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About strekie85@hotmail.com

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    Steam: sethkitty
  1. strekie85@hotmail.com

    DayZ - The Beginning

    COOL :D
  2. strekie85@hotmail.com

    Scripters, Hackers, have more control than me, an admin.

    WarZ Haha! I kid, I kid. Don't shoot .___.
  3. strekie85@hotmail.com

    Ok seriously? Vehicles.

    Our group have found a couple servers where the vehicles literally would not save their locations even though we definitely saved before logging out. Even parked them next to our tents, which had high end loot, and they would disappear without the tents being looted. Maybe you were just unlucky? That being said, yeah there are exploits and scripts that show vehicles, and tents too. :( You could try running the fuel out before leaving them and having fuel cans hidden in tents nearby, or even damaging them if you have repair parts, just be careful xD (Yeah it's not a great solution! :( )
  4. strekie85@hotmail.com

    OMG! DayZ 2

    SUDDENLY THUNDERDOMED. Haha just kidding, nice going.
  5. strekie85@hotmail.com

    I`m a goat (bug)

    Woah, to be honest, at first I thought this was hilarious. But yeah, these guys can't play unless someone kills them now. That's really messed up :( .
  6. strekie85@hotmail.com

    Absolutely disappointing playerbase

    As far as I'm aware, there is some correlation between, the more popular the mod became and the shittier the community became. Happens to a lot of games and mods, seems to have hit here pretty hard. Don't worry though, there's still loads of good peoples left here, just find some friends and wade together through the shit storm ;D
  7. strekie85@hotmail.com

    Can't beat them, join them

  8. strekie85@hotmail.com

    Suggestion: Make silenced weapons more realistic

    Should happen. Won't happen. + :beans:
  9. strekie85@hotmail.com

    If I see someone driving a vehicle, should I pursue him?

    YES. Vehicles can be gold dust sometimes, and can even lead to more loot! :D Just be super sneaky
  10. strekie85@hotmail.com

    What do you guys do when you get "ThunderDome'd".

    Never been thunderdomed, yet. Reptile does have a point, some servers are more prone to hackers, normally high populated ones (which is a shame :( ) I normally search around the server name to see who owns it, if they have been reported a lot etc. inb4igetdomedtonight
  11. strekie85@hotmail.com

    Make Dayz HARDER, Part A: Cities

    I love these ideas! Zombies are more of a nuisance when looting cities rather than, you know, terrifying, blood thirsty zombies (although they do still keep me on edge 24/7 xD) So yeah +support on the ideas! I would also like more zombies, and running zombies in buildings once they iron out their glitchy, zigg zaggy, rubber band like moving through walls :P
  12. strekie85@hotmail.com

    Scripters, Hackers, have more control than me, an admin.

    Definitely! I remember when I first started and I just kept getting shot at on the coast and thinking, OMG BANDITS ARE SUCH DICKS D: But then, a week later, bandits are really fun to play against, and the ones who camp to shoot newbies aren't real bandits anyway, they're just assholes, and bad shots too xD
  13. strekie85@hotmail.com

    Scripters, Hackers, have more control than me, an admin.

    Sorry, didn't mean problem as in, bandits are a problem, rather, that it's something the community are arguing about, probably should have worded that better xD
  14. strekie85@hotmail.com

    Scripters, Hackers, have more control than me, an admin.

    People don't just 'shell out' money without integrity. People pay their money to contribute a playable server, adding more to the community. If admins have no way of safeguarding their own servers, they are going to stop paying for their servers and the community are going to lose out on decent players, whilst the script kiddies move on to different servers like a cancer. I find if pretty ridiculous people are slandering off server owners, whom without, we'd be a very thin community jam packed on to a very limited amount of servers. This issue must surely be on the highest priority level, it's tearing the community up much more than the whole OMG BANDITS problem, to the point you guys are turning on each other. That's why I'm so dumbfounded there is practically NO mention from the dev community or Rocket himself about this issue. Not sure why they aren't communicating to the community about this issue.. 2cents out. :thumbsup: :)
  15. strekie85@hotmail.com

    Making a downside to killing other players

    It's a zombie simulator game, if you go around murdering everyone, you'd get a bad reputation and lose your sense of humanity. Those are some reasons why there should be some negative trait to banditing, when currently there are none. With the current system, there's no negative repercussion for you to camp and spawn kill new players. Not only is that a bad game mechanic, it's unrealistic. You'd be targeted, and likely psychologically damaged. That's why it's obvious that there needs to be some mechanic to make there a downside to being a bandit.