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About Lordzero2

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  1. I am currently around elektro and hoping to get soem group play going with ventrillo. must have a microphone. add me on steam kenshin11himura
  2. Preferably use ventrillo and must have a microphone. add me on steam kenshin11himura. preferably be active between 2 and 8 pm est I would prefer you be above the age of 16 if possible.
  3. Lordzero2

    Looking to start a DayZ survivor group. (US based)

    added you. im kenshin11himura
  4. Lordzero2

    Starting group for older guys

    I am 24. I currently enjoy messing around in the south so might work for me. I used to mess in the north but i find that when i get alot of good gear i enjoy the game less. if you find 2 more people for a group of four thats pretty active ill definitely group with you. steams Kenshin11himura
  5. Lordzero2

    New Group Using Skype

    hey im 24 live in the us and have a mic. i forget my skype name tho so ull have to add me on steam first Kenshin11himura I currently have mid level gear that i gathered from elektro.
  6. Lordzero2

    Looking to start a group

    age 24 mic yes skype (forget my skype name lol) add me on steam kenshin11himura and then ill add u through skype time zone eastern
  7. I was in elektro today and a sniper missed me 3 times while i was standing still which scared me. I didnt really have any good gear just an enfield so I decided to make a run for a fire station. I had like 8 zombies chasing me and I was breathing heavy. So i entered from the back door of the fire station and saw a person aiming at the main doors (thank god i came from the back). I take a shot at him and miss(breathing heavy) he has a hand gun and turns to look at me while i reload but does not fire. He does not say friendly or anything so upon reloading I shot him again and knocked him out. A ton of zombies come after me so i started towards the stairs thinking he was dead. Upon handling the zombies i slowly creep around the wall and see him laying with his gun facing me so i unloaded on him with my hand gun for the kill. Is he just stupid or should i feel bad?
  8. pretty much what the title says. So far im enjoying going into a city killing ppl then dying. hate getting super geared because then im scared to do anything. add me on steam kenshin11himura i play on us servers (im in the us east)
  9. Lordzero2

    looking for a group / clan

    I would sign up but the must have 10 posts on the forum thing is kindof dumb. im not jus gonna bullshit 10 posts so i can apply.
  10. Lordzero2

    Just venting a little bit.

    well I can understand why they banned me and im not really angry at them for it. I am more angry at whoever was framing me.
  11. I am not going to mention any names or any clan names in this post because this post is not meant as an attack merely a place for me to vent my frusteration. I have been playing dayz for about a week now mostly solo although some of my friends sometimes play. I really enjoy group play in dayz because solo only goes so far. I decided to join a clan about 4 days ago. According to the clan leader they had been recruiting alot lately so there were a few people that they did not know much about myself included. Within 26 minutes of my first meeting up with them we encountered a helicopter got killed(myself included) and the base got looted and destroyed. the next day i logged into teamspeak and was just chatting with them and apparently they got ambushed again. Needless to say they suspected I was a spy (i do not blame them but it is not like i was the only new person in the channel with them either). I decided to stay out of teamspeak for two days. Two days pass by I log in and nothing bad happened to them, i figured it must just be a string of bad luck and it is over now. So i log in and i start to run to where they are (at this point in time the teamspeak channel had TONS of people in it some of them new players like myself) and guess what? they got ambushed again. The leader got fed up apparently because he banned me from teamspeak (a wise move since i was suspected even though it was not me) then about 10 seconds after i was banned from teamspeak (i logged out of the server) apparently everyone was killed by a hacker. So seriously I am very pissed atm. I enjoyed talking and playing with these guys but someone decided I would be their scapegoat. Not sure if anyone else has felt this pain being labeled a traitor even though they never did anything wrong.
  12. I am 24 years old been playing this game for about 1 week now. Hoping to find a group to play with because going solo isnt all that fun. I have ventrillo/teamspeak/skype(hate skype though) and a working microphone. add me on steam "kenshin11himura" mt current name is jackie chan so u shouldnt have ne problem finding me. edit im on the US east coast.
  13. Lordzero2

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    TMW Joe shaw helped us out ^_^ great person vouched
  14. Ingame Name: Larry 3(rly wanna change it but dont know how) Age: 24 Timezone: est Do you have TeamSpeak: yes Do you have a Microphone: yes How long have you been playing DayZ: 2-3 days
  15. Lordzero2

    Any looking for a squadmate?

    kenshin11himura on steam. i sent u a friend request