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About Nesstrodamus

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  1. Nesstrodamus

    In game Brony Meetup!

    The clash of brightly colored ponies and a zombie-ravaged wasteland makes me chuckle. Like that one MLP mod I saw for Left 4 Dead. You just know someone's gonna play the Smile song while unloading a clip into a zombie's head...Or a bandit/survivor's head; anything goes here, after all. I love culture clash. As curious as this is, I'll have to exclude myself on the grounds of not being a brony. Still, hopefully the meeting goes well enough. It shouldn't be too hard to take any necessary precautions.
  2. Nesstrodamus

    Humans are the enemy in DAYZ not the Zs

    I dunno. I've been playing this game for a while now and I still enjoy exploring and scavenging. I dunno what it is, but even since Fallout 3 I've had this intense liking of searching for stuff. I know, I know, you're not supposed to get attached to the stuff you get in this game, but I still enjoy looking for it all. At this point I haven't even fired at another player yet, though I have been killed by others a few times. Already racked up a good zombie kill count, which I consider my "score" in this game at this point. So my current goal is to kill zombies. Simple? Yeah. Path of least resistance in this game? Eh, possibly. I tend to avoid player contact altogether, to be honest, and I've stayed inland ever since I left the coast for the first time. Still, I've been doing this for a while now and I still find it fun. Players becoming bandits and such is natural for a setting like that. My problem only comes with people trying to tell you that you "need" to play a game a certain way. If other people come to the realization that killing on sight is the way that works for them, that's fine. Just as long as they don't try to push that on everyone.
  3. Nesstrodamus

    How Was Your First Life?

    Started and immediately wondered why I didn't have a gun since the few videos I saw of it on YouTube showed people with guns at the very beginning. Didn't think to check the dates... Anyway, I mucked around the controls for a bit before setting off. I stayed near the coast as I walked, and came across 2 villages which I looked around in, quickly getting frustrating and wondering why some of the doors to all those houses wouldn't open. I knew enough to stay low as I moved, so I didn't have too much trouble with zombies. I got food, soda and ammo, but never managed to find a gun on my first life. I did managed to find a crowbar, but either it was still bugged at the time or I was just not doing the right thing, which is also a distinct possibility. Anyway, upon leaving the village I got too close to a zombie, so I started running. This zombie chased me for what seemed like forever. The first hit he got off on me caused me to bleed, so that was the beginning of the end right there. No buildings around since I was in the wilderness and I hadn't even seen another player. Tried to keep running to find a building, but eventually bled out and died.
  4. Nesstrodamus

    Favourite Weapon in DayZ?

    Absolute honesty? Lee Enfield. I recall hearing that it's called the "Dinner Bell", and that firing it is akin to ringing a dinner bell when zombies are around(I think I read that somewhere; I could be mistaken). That's perfectly fine by me. My zombie kills have skyrocketed thanks to that weapon. They think they're gonna get a mouthful of flesh. Instead, they get a bullet.
  5. If someone wants to play a female character, let them play a female character. People are all "play however the hell you want to" in every other aspect of the game. Why is the character selection treated differently? EDIT: Not treated differently by all, I realize. Still, I've seen people on the forums advocate playing the game however they want to, then bashing someone for choosing a character not of their own gender. Even though character selection is an valid choice of how to play a game.
  6. If it has a little bell on it as well, then you are so freakin' lucky.
  7. Nesstrodamus

    Does amount of loot reduce speed?

    Killing Floor does, I believe. You have a certain amount you can carry, which is represented by the number 15(or more if you're a support specialist, I think). The closer you get to 15, the slower you get bit by bit. You can also move faster when you have your knife or a melee weapon out as opposed to a firearm. That could work in the this game I suppose, though maybe not in that exact way. It does effect gameplay in Killing Floor, though that game is class-based and strictly co-op. Certain classes have a faster general running speed, and so on. Could work in this, though. Might make an ALICE backpack less desirable to those that want to move quickly. I'm neutral about the whole idea, though.
  8. Killing other players hasn't really crossed my mind yet. So far the point of DayZ for me has been to kill as many zombies as I can since that is my personal "score". And to find a bike. ...I really want a bike.
  9. Nesstrodamus

    Some lessons learned about the Huey.

