, my feeling is it was too much. I have no problem with a few easter eggs planted around but this was a bit too immersion breaking for me. The devs working for free on this deserve recognition but I don't think this was the way to go about it. Further, I'm sure they expected a massive backlash. Hell, the forums fill up with folks complaining about every update even when it's strictly bug fixes. I'm all for experimentation with new features, but I think when considering something like this, the devs should ask themselves if it is something they would want BI putting into the SA. If the answer is no, don't do it.
  8. walrus2517

    Why is view distance set by the server?

    They make fair what they can control. View distance can be controlled server side so they set a cap to make it fair for everyone. Ping rates cannot be controlled, although most servers are set to kick people with high pings because it does effect everyone. I don't understand why this is suddenly such an issue considering VD has been capped since the mod was first released and the reasoning is obvious; it drastically improves server performance and is one way of leveling the playing field for everyone. I play single player missions with a VD of 3500m but have never been bothered by the 1600m limit in the mod.
  9. walrus2517

    Wired 1sec freeze lag nvidia gtx 275 & amd 955be

    I have this issue as well and think the brief freeze is simply due to zombies/loot spawning, not any graphical settings. It seems to happen anytime I enter an empty city/town and trigger the spawn radius. Hopefully it is just a bit of netcode they can patch up for the SA.
  10. walrus2517

    Who is loving the new update for Namalsk?

    That is a fantastic idea although I'd still prefer a longer warning period before the EVR. i.e. the initial boom triggers your combat timer for the duration of the effect but the actual burst doesn't come until maybe 45 seconds later.
  11. walrus2517

    Who is loving the new update for Namalsk?

    I think its funny so many people don't like the bloodsuckers because the bugs that work with regular zeds, like hiding in a tree, don't work with them. Everyone has been asking for better zeds since the mod was released so there is another challenge besides PvP, and now they are complaining it's too hard. A couple of hints: First, look for their eyes against the skyline when they are invisible and go for headshots. You can still hit them when they are invisible. Two, in my experience, unlike regular zeds, they can't climb ramps or stairs, so run until you find one of the many towers on Namalsk, climb up the first half flight of stairs, and the bloodsucker will just sit there while you unload a magazine into it's face. I've been skeptical about nearly every decision to make DayZ harder, such as the removal of starter weapons, but this is one increase in difficulty I'm loving, even though bloodsuckers have killed me a couple of times. On the other hand, I understand completely people being upset with the EVR. It really does effect gameplay in a manner beyond the player's control. As someone who enjoys piloting helis around the map helping folks I'm forced to ground my ride and wait for 20 minutes at a time if I know an EVR is due soon. If the map author wants to keep the EVR, I think he should just delay the effect and give us more time to find shelter, say 30-45 seconds at least from the initial boom. The obvious problem with delaying it 30 seconds is giving people's combat timers enough time to cool so they can just disconnect until the EVR is over, but I'm not really sure what else can be done. I'm interested in hearing other ideas though.
  12. I also agree with BioHazard. The more options you leave up to the server admins the better. I really like the streetlight effects I've seen in some Arma youtube videos and think it would be great. However, I also play on servers with less than 10 people where sniping is extremely rare.
  13. walrus2517

    Who is loving the new update for Namalsk?

    I love the bloodsuckers addition, especially how they go invisible chasing after you and you can only see their tiny eyes bouncing against the sky. It's nice to have a real non-player threat. I haven't decided yet on the A1 bursts. They are super harsh but add an element we haven't had before so I'm hesitant to say much after just one day of playing.
  14. I don't believe the SA is going to lock servers to a certain set of rules anymore than the current mod does, so if someone wants to host a private hive for the SA and declare PvP a ban worthy offense, they'll be able to do so, just as they can now. I'm not sure I follow your "game not a mod" so it must have a "soul/core" reasoning, but even if that is true, it doesn't necessitate that said "soul/core" has to be PvP. The core of the game could just be "it's a friggin' zombie apocalypse, let's see what happens", and still let the individual servers decide settings like daylight, starting equipment, vehicle count, and even PvP.
  15. walrus2517

    Worth RE-Installing?

