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Everything posted by TheBeanAholic

  1. Skype User: emolord1234 Anything else you want to tell us: i have been playing for a long time and i am looking for a cool group of guys to play with type of player: sniper
  2. I am looking for a cool group of guys who want to team up and play dayz together sometimes. I do require you have a mic and use skype. My skype is emolord1234 send me a message if you would like to play.
  3. TheBeanAholic

    Day Z Urban Legends

    A creepy story: One night i was playing Dayz with my friend Brandon on a 25 man server that was very foggy. His mic was dead and was charging it so we had no communication besides chat. We were in Cherno doing some good old fashion looting. He was in a orange building while i was in the hill looking over the city with a m24. While my friend was retrieving food from the house i was surveying the city for activity, but for a filled server nothing was happening in Cherno. I was suspicious, next to the hotel i noticed 3 dead bodies of players. I suspected a bandit on top of one of the buildings was killing people and since i had my friend in the city i wanted to take him out. So i told my buddy to stay where he was and to stay away from windows and he responded with a "k". I looked around and saw nothing, but then i ran my scope across the windows of a house and saw a zombie staring at me. At first i though he was a bugged zombie and continued to look for the bandit. I looked again at all the sniper spots and saw nothing, but was shocked to see the zombie was gone. Again i thought the zombie had just died or debugged itself. I sent a message to my friend saying all clear and as i went to look at the orange building he was in, through the window i saw the same zombie as before staring at me and not moving. I was freaked out and screamed a little, i know i am a pussy. I shot at it and the bullet hit and blood squirted out and it dropped. I sent a message to my friend, but he didn't respond so i went to the house to see if he was afk or something. I entered the house and saw his fly infested body dead and looted. I looked at the player screen and he wasn't there. I then went over to the zombie body and checked it and found beans, lucky me. While i was waiting for my friend Brandon to rejoin i looked around Cherno and went to those 3 dead bodies and they were looted. Then i went back to the orange house to see if anything else spawned like food or soda. As i entered the house i was shocked and almost screeching when my friends body was still there, but the zombie wasn't. I quickly ran to the forest to log out safely. As soon as i ran behind a tree i heard a crack of a branch, when i turned around there was the zombie. I screamed and unloaded my entire clip into his chest, but he didn't die and like a swing from god he struck me and my game crashed. When i respawned and went to my body everything was gone.
  4. TheBeanAholic

    Would you kill the unarmed?

    if you dont kill them you can sure as hell bet they will kill you later down the road
  5. Ever since big COD youtubers posted gameplay of dayz a huge wave of Cod fanboys started playing. Ever since PVP has grown exponentially and has created a larger force of whiners on the forums. Do you guys believe this is the cod fanboys coming over and killing everyone on sight because that's what they believe because these youtubers only post shoot out videos. This made everyone change to a shoot first ask questions later mentality. Or do you believe another reason is too blame. For Example: my first day playing i ran into a player who was bleeding in the grocery store in cherno, he was geared up and i just spawned i could of shot him with my makorov and took his stuff or he could of killed me, but he didnt and i bandaged him up since he was out of em. In return he gave me his .45 and we went our separate ways .Now though if i ran into somebody ill just shoot em regardless and even if you try to help someone they kill you because everyone is paranoid. This has hindered a big social aspect of the game a little FYI:im not talking about players who after being geared up go pvp im all for that and im only using cod as a example since it is brought up a lot
  6. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    are you kidding me they have jumped over a million in just a monthly look at the chart
  7. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    my point exacly i have no problem with pvpers but when everyone is one its stupid
  8. I want the weed your smoking
  9. TheBeanAholic

    DayZ Stories

    So last night me and my group of 8 friends made a huge camp in the debug zone. We had it surrounded by sand bags and barb wire. We had gathered up 3 cars and a motorcycle along with most military guns in the game. At all times we had 3 snipers and a machine gunner on watch and the rest of us at night went on a convoy into the major cities kidnapping people at gun point and taking them back to our camp. So we arrived at cherno and found 2 newly spawned people and at gunpoint forced them in the cars. We then took them to our camp, but when we got there one tried to run away but one of our marksmen with a m24 shot him. Since the other guy admitted to being a friend of his we killed him too. 2 hours later we saw 5 cars coming towards us so we shot at em and disabled 3. The two that made it crashed into our base and blew up since they were rigged with c4. Then 15 guys ran out of the 3 other cars, one being a truck holding 7 men. They then charged head first assaulting out base base they put up a good fight but being in the open wasnt a good idea and were quickly dispersed of. We later found out the two guys we killed first were clan members and tried to get revenge with their friends.
  10. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    lol last night we had a base in the debug zone and we would go into cherno and elektro and kidnap newly spawned players and execute them at our camp that has barb wire and sandbags surronding it
  11. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    all im saying was im suprised by that because i never seem to find people like that but again you keep taking things out of context
  12. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    really i wish i was in your servers cause i havent run into more than 3 friendly people in a few weeks now
  13. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    its a known fact that a large group of cod players has come over every cod youtuber has at least posted one vid of it
  14. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    im saying do you think the huge cod player wave cming over is a cause i just used cod because it comes up more in this conversation i wanted to hear your guys thoughts on if it is or not and if not what is
  15. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    im more talking about the players who turned it into a sole mission from the ghecko to kill all they see just for a body count not even for the gear which cause a lot of other players with diffrent play styles to do the same
  16. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    no i never said you had to be social but before there were people that like being social and meeting friends but that is gone now which this thread was about what do you think caused this and since the cod comunity usually come to blame i talked about it here
  17. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    my usually plan is hit both major cities then head north i never overstay on the coast unless im looking for pvp action
  18. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    you took everthing out of context i said do you guys think its cod fanboys coming over and killing everyone
  19. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    yes but again im not talking about after gearing up going pvping im talking about players finding any weapon and their next step is going out of their way to kill anyone and alot of the time its jsut for the fun of killing they dont even loot the body
  20. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    no shit once your geared up one of the biggest past times is going to pvp but im talking about a player finds a gun and his next step is to go out of his way to slay anybody he sees
  21. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    i love pvp but when thats all people do because if you dont do it you will get killed that ruins a huge part of the game
  22. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    funny thing is i never blamed cod i was asking to see what you guys think is changing the community and cod is the biggest answer so i wanna see if you guys think thats true but since your a OFS vetren and your infinite wisdom because you think your so special and better than everyone because you play a old school hardcore game
  23. TheBeanAholic

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    yea i agree but in this case once they find a gun or any weapon their next objective is to kill and a lot of the times they dont even loot the body if your going to hunt player hunt for there loot at least
  24. Alright as it currently stands every new player starts with a bandage, painkiller, simple backpack and a flashlight. I think it should change to a simple backpack, a makarov with 1 clip for self defense in case a player attacks or is trapped by zombies but cant really go out a kill players like when you spawned with multiple mags, a bandage since bleeding is very common and a empty water bottle and 1 raw meat. I want to hear you guy's opinion on this and tell me what you think you should spawn with.