    Aw, only 4 Lessons Learned? Damn, just one short...
  10. Nesstrodamus

    Your saddest moment in Dayz

    My saddest moment was probably when I was forced to run right past a bike while being chased by zombies fairly early in my current life, which has been pretty eventful. I think someone might have been shooting at me as well. Or the zombies, I'm not sure. Anyway, it was too dangerous so I had to run past the bike and ended up running too far to be able to find my way back/remember where it was. I have a bad sense of direction. It really hurt to pass up that bike; I have no clue when I'll find one again. But I will someday, and then it will be glorious.
  11. Nesstrodamus

    Madness. Madness and Stupidity and Hope

    Really makes the few friendly interactions that one can have in this game stand out all the more. Good luck out there.
  12. Nesstrodamus

    You're playing too much Dayz if...

    You feel slightly less bad about the amount of soda you keep around the house at any given time. Also if Dr. Pepper was released as a new rare soda, I would have a new objective in this game.
  13. Nesstrodamus

    Do you kill on sight?

    I've never killed a player yet, and I don't really intend to unless I'm left with no choice. Then again I'm a loner and haven't run into a single other player in my past 6+ hours of travelling, so I guess that helps. My goal since the beginning has been to get my zombie kill count as high as I can. And with the increased spawn rate lately, it's been surprisingly hectic. Mass of zombies pouring into a barn that I just ducked into, crowding the stairs upward and actually getting close enough to hit me. Zombie kills are my score, and I want it to go up.
  14. Unfortunately I don't have a solution; I have a question of my own. I figured maybe I should ask this here, since the topic is on server hopping anyway and I shouldn't make a new thread. Here goes. Back when I first started playing the game, I found that I could loot a large building or area of a village, then log out and go to another server and all the spawns would be there again. I was quickly informed that's frowned upon, so I don't do that anymore, and I've never logged off while being shot at to begin with. I didn't know any better at first. Anyway, my question is...What is the point where you actually reach server hopping? Because I often find myself using a different server each day either because I forgot the one I was using before, the ping of the one I was using before is way too bad, or the one I was using last time is full. I get that many want people to stop logging out during firefights and using server hops to get loot, but if you switch a server at all, ever, is that server hopping? Are you -supposed- to keep your character on one server? I mean, I'm glad that your character is the same over all servers, because there really are times when I cannot get back onto a server I was on a few hours ago. I also gave an example in one of my first posts here; one time I was with another player and in a panic, she used wire fencing to keep another player from getting into a building so he couldn't shoot us. Unfortunately after that we had no way of getting out. Neither of us had anything to get rid of the fencing, we couldn't get past it in any way, and there weren't even any zombies or other players around by the time we looted the church we were in, so we couldn't even get killed to move on and do anything else. What would be our recourse then? I mean, I figured characters are persistant across servers for a reason, right? Yeah, it can be abused like many systems, but still, for now persistant characters seems to make sense, at least to me. I guess I just want to get a feel for what people think overall about all this.
  15. Nesstrodamus

    Name your good deed of the day.

    I had recently found a decent stockpile of Lee Enfield ammo around this area with a barn and warehouse. I could see and hear two people rushing into a house in the distance with a bunch of zombies after them. I had a decent view into the main door of the house they ducked into, so I picked off zombies for them. This is when I noticed that the zombie spawn rate must have been jacked up significantly, because they just kept coming. So I decided to rush out and aggro a good deal of the zombies before I headed back to the barn(without giving the two into the house clear view of me, just in case), using up a good deal of ammo to kill them and add more zombie kills to my personal "score". The zombies finally stopped after that; they weren't showing up near my barn or the house where the two people were, and I never saw a "was killed" message, so they got out of it, at least. Might not have been the best solution or way to help, but the horde stopped and the two lived, so that's something. Never got into contact with them because I had to leave shortly after the standoff with the zombies. Hopefully it helped them out a bit in their travels.