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Everything posted by dra6o0n

  1. Give us guns that can damage helicopters, and make weakpoints in a heli more obvious. Shoot the rotor, then the heli will have a hard time steering, then shoot all the rotor joints and you will get a nice heli crash!
  2. dra6o0n

    Zeds grabbing you

    If you want grabbing, you gotta remove the zig zag running they do, and make them actually shamble. Then give them 8000 blood/health, and make headshots kill them outright. That's right, you turn every single walker into walking tanks (bulldozer in this case).
  3. dra6o0n


    Defibs would act like Epi-Pen in a sense to revive incapacitated players.
  4. dra6o0n

    Too much complaining about 3rd person view

    Yeah and I can hear your footsteps.
  5. dra6o0n

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    Unity Engine is pretty decent for a non-specific platform to develop upon. http://unity3d.com/?overview http://unity3d.com/unity/ There's a section for animation... So I think this engine has a animator. EDIT: Actually this engine has 'pre-made' motion animation that can be applied onto skeletons. EDIT2: The dude says with Unity 4 they are giving away the motion data with it. EDIT3: Unity 4 Pro costs money. The thing about DayZ is, if he does go standalone, what are the odds that he'll want to sell it for a fixed price? If so, he will have to pay royalty for licensing fee if he wants to use a freeware engine... It won't cost him if he releases DayZ on the engine for free though. This is if he's making money 'off' of the game, if he makes money via servers it'd be from server, not game clients, so he can release the client for free, but the server he can use separately. I'm pretty sure Unreal engine 3 has it's own list of assets you can use for free. EDIT: It looks like unity runs a asset store lol. There will be a unreal engine 4 soon so yeah. http://www.unrealengine.com/unreal_engine_4/
  6. It won't be a pain to manage magazines, you simply right click a ammo box and use a action 'load ammo' if you have magazine casing in your inventory. Your character crouches for a second then be done within a few seconds (for balance purposes) with all the mags filled. Wait time could increase for each magazine in the inventory, 3 second for each mag. 3 second because waiting 20 seconds for a single mag is too much and with the pacing of zombies in this game, it's too slow even when in the middle of a firefight... The main idea is preparation. You don't load ammo into a gun immediately, shoot, then be done with that. Preparation forces you having to make sure your ammo is sufficient once you engage a enemy at any time, which is why in modern warfare, yes they 'throw away the magazine' but only in a firefight, because I am pretty sure they will want to reload their magazines to PREPARE for future encounters. Double barrel shotguns, Winchesters, and the likes would be loaded manually so they would benefit the most in ammo capacity because they are older but more common. At the very least, with double barrel shotguns, it would be used much more often if ammo per slot is around 8 or 10, and instead of the game measuring it in clips, is measuring it in 'ammo remaining', which is calculated by counting the ammo of all remaining magazines without manipulating them. Instead of the double barrel shotgun just shooting single fire, allow the gun to shoot both rounds at once too! This gives the double barrel shotgun a better perk of doing double the damage with slug rounds, or maybe a mix of buckshot AND slug (because pellets are used for hunting)?
  7. dra6o0n

    Friendly Mode - by shouting.

    If you lot don't like casualist or players who can't handle pvp, then stop make dayz popular only for other varieties of gamers to take up interest, waste 30 dollars on Arma II, and post these stuff on the forums. It's obviously YOUR fault as part of the community, going around bragging about your accomplishments on DayZ making youtube and livestream videos of it, and posting blogs and clans and all that.
  8. dra6o0n

    Too much complaining about 3rd person view

    The head bobbing is what you DON'T and not suppose to notice in reality, sure it can happen, but we instinctively mitigate it with our eyes and body posture. But what DOES go wrong with 1st person is they freaking make head bobbing like you are some drunk dude in a soldier uniform trying to shoot a gun. Also, while you do have 'sighting' advantage with third person, it's not a true advantage as everyone can also use it at the same time. Using third person to aim and go into first person though to take a more accurate shot, takes time and experience, If anyone wants to change this, they'd need to make third person available but of the shoulder mounted kind, so the eye level is lower but you can still see better, with maybe better camera controls. But head bobbing is the worst you can add into a video game, especially when it looks like you are bobbing 3 inches up and down like you are rocking your head to some rock music... If anything, Bohemia used the 'easy' way out and made a up down head bobbing, the reality is that you also sway left and right to mitigate the vertical bobbing. Real head bobbing is very unnoticable because we walk and sway left and right. It can be there, but must be very faint. Snipers are still more common than 'peek-a-boos' because they can kill you without revealing themselves, that and most primary weapons are able to hit at long ranges.
  9. dra6o0n

    Making forests scary at night.

    Gamma doesn't really help because night time basically coats everything in the same 'color' or shading so gamma would still show black.
  10. dra6o0n

    Zombie movement....

    No what the OP means is that the zombie movements are repetitive... What if you can give them more unique movements, like 'sprinting start' instead of instantaneous movements? They also need to fix the attacking animation because it's like they are using an invisible gun that's 3 feet range like the--- Oh.... The game has no melee attacks so they used a gun mechanic on zombies.
  11. dra6o0n

    Browser get rid of Gamespy....

