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About TheStoryteller01

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Vienna, AUSTRIA
  • Interests
    - Modding & scripting (NWN2)
    - Game Creation(FPS Creator)
    Favourite horror games:
    - Fallout Series
    - Stalker 1&3
    - Silent Hill 3
    Favourite zombie movie:
    - Resident Evil 1
    Favourite authors:
    - Jim Butcher
    - Neil Gaiman
    - Richard K. Morgan
    - China Mieville
  1. If some rubbish like that really would be introduced everyone with a sniper rifle would get an instant hardon. Or should the blood defy physics and hit the murder even over some 100 yards? ;)
  2. TheStoryteller01


    Darn....I was just about asking, if I could have your stuff.....
  3. TheStoryteller01

    have a "killed by" in the chat

    I am always for being consistent. So for me its either no death message at all or the usual online shooter way including how the dead one got it. Thats where dayz fails constantly. Trying to be realistic but not toooooo much.
  4. TheStoryteller01

    Why do YOU Kill On Sight?

    Your poll is missing the "Don't know, never have KOS someone so far." option.....
  5. TheStoryteller01

    Lee Enfield/Mosin Nagant

    Great idea. Since these rifles where standard weapons in WW2, one should assume that in rural areas a lot of war veterans (or their descendants) still have one in their house.
  6. TheStoryteller01


    RL: Yes! PLEASE! GIMMME!!! ingame: Don't care....
  7. TheStoryteller01

    Too much complaining about 3rd person view

    I don't think it will be removed from the game. Once dayz goes-standalone, it has to be accessible for a broad audience and as it is now, crawling through high grass in 1st person is for hardcore gamers only.
  8. TheStoryteller01

    Survival days actualy counting...

    +1 beans. I usually only play a single session each day and the survivial time is the only "accomplishment" in this game. So I would prefer to see the net survivial time counted, not my charcaters existance.
  9. TheStoryteller01

    Remove sniper rifles..more realistic...

    As much as i despise players sniping others for fun, removing sniper rifles would be too drastic. Making the ammo VERY hard to find would be a step in the right direction however as it makes keeping sniper rifles instead of other weapons less attractive.
  10. STALKER: Call of Prypiat has all the above PLUS - player suffering from radiation, fire or psi-force - player fatigues from running and jumping - player has to rest or use energy drinks (short time solution only) - economy system - factions the player can join, ignore or fight - weapons & clothing/armor have to be repaired and can be upgraded So under your categorization, STALKER is more of a sim than dayz will EVER be. Yet everybody regards STALKER as a shooter, RPG, survivial game or something in between - no one would ever call it a strategy game or a (tactical) sim Your witness.
  11. I like the idea a lot as it makes the engine react to measurable player activity without rewarding or punishing player actions.
  12. I really like the general idea of yours but I don't see it fitting into dayz in its current state, as much as you wish it to be otherwise. There are certain elements in a game that decide, to which category it belongs and the game industry as well as game related media have well-established categorizations. P.e. STALKER is recognized as a shooter with RPG elements, SPELLFORCE is the archetype of a strategy/RPG breed, and dayz mod it is a perfect example for a sandbox shooter (be it 1st or 3rd person) - but it lacks all characteristics of a strategy game or a sim (look it up at wikipedia or browse your steam shop for categories). As much as mechanics like a humanity factor might change this, in its current state technically dayz is just a sandbox shooter. It is designed as one, marketed as one, appreciated as one and will stay one. Nonetheless I would LOVE to see mechanisms installed, that reward player cooperation - at least as an alternative play mode to the current free-for-all. Personally I wish you would show a little more openness to adapt - or at least discuss - your concept according to feedback instead of defending every detail with arguments that start to border ignorance and stubbornness. Originally I thought you were posting this for feedback, but I get more and more under the impression that you are only trying to "sell" your idea with the persistance of a used-cars salesman.
  13. TheStoryteller01


    I am a guy and play with the guy skin. But if the female skin would look a lot cooler I might play it as well for variety. I am not ashamed to have played Tomb Raider either ;)