    Download DayZCommander and try again. There are a bunch of new maps that add interesting new elements and private hives have helped significantly with the hacking issue. I quit playing after about 120 hours then picked it up again after a two month hiatus, about the time all the new maps started coming out. Now I've put in over 320 hours and don't plan to stop anytime soon.
  16. walrus2517

    Can you play dayz alone - For long??

    I can only second what others have said regarding cooked meat. Find a bigger backpack and try to keep as many pieces on you as possible. Playing alone is great while you are learning the game mechanics, recognizing lootable buildings, figuring out how to evade zeds, etc. Once you have the basics down try a server with only 3 or 4 other players though. It will add back the suspense of player interactions, but it's also much easier to make friends and find folks to play with. Good luck!
  17. I've been playing that way for more than 300 hours and am still having a blast. People are different. I'm older, so maybe in my younger days picking up the first weapon I find and killing every player I see would have been appealing, but now I prefer other ways. EDIT: Let me clarify I do not play on "Friendly Only" servers as I personally find the threat of PvP enjoyable, but I do play on underpopulated servers with 15 or fewer players with the intent of avoiding PvP whenever possible.
  18. Friendly only servers don't strike me as enjoyable, but I'm all for letting each server do what they want with the mod. I've seen a server that wasn't just "Friendly Only", but started you with NVGs, a DMR, and every other piece of equipment you could need. So there was no need to loot and you can't PvP. I have no idea what the hell the players were doing but there were over a dozen of them on the server so apparently they were getting their kicks somehow. I say to each their own. People complain about 24/7 daytime servers, servers that adjust the starting gear, servers with too many vehicles, etc. I think all of these options are fantastic even if only a small percentage intrigue me. The freedom to play DayZ in the style you want is one of the most appealing aspects of the mod. Allowing people to set the rules on the servers they are paying for is a natural extension of this idea.
  19. walrus2517

    It's OK To Not to Love PVP

    Try an underpopulated server for a bit, one with 10 people or less. You'll have far fewer PvP encounters, the ones you have will be even more exciting both because they are rarer and you won't automatically try to kill the guy, and it's a lot easier to make friends in game because you can trust people more. If you see someone and say "friendly at NW airfield?", you don't have to worry about a dozen bandits immediately heading that way to kill you because you announced your position. I rarely play on servers with more than 15 people because I find them to be PvP free-for-alls. That being said, you'll still have to deal with it, just not as much. Monday I was one of just four people on a server looting a hunting stand. As I started back down the ladder I saw a bandit not 30m away pointing his handgun at me. He starts shooting, but fortunately it was just a makarov and he wasn't taking headshots, so although he hit me at least 5 times, I was able to run behind a bush, pull my AKM off my back, and kill him before he could finish me off. I asked him why he would try to kill a player with a makarov and his only response was that he'd do it again (I told him at least aim for my head). Just a few weeks earlier I was shot in the back looting another hunting stand on a server with only two other people.
  20. Amen. I've had enough tents disappear that now I either don't pick them up or set them up outside the first military loot point I come to so folks can ditch their old loot for anything new they find. Saving loot in vehicles is hit or miss too because to properly hide one, you usually have to go pretty far from the cities, meaning if you do spawn back in and your vehicle is gone, you are in for quite a walk. As long as you have an alice or coyote pack you should have plenty of room for everything you need. Further, the few times I have setup a working camp, I found the thrill of the mod lacking because I didn't care as much about death knowing I could just spawn, run to my camp, and be geared up again within 15 minutes. Great original post though. Like others I began reading assuming it was a rage post about losing your precious gear, but it's refreshing seeing someone lose dozens of hours of gear, simply shrugging your shoulders, and moving on.
  21. walrus2517

    Full inventory out of the blue?

