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Everything posted by patriots20068@yahoo.com

  1. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    So I just found...

    Should of stuck with the AK bruh.
  2. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    DayZ 2017 New Release

  3. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    New server..... Looking for players to make it there home.

    How about an axe? Because nobody should spawn with a gun IMO. It just ruins it. Spawning with an axe gives you a weapon to protect yourself against the zombies while not breaking the PvP experience. You can run from a guy with an axe. You can't run from a guy with a gun. You'll just have fresh spawns kill fresh spawns for ammo hording.
  4. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    New server..... Looking for players to make it there home.

    You wont let us spawn in with AS-50's or M4A1's, but give us FN FAL's?
  5. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    New server..... Looking for players to make it there home.

    You start off with a FN FAL? Seriously? Wow.
  6. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Special Response Team [Open Recruitment]

    Age: 22 How long have you played DayZ: Honestly, I can't remember. But I'm definitely not a Bambi by any means. Why do you want to join SRT: To fight against the Bandit oppression. What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Marksman, recon, assault rifle oriented, driver. Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you accept these rules?: Yes Do you have a working mic?: Yes Do you have teamspeak? If so what is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Yes, JMocks What timezone do you live in: EST What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): USA What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: M-F, 4:30pm-11:00pm | Saturday, 10am-whenever | Sunday, 10am-11pm
  7. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    How do I get vehicles in my server

    You have to pay a vehicles fee.
  8. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    CD key Been Stolen? And now it is different?

    Just admit it, you were hacking. Or were trying to hack and got your key stolen by the 'hacking' program.
  9. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    New to PC gaming

    Here's the thing about PC gaming. If you're not going to go all in, don't bother. You WILL have to put money into PC gaming. Just how it is.
  10. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Does sidechat ruin anyone elses game?

    Don't like side chat eh? Go to an official server then. Boom.
  11. patriots20068@yahoo.com


    Age: 22 How long have you played DayZ: Honestly, I can't remember. But I'm definitely not a Bambi by any means. Why do you want to join SRT: To fight against the Bandit oppression. What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Marksman, recon, assault rifle oriented, driver. Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you accept these rules?: Yes Do you have a working mic?: Yes Do you have teamspeak? If so what is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Yes, JMocks What timezone do you live in: EST What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): USA What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: M-F, 4:30pm-11:00pm | Saturday, 10am-whenever | Sunday, 10am-11pm
  12. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Still playing

    No. Nobody is still playing this. Game is pretty outdated. Hasn't been an update in forever.
  13. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Please make crosshairs on snipers smaller

    A SMALLER crosshair would make the weapon MORE accurate. You mean a BIGGER crosshair allowing for more spread.
  14. patriots20068@yahoo.com


    I'm down with the cause.
  15. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Dayz Commander and Arma 2 OA Version troubles.

    You should never have version troubles with DayZ Commander. DZC tells you when to update. You can downgrade to any version you choose. But if you keep everything up to date, you're good. I think the error is on your part.
  16. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Need Some Buddies :D

    What is "Server Domination"?
  17. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    First Wave Of Standalone Keys Limited To 50.000?

    Yes. It is true.
  18. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Holy Mother of FN FALs...

    Yes. That's Tom. Tom from MySpace.
  19. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Graphics Help

    You are trying to run ARMA II, not DayZ. Common misunderstanding. Do you have a dedicated graphics card? If you did, gaming would be a lot smoother for you.
  20. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    What Recording Software should I use?

    Nobody is going to mention Dxtory? Probably the best out there IMO.
  21. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Holy Mother of FN FALs...

    ...... No comment.
  22. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Map/GPS Overhaul

    I agree. Maps/GPS should be separate. With a map, it should just be a map. No markers from players, no markers of heli crashes, etc. However, a GPS would show the heli crashes and man made markers, and each GPS would be special to the individual. So if I killed player A, and picked his GPS up, I could see his personal map markers. On the flip side, nobody would be able to see my markers because they don't have my GPS. I really hate not being able to set markers because other players can see them. I could stop writing down my cords then. -_-
  23. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Should Heli Crash Sites be marked on the Map?

    Yes/No. Yes - Everyone would flock to it. You'd have those gun battles you long to have with others. If you liked action, you could go. If you don't like the action, stay away from the surrounding area. No - Like people said, snipers would just camp the area and it would be pointless.
  24. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Holy Mother of FN FALs...

  25. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    New Dayz Chernarus Server. UK

    Can I be an admin even though I'm from America?