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Everything posted by mmMike

  1. mmMike

    Why this mod is failing

    So which is it? You never get killed by bandits, or you do but just suck it up and start over?
  2. mmMike

    Most Co-Operative Server

    Post it here is a guaranteed way to get that server griefed within minutes.
  3. I've only ever murdered 1 person, and that was a buddy who wanted me to kill him because he had a broken leg. Then a random showed up, hung around for a bit not saying anything, then when I turned around he took my dead buddy's gun and shot me in the back. I've met more friendly players than hostile ones. Most people I run into, we kind of just hang out for a few minutes then go our separate ways. I met a guy the other day in a church in Cherno/Elektro. He was being chased by zombies so I went in to help him. We talked for a bit, he told me his friend was coming and I hung around to see if they needed any help. When his friend got there we just stood around for a bit talking, then his buddy turned and killed him, then started shooting at me. I ran to the fire station, and he came in a little while later. I shot him a bunch, then ran when I had to reload. When I went back in he was dead. I don't understand what drives people to be assholes. I have absolutely 0 interest in killing another friendly player, and would rather die and lose all my stuff than kill someone who had no intention of hurting me.
  4. mmMike

    Looking for a Team

    me and sgtdeadly are playing right now. I added a few people here to steam and invited them to a chat but the only one who joined was sgtdeadly.
  5. mmMike

    Look for a Group

    I found a public mumble server we can use, if we still need one. mobanation.com port: 64738 found it here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/18061-public-mumble-server-for-dayz/
  6. mmMike

    Look for a Group

    Everybody I've played with so far has had their own teamspeak/mumble server. i don't know how to set one up/find one.
  7. mmMike

    Look for a Group

    I'm looking for people too, I'll add you guys. I'm mmMike
  8. mmMike

    Looking for a Team

    I'm looking for people too. I'm 23, with mic, in Ontario. Steam ID is mmMike (with the white ?)
  9. You are gambling with your life every time you try to trust someone. IRL the second you saw someone, you would both immediately point your gun at the other, I'm not going to give a random stranger the benefit of the doubt in a situation like this. The adrenaline rush you would get from seeing another person, and the fact that he could kill you with the pull of a trigger would cloud your judgement. All it would take is one good liar and you're dead. edit: I should say that this isn't the way I think this game should be played, I just think that's the way real life would turn out.
  10. mmMike

    vehicle "hoarding", what the hell is it?

    That's probably because you play with hoarders, who by definition don't care about anyone else, so they won't stick around and save you from all the walking.
  11. I think if this game were real, and I was trying to survive, I would take absolutely no chances. How do I know that guy isn't going to shoot me the first chance he gets? He's fighting for his life as well, after all. Obviously we have both survived thus far, we must have valuable gear/items/food. What he has, I want. If my survival depends on finding these things, I'm sorry but you're dead. You only need to trust someone you shouldn't have once, and it's all over. Maybe in a perfect world, with a more rational species people would come together. But not humans. You can't trust anyone in this world.
  12. mmMike

    vehicle "hoarding", what the hell is it?

    If this were real life there would be 100s of cars in a 225km2 area.