    Kill the first zed or animal you see, dump everything in the body, and bury it. This happened to me on a server once. Some russian hacker was typing in sidechat, the news report comes up on the bottom, and suddenly everyone has a DMR, NVGs, etc. I disconnected, joined another server, ditched the loot, and started fresh. If none of the gear is illegal then you can technically keep everything and won't get in any trouble for it, but that's no fun. :)
  22. walrus2517

    It's OK To Not to Love PVP

    Personally, once I've collected basic survival gear (matches, hatchet, etc.), and found a vehicle, I just start driving around the map collecting vehicle parts and repairing additional vehicles. I'll usually stock them with some extra supplies, bandages, morphine, even a gun if I have an extra, then I leave it in the open for someone to find and go on my way. I'll also wait for people to ask for help in sidechat then fly or drive to them and administer a bloodbag or some morphine. If I find a camp I'll drop off some of my own supplies then hit the nearest military loot points to add to their gear. In other words, I do whatever I can to help people, directly and indirectly. I've put 325 hours into DayZ according to Steam, and in that time I've heartlessly murdered 2 people. Like others, there was a time when I was frustrated and figured I'd try the "COD kiddie" route where I kill everyone I see on sight. I did it for a couple of hours but felt awful, especially because the people I killed didn't even have anything I wanted, so I gave up on it. I understand the pull of PvP. It is a great challenge, particularly in Arma with the realistic ballistics. I don't even get mad when someone snipes me from several hundred meters, instead congratulating them with a "Good shot!" in sidechat. PvP is a big part of what makes DayZ great. However, there are a lot of other aspects that make DayZ great as well, and on behalf of the thousands of players who avoid unnecessary PvP yet still love DayZ, I can assure you there is far more to this mod than collecting a gun and killing everyone.
  23. walrus2517

    Build Discussion

    I love the new HUD icons and am really looking forward to the new combat logging bots too. As for removing the HUD, I wouldn't mind that being an option, but I like the HUD. It's very minimal and blends in well so I've never found it bothersome. Sounds, on the other hand, I don't think I'd like. Would my guy pant every 20 seconds when thirsty? Would my stomach grumble when hungry? Based on my experiences with sound notifications in other games I've found the novelty wears off quickly and the noises become so annoying I'm begging for a small, soundless HUD replacement instead. An even better solution than toggling the HUD via the options menu would be to have a HUD activation key. Press a button, the HUD appears. Press it again it goes away.
  24. walrus2517

    Razer Game Booster

    I've been using it for several years and never had issues like they are describing. I even paid $10 or $20 to register it awhile back to support them. Shortly thereafter they made it completely free and took away the registration option so I'm stuck with random "please like this on facebook" ad again but oh well. It's a very popular program and has been for a long time. Give it a try and see how it works for you. In the off chance you actually see a degradation in gameplay after a few months as others described, just uninstall it since that worked for them.
  25. walrus2517

    Banned for using Editor?

    This may be a dumb question but the other day I was banned from a Taviana private server ("bartmans stomping grounds" IP: for "Cheating/Hacking" and 48 hours later the ban remains. In 300+ hours of DayZ this is the first time it has happened and I'm trying to figure out why because I can't get in touch with the server admin (bartman) and I want to make sure it doesn't happen again (and no, I wasn't cheating/hacking). I joined the server for the first time on Monday and played for about 3 hours. I found a car and a couple of tents but not much good loot other than a coyote backpack. My best weapon was an MP5SD. I setup the tent with half of it stuck in a rock for hiding, threw a bit of loot in there, put some more loot in the car, left the car in a good spot for someone else to find and use, then disconnected for the night about 50m from my tent. I reconnected Tuesday and was surprised to find everything still in my tent and the car was still in the same spot, though it had been looted a bit. I began looting the area and found an M16 203 and a few other common items, but about 15 minutes after joining, when putting some of my new loot in my tent, I was banned by the admin (who was online) for cheating/hacking. The only two explanations I can come up with are: 1) the admin is just a dick and banned me for no real reason. He only had two or three other players on the server and had restarted it without warning a few times, so this seems the most reasonable explanation. 2) However, I've also been trying to learn the Arma 2 Editor recently, originally just to put a heli in so I could fly around and see the new Taviana island before playing, but I also started messing around with making some custom missions with ammo boxes, etc. so I could work on my marksmanship. Is it possible messing around in the Editor got me banned? I just realized today the Editor that comes up when you have DayZ loaded is a bit different from the one that comes up when I run vanilla Arma II: CO. Is this possible? TIA for any help on the topic. I don't care about the loot or even getting back on the server. I just want to make sure I don't get banned anywhere else. tl;dr - If you save user missions in the Editor with DayZ loaded can it show up as hacking/cheating when you join a server?