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About egtactics

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    On the Coast
  1. egtactics

    LONE WOLF - Dayz Epoch - Ep.1

    Part one of my new series. Feedback appreciated!
  2. I'll subscribe and watch this series. The only feedback I can provide is the following: Mute the VO-IP talking during your editing(Unless this is intended) and try and replace it with more scripted stuff. More 3rd-Person recording would make it look more professional(IMO of course). Otherwise, cant wait to watch more of these.
  3. * Server this happened on - US 170 * Time that it happened including your timezone. - 6:45-6:51 PM CST * What happened during the incident: Player Name: ThePunchingTurtle We were on some middle of nowhere location heading to Gorka(nobody in sight, passengers were vigilant about spotting) and in the middle nowhere, guy spawns 20m in front of us and begins to m203 spam us. He wiped us out and then ported away. I managed to survive due to a random Battleye boot and came back with 3k hp. My teamates respawned and started heading back to where we were( One by Cherno, one by Prigordorky) in total opposite areas. He spawned to them directly and killed each of them. This server had 30 or so players and is down to 11 due to this one indiviual wiping the entire server. He managed to die by someone and came back with a full ghillie and .50 cal immeaditely after death. Please do something about this as it is a great server. P.S: Why cant admins set it to auto boot those indiviuals who spawn crates or teleport to locations, better yet, why is Battleye so vulnerable to hackers? This game needs a real defense against people who are abusing the system :( on almost every other server..
  4. egtactics

    Graphical glitch solution

    +1. Well said. Would like to add that this game is virtually unplayable with this graphical bug once you reach towns and citys. Nothing worse than getting chased by a horde of zombies and seeing nothing but black and white :)
  5. egtactics

    Graphic bug

    Had to finally make an account to vent a bit. This has the got to be the most frustrating thing to deal with. I've done everything from turning everything off and turning everything on/off multiple times and there is no fix. Its something to do either with Barb Wire/Humvees or the dead soldiers that are used for props. This is frustrating due to the best items(weapons) are chock filled with these around them. Is there any word on getting this hotfixed?