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About palindrome

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  1. palindrome

    Infected can 'smell' low humanity...

    Please at least attempt to make a valid response and not repeat the same tired old cliches. That post was worthy of a bot. Given that Rocket has already stated that a revised humanity system is going to be implemented then I suggest that you open your mind a little.
  2. palindrome

    Infected can 'smell' low humanity...

    While making this game all about griefing and PKing is fine? There needs to be some mechanism to make a blanket shoot on sight policy a bad idea. As it is there is nothing and co-operative play is very difficult outside of preformed groups. This game was never intended to be a deathmatch but it is slowly becoming one. I fail to see how this mechanism, if properly implemented, would make this game a 'carebear' haven (a perjorative term if ever there was one) given that PvP is and always will be essentially unrestricted and utterly deadly. There needs to be something to make people weigh up the pros and cons of pulling the trigger. Good PvP in an open world sandbox game requires fine balance and DayZ has some way to go yet. It would also be a really good idea to actually think before you post, this forum has begun to devlop a really bad reputation (I have even seen it likened to Blizzard's) and it isn't hard to see why.
  3. palindrome

    Starting Problems

    Rejoin a different server, that should fix the problem. You spawned in something called the 'debug forest'. Its a holding area where people initially spawn before the server works out where they should spawn on the real map (I think thats how it works anyway). Sometimes you will actually spawn there, most of the time you can't move but sometimes you can and rarely you will spawn there 'properly' which is why all thoese bodies were there. I have even spawned there as a bird once.
  4. palindrome

    Infected can 'smell' low humanity...

    Bandits can't grow ammo in those trees.
  5. palindrome

    food shouldn't give blood.

    As a suggestion its fine, however blood should regenerate (slowly) and there should be no way to boost absolute blood levels, hunger levels and type of food would alter the rate or regeneratioin but it would still be slow. I would also like to see the removal of bloodbags from a realism standpoint, in the real world if you used them like they are in game you are guaranteed to kill whoever you used them on. Of course this is a game and it must apply game standards and conventions to be playable so realism must be overridden from time to time. No matter how many people like to claim that this is a realistic depection of a zombie apocalpyse it really isn't.
  6. I agree with the OP. I have done the survival thing (9 days was my longest before a bug got me) but its hollow, there is no aim other than scavenging the same loot over and over again. I have taken part in large Stary and airfield raids but these suffer from the same basic problem. I have tired solo runs in Cherno and Elektro but these have become killing fields. When I first started playing this mod people were willing to help, now there are bodies everywhere and literally every single person I have seen has shot me so I am forced to respond in kind. There really needs to be some sort of reputation system or something to remove the need for the near universal shoot on sight policy and there needs to be some sort of 'end game' beyond foraging for beans. The concept is great and this game has the potential to be a true classic but as it is simply too easy to be PKed and there is no real reason to keep playing once you have become fully equipped. I am not 'whining' about the PvP, afterall that is central to the appeal of this mod; what I dislike is that PvP has become ubiquitous and that all to often it takes little skill other than 'camp'. I am aware that this is an alpha (this is something that is said so often it is becoming a cliche) but that means that there is still plenty of time to find the right balance. As it is that balance is off. I'm not giving up on it but it has lost its lustre in its present form. Additionally this is a game, on the internet; it mirrors what would happen in a 'real' zombie apocalypse about as well as a forum mirrors real conversation. In other words not at all.
  7. Do you know what an alpha needs? Tester involvement, bug finding and suggestions. What are we? Testers. What is this thread? Bug finding and suggestions. Oh noes! Its abundantly obvious that this is an alpha but why does that mean that people can't make suggestion for future updates? This kind of thread will provide some useful information to the Devs so get of your high horse and actually engage your brain.
  8. Fix: Zombies: make them move in a realistic fashion and stop them glitching. Gear: stop it vanishing, especially when swimming. Environmental glitches: Please stop rocks from killing me. Improve: Zombies. Make them hit harder (only if their movement is fixed) and make them more variable (speed, spotting distance, hit points). Possibly up their numbers a bit but thats secondary. 'End game' content. Heavily armed NPCs, fortifiable structures, anything that gives a long term reason for avoiding the coastal beanwars. Starting equipment. Make it selectable, I would give all but 1 of my makarov mags to start with a compass so that I could avoid Cherno entirely.
  9. This is exactly what I am talking about. Ignore lists are such a useful feature. This exploit needs to be fixed, I am noticed it happen twice yesterday (on a much smaller scale). Hopefully the next patch will fix it.
  10. palindrome

    Whoever completely barricades buildings

    Be very, very careful about vaulting over wire blocking doorways, I have been killed doing this and I lost half my blood and broke my legs doing it yesterday.
  11. The best way is to simply not trust anyone you meet in game. Join a group outside of the game, gaming forums would be a good place to look, and play with them. This is what I did and I have yet to be shot in the face for my beans. Leaning left and right, saluting (the # key) , sitting down (the ' key), going prone and rolling back and forth are all methods that I have seen or heard about.