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Everything posted by patriots20068@yahoo.com

  1. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    My secret for a quick gear up

    So you server hop to get your gear? Lame. It's not a secret either. Its a exploit.
  2. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    US 1344 Admins cheat

    So? Best time to loot the air fields/find vehicles.
  3. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    US 1344 Admins cheat

    If you own your own server, why play on others? I don't get that.
  4. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Dayz commander question

    If it doesn't say "Up To Date" you're running the wrong version. But you should look for the number next to the names.
  5. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    I'm so pissed right now. -.-

    Your anger in this thread is why they do it. If EVERYONE stopped bitching about hacking, it might go away. Because if someone is doing something to you, and it stops effecting you, they'll quit because there's no point. They like to see people like you get pissed off and rant. Makes them want to keep doing it.
  6. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Help! Weapon swapping

    Hit ";". It usually fixes it.
  7. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    DayZCommander doesn't want to update.

    When updating anything you shouldn't have ArmA2 open (not saying you do). Install the update and just let it run. It might take awhile. One of the ArmA2 updates actually took sometime. Most recent ones have been quick.
  8. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    TA - Trademark Assasins, Looking for a few good men.

    US 1298 does not show up for me.
  9. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Pre-Sale Questions

    I want to buy my own DayZ server. But I have two questions. Is there a program of the sort that detects script modifying to ban hackers? Is there a program that keeps hackers from joining the server if they've been banned previously? I'm just cautious because I don't want to spend $40-50 a month only to have hackers ruin everything.
  10. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    stop "trading", noobs

    Ever since I did that DayZ has been running AMAZING on my PC.
  11. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Found some AS50 ammo, now I need an AS50!

    I don't trade with someone who says they'll bring their group for "security". That just doesn't sit well with me.
  12. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    My mic won't work in game?

    Are you holding down the "Caps Lock" button?
  13. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    DayZ - Currency/Shops

  14. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    People who play 3rd person

    I prefer 3rd person when moving and 1st person when shooting.
  15. patriots20068@yahoo.com


    If it meant saving my life, hell naw.
  16. patriots20068@yahoo.com


    Its a hacked weapon. Means there's a hacker on that server.
  17. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Progress with the KOS issue?

    Every time I have died to another player it was KOS. I don't KOS unless I'm at the NEAF/NWAF.
  18. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Trouble with DayZ Commander

    I updated ArmA2 though Commander fine.
  19. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Dayz commander worth downloading?

  20. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Six Launcher

    DayZ Commander just added the ability to downgrade your version of DayZ too. Just hit install on the version you want and boom. So yeah.
  21. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Six Launcher

    Look. I'll save you some frustration. Just get DayZ Commander. Its simpler than Six Launcher and has way more filters. Also updating ArmA/DayZ is so easy. DZC will save you a lot of frustration.
  22. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Why can't I see people talk or hear people?

    There's no side chat. Meaning you're only going to see/hear people talk if they're within 50m I think.
  23. patriots20068@yahoo.com


    Biggest bug ever. Once your skin changes due to your humanity, you lose everything in your back except for the first eight slots. I had a backpack (Coyote) full with supplies I just looted from a hospital and was making my way back to my injured friend. I ran into a non-friendly and killed him. Due to that kill my humanity dropped and my skin changed. Next thing you know, I'm wearing the starter backpack and lost all of the medical supplies I looted except for the first eight slots which was a mix between bandages, morphine, painkillers, the small stuff. Then my skin changed back to regular (because your humanity goes up by itself) and I lost a ALICE pack. Wonderful addition.