    You know why games get gamespy? Because hiring programmers as a cost of 20~50 dollars per hour for a few months to make a brand new online platform is more costly than using what's already there.
  12. dra6o0n

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    Arma II engine doesn't use map generation, it doesn't generate worlds like minecraft. It generates items and AI sure, but a lot of other engine does that too. If anything DayZ would simply work with any engine, it's just the matter of assets. Rocket is no 3d modeller, animator, musician, artist, or voice actor. This is because DayZ is based on the presumption of a modern world with modern guns, so in a sense they use Russian, America, and British weaponry in it because of the backstory in Arma II. If you were to play it on a new game engine, you need a new assets, and that's about 75% of the game. If you want a huge new map, then good luck making one.
  13. dra6o0n

    Making forests scary at night.

    A... Slenderzed?
  14. You can't do anything about that. The exploit isn't DayZ, it's Arma II, and so long as the exploit for the game exist as a whole, then hacking, hexing, and injection is all possible. It's a issue on Bohemia's end, not Rocket's. This means, everyone would have to stop buying Arma II to send a message because Bohemia won't fix it, but people who wants to play DayZ would have to buy Arma II and they don't realize they are signing a 'screw you' agreement.
  15. dra6o0n


    You must be this guy: *The guy chasing that guy. Go make raider love elsewhere dood.
  16. dra6o0n

    Removal of NVGs and Thermal Scopes

    It's map where a war occurred, so obviously there will be high powered military gear scattered all over the place.
  17. dra6o0n

    C130J Crash Sites

    Why don't they implement 'radio' into the game so it plays a role in 'discovering' events when they occur? Randomly spawned heli crash sites don't have to be pre-spawned, and can 'spawn' at a area where no players are at, but gives 'radio' signal events before it did happen. Like, "SOS" radio signals where you can hear people shouting for help, only to hear gunshots and people screaming as they get torn apart. To keep it unique, you would need about 6-8 possible 'conversation' to occur with the radio so each helicopter crash will seem different. But at some point players will think "Why the heck is there so many helicopter crashes? Are they really THAT bad at flying?"... But you could have multiple reasoning for this... One could be that bandits 'shot' down a helicopter with gunfire. One could be that a helicopter used by survivors landed somewhere to loot, but was engaged by bandits (might spawn fully functional helicopter?). One could be that someone is calling a chopper for rescue, it arrives but gets overwhelmed by zombies. Etc. It's up to the modder's imagination.
  18. Someone would just destroy the barbed wire just to troll them then.
  19. Maybe make zombies have a more narrower line of sight, like 24 degrees so you have to be running in front of their vision for them to notice you. Giving them a 45 degree view would be too wide even for a 'undead' that has blood covered eyes.
  20. dra6o0n

    Was 'Killed' vs 'Murdered'?

    This is needed for the feign death or play dead suggestion, it makes survival tactics more survivable as you can pretend to be dead and they wouldn't know it (because they game didn't say they got killed).
  21. dra6o0n

    Suggestion: Play Dead

    Yeah feign death won't work most of the time until that gets implemented since if they intend to shoot you in the first place, they intend to kill you.
  22. dra6o0n

    FFS Add a Hardware store...plz

    But where do the industrial buildings 'get' their 'hardware'? Eh? Eeeeeehhh?
  23. dra6o0n

    Separate slot for Flashlight in the Inventory

    Giving everyone shoulder clip flashlight from the start, but have them based on what flashlight you have in your inventory would work well. So you always have it on, but not necessary to hold it at all. Maybe like binoculars, you can tap L to turn it on and off, or double tap to equip it, as when you are wearing it, you can't aim it properly as it's always pointing straight ahead, and not up or down.
  24. dra6o0n

    Dayz goal / to easy

    Yeah, the game design is in 'alpha' and isn't fully 'flushed out' for half a year. Yeaaaaaaaah. What's the 1st rule of game design? Oh to know what you are making in the first place. Game design and concept is suppose to be completely finished before development starts. It's easier to stop denying reality and say it: The modder is just developing on a whim. Modding is much different than independant games, in that modders don't always take it very far, and in most cases you see mods never reaching indie level because the modders don't have enough enthusiasm to go all the way. That and Arma II doesn't fund any modding/indie things like Unreal and Source, so modding interests are at a all time low for this game.
  25. dra6o0n

    Secondary Melee Weapons

    Melee, is a 3ft gun that you 'swing' with. Unless you use the same effect as a shotgun's pellet spray for melee, you can try certain methods already existed in the game to use. Making the hunting knife equippable, then adding a shotgun spread effect while shortening the range to 2 feet, will help increase it's effectiveness. Basically setting the splash damage to be higher. Playing around with 'explosive' effects could be neat if you can set it to hurt only targets in the vicinity and not yourself. Because the modder has to work things into content if you guys want it to work in 'some' way.