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About Ramjetros

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    On the Coast
  1. Time: about 11:30 pm US central July 27 2012 What happened: Me and my buddies were at our tent when 2 hackers teleported to us in the middle of the forest with a ATV and started killing us. My buddy shot at one dude in a ghillie suit a couple times. i ran to a couple meters away, emptied a clip of ak74 into the ghillie suit guy. He didn't see me and i watched him take that clip without bleeding or anything. I gave up and disconnected. They killed all my other buddies. How do i think it's hacking? how do two guys ride an ATV in the middle of the forest without us hearing it? The ATV was 3 meters away when they teleported. Second the guys were invincible or had super armor or some shit . When i was in the menu with all the names of people, i talked to other guys saying they had been killed by the same dudes out in the middle of nowhere. I have their names: [blaze]mojobro, and [iB] Killabz [iB] Killabz goes by just Killabz on the forums it looks like he's been banned before.