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About youworstnight

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. youworstnight

    Banned from US 1785 at aprox. 5:25 CST

    Its been cleared up.
  2. youworstnight

    Banned from US 1785 at aprox. 5:25 CST

    Hey, its a principal. I'll post it up, see if it gets fixed. It is a server me and a group of people play on. Rather not have my group of friends move for just me. But thanks for your opinion, ill throw those two cents in the jar.
  3. game name jacob player id 12517510 guid is 9aa92107a78aed2bc179e243d6394d06 was playing on us 1875 and got banned out of the blue, for cheating/hacking. Now i do have a pretty good idea why i got banned, and this is only a server ban. A bit ago, i killed an admin that had a as50 TWS. Of course i got the greedy and took that pretty fast. So anyways, stuff happens on there and we abandon that server. Before i left, we had a little chat about it. They tell me some people ban on site when you have that weapon. I understand this, but the weapon is allowed in the game. And as far as i know, they cant just ban you for having the item. I'll be more than happy to drop the weapon off in the woods, and destroy the item. Just a little warning they dont tolerate that item would have been more than worth it. Waiting for a response, Jacob
  4. youworstnight

    clan CROSS is looking for new players

    Yeah i know there are quite a few of you. We will see you around. Know of any other groups on our server? I've seen that SAS and STZ clan sticking around a lot lately.
  5. youworstnight

    clan CROSS is looking for new players

    I've actually seen you on our server. I have noticed your names do pop up a lot as dead though. We might be interested in meeting up sometime.
  6. I've been playing on Atlanta 14, not because im taking advantage of the old version, but because its our home server. We've had a base server on there for awhile. They are slow at updating. Is there anyway me and my friends can find out if this server is going to update. I'd rather not find out later that this server is dead, and just waiting until it dies out. And is our camp going to disappear with this update too? Just would like to know that my heart is going to break ahead of time.