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Everything posted by theonlykarma

  1. This stuff needs to be there, just no AS50 removed
  2. theonlykarma

    Hackers following my clan members.

    I believe I have found one of the hackers. They have been on US106 a few times when I have checked. http://www.gametracker.com/player/Gwyvern/ I don't know if this helps report them, but there ya go.
  3. theonlykarma

    Hackers following my clan members.

    I am part of Daedrick's clan/group, and I can confirm that they are hackers. On the Quebec server, they were looting bodies and shooting at the same time. We were not desynced or lagging out either. Another clan member saw them near our camps on US106 looting every tent they could near our camp, and they have been on every server we have played on, usually a day after we start. They found our camp on Quebec just hours after we took their bus, and not even an hour after we noticed them on the server, they were very, very close to our camps.