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Everything posted by burningxdemise

  1. We are a newer clan formed from BF3 after the demise of clans before us. After BF4 came out we branched out to many different games. We are all PC and always social, we are a fun bunch of people that just want to have fun. Since the release we have branched back into DayZ and are now looking for new members to join up with us to play around and have a good, fun time. Our website is: http://www.reviziongaming.com Our Teamspeak is: revizion.teamspeak3.org Feel free to drop by whenever you want to, we are always recruiting and always looking to build our clan and dayz team!
  2. burningxdemise

    [EC] clan is recruiting!

    We are a fresh, new clan in Chernarus looking to expand. We are known as the Electric Company. We play in a private server that requires you to be whitelisted. It is pretty well popped 30-40 people every night. We are mostly from the states but also are open to recruiting people from other countries as one leader is from Europe. We are a friendly clan to most, bandits are considered kos, we go on city and heli crash raids, we maintain multiple vehicles, ground and air, and raid other camps we spot on the map. Please post here or take a look at our forums for insight! http://dayzelectriccompany.enjin.com/ Name: Age: Location: In-game role:(medic, sniper, recon, assault, support, pilot, etc.) Active times: How long you have been playing: Other services you can offer: What would make you stand out from others? If you are accepted we will inbox you the teamspeak info
  3. burningxdemise

    [EC] clan is recruiting!

    Brandon: Accepted. :) Sorry for the delay, have been busy with the clan! Will inbox you teamspeak info.
  4. burningxdemise

    [EC] clan is recruiting!

  5. BF3 and LoL here on the PC! And a few games on ps3. I also am pretty good with networking and website work, if you need help setting up a forum :D
  6. Current in game name: Burningxdemise(add me on steam atrium-complex) Location: East Coast, USA Age: 20 How long have you played DayZ: About 4 months Preferred voicechat software(s): Teamspeak, Skype, Mumble, Ventrilo Preferred Position/Role: Sniper/Spotter/assault Reason for wanting to join this group: Looking for a good mature group to hook up with, got bored of this game after my previous group died out. Not really a fan of mindlessly killing people Can you bring anything unique to this group: I can upload to youtube, tactical background and knowledge due to military service, strong ability to read maps and distance, good shot, very good at scavenging and finding what is needed, decent heli pilot Weaknesses: Not the best driver. Other: Having been in the military I understand how tactical options within Arma work pretty well, and have applied them successfully to dayZ, be it raiding the airfield, raiding a city, factory, etc. I can advise where to go, when to go, and what to do from a distance with close overlook from my DMR or AS50
  7. Been playing the game for a few days now. Have a little history with Arma II and have gotten pretty far with DayZ. Was just kinda hoping to find some people to team up with, the game has grown tiring to play alone. I have a vent we can use, but I can also use a separate server or teamspeak if desired as well. ^^ I would really like for you to be at least 16, preferably 18 and show a level of maturity past the kids that play COD, I hate all that "OH DAMN I JUST ONE SHOTTED HIM IN THE HEAD OH YEAHHH! -teabag-" stuff.. Anyway, add me on steam if you wish, petey1993, or just respond to me here. Don't really have a preference on how many, but the more the merrier.
  8. burningxdemise

    Looking for survivors to survive with?!

    Added you :)
  9. burningxdemise

    Looking for survivors to survive with?!

    Hey, 19 here, just trying to find someone to game with in dayz I can use vent or skype, whichever you guys prefer. :)
  10. burningxdemise

    New to the game. Need a squad

    Hey, kinda new to the game, been looking for a new group of people to play with (my gaming clan is really just burning me out, don't get along at all anymore with them) so if desired I'll join. :) Anyone pm me or I'll add skypes btw, I'm 19
  11. burningxdemise

    Looking for a few good men....

    19 here. Looking for a group, kinda bored of playing on my own. Figure it'd be nice to make a friend somewhere By the way, Michigander here, very fluent in ze english :)