That has been our "Home Server" for about a week or so, our teams stuff is on this server. Late last night while we were all playing we all got "No message received..." while we were driving a truck and the server crashed, we went back in a few minutes later to us spawned where the truck had stopped due to the disconnection and we thought we would be able to find it a little up the street which we didn't .....that isn't really what bothers me but what does is that all day today the server has been showing up and closing down a few minutes later and it has had 1-3 people in it every time but it has had a password put on it. If anyone from US 397 is reading this can you please get back to me. A big thanks from my team and I. P.S. went back up and back to normal not even 10 minutes after I posted this....awesome. Someone erase this post or tell me how to because I can't find a delete button. DELETE.