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About schism61

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    On the Coast
  1. its not that MrSherenai did something special , He did the work As evidence in the code posted above vilayer have just copied his code and locked it to their servers. If the Vilayer was a open code and any server host could run it , I don't think anyone would be as upset as they are now. And josh I love the work you have done on Dayz commander , I really do. I just think you need to make a mod submission policy . and lets face it Vilayer is always going to be offer more servers running their mod . And i know you have a sponsorship with Vilayer , But lets face it to many of the dayz players you are the gateway for dayz and other mods. So maybe u should push vilayer to practice a more open environment, If they drop support because of this im sure the community can help pick up where they left off
  2. obscure ?????? Thats Funny All of the "vilayer " fixes come from that site. I have seen Vilayer server code and it offers Nothing original then what was already out there and 99.99% of that come from that obscure site. And stop Using that its more popular as a justification . The same reason it is more popular is the reason everyone is upset . More people are running it because Dayz commander has it listed and for many of the players they dont know better. For those who have miss understood they issue let me paint a picture . MrSherenai made this mod with the map makers support and openly released it ( meaning any person could host the code on any service provider ) They asked for it to be added to dayz commander Vilayer ( a hosting company ) Takes MrSherenai's Mod and locks it ( the server can now only be ran on their servers ) Dayzcommander who is supported by vilayer adds support for the Vilayer Mod. With the reasoning that they had more servers running that mod ( of coarse they did they are a server company ) Vilayer added nothing to the mod and the only reason for them showing a interest is so they could sell servers and create a monopoly. How is this Bad for the community well one a monopoly is never good. Two . It hurts the creativity for expanding and adding new mods in the future. And Just before you make assumptions about me being upset about a empty server
  3. +1 for Bliss we run it on both our servers