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About t_hum

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I was meaning that it can't all be roses for bandits as it is now. Your ideas help balance out the pros/cons of being a bandit currently which is great.
  2. I love the ideas Kriegson. As of now bandits, IMO, suffer much much less from their looting ways than the survivors. It cant all be roses or the whole thing will devolve into PK and griefing.
  3. I think that the humanity system can sometime pigeonhole people into banditry and also punish survivors for self defense. I think a less arbitrary method based on community experiences offers an olive branch to people that makes mistakes while also squarely placing true bandits at a social disadvantage. Expanding on my earlier post, imagine a system that shows your average rating both + and - and the average of those that rated you in each category. Example 1: Rated -4 avg by players with a +6 avg. Rated +7 by players with a -2 average. So this example shows that the player is likely a bandit. Bandits love him. Survivors hate him. Example 2: -4 by -4avg, -6 by +9 avg. Such a bad dude that EVERYBODY hates him. He doesn't even play nice with other bandits.
  4. Im just spitballin' here so bear with me.... The truth is in life much of our initial contact and perceptions of new people we meet are based on the references of others. Perhaps more so in our age than in any other as a result of social media. I wonder if a similar style mechanic could be implemented here. We all start will 0 reputation. As we meet and interact with other players we rate our interaction with them. Higher rep means survivor, lower rep means bandit. Could these reputations be passed on and spread between players as we make contact with others in a very organic way? When we see players from a distance are we shown names, ratings, both or neither? Maybe we have to interact with the player or get close enough before we can make the relation between the player and their reputation we have learned from others. The reality is that this idea isnt too much different than one of the posts above of having community based feedback but it would be great to have it in game rather than tabbing out to see a website. This mechanic may be limited given the ArmA II engine that dayz mod is riding on but Id prefer to think outside the box at this point as we have no idea into what this may evolve. Cheers.
  5. t_hum

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    Worrom, nice work man. Worked like an absolute charm and the play button is a nice feature. Props.
  6. t_hum

    Various Chat Modes - Uses?

    Agreed. Being able to selectively chat with other players would be a big help. Though I suppose not entirely realistic as surrounding zombies and players should technically be able to hear banter between persons.
  7. t_hum

    Various Chat Modes - Uses?

    Nice overview Orbital. Appreciate it.
  8. t_hum

    Various Chat Modes - Uses?

    So suppose I meet up with some chaps and we want to talk using either text or voice without having bandits know our position. How is this best achieved?
  9. Newb here with some basic questions about the various chat modes in ArmA/Dayz... As I understand it there are 4 basic types of chat: 1.Global 2.Side 3.Group 4.Direct Could anyone suggest the best ways to use the various modes and what to avoid? How does side chat work in dayz when there are not really "sides" per se? Doesn't side chat still broadcast globally in this case? Thanks gents. Cheers, t_hum