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Everything posted by patriots20068@yahoo.com

  1. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Glitchers at NEAF - What would you of done?

    Way to stand in there.
  2. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    things that make you rage quit

    I don't rage when I play this game. I just respawn and go get it again.
  3. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Death by wood

    May he rest in peace.
  4. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Dayz SA -Found some Hackers in Berezino

    Good video man.
  5. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    game won't register controller (0.45.12499)

    Just stick to the keyboard and mouse. You'll be better off my friend.
  6. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    HELP! stuck at school building!

    Just let your character die and mark it up to experimental death.
  7. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Weekend Warriors Part 3

    Is your group accepting new members?
  8. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Weekend Warriors Part 3

    Where do I signup?
  9. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Looking for a group of people to help me with a Youtube Series !

    I wouldn't mind being apart of this. However, I'm American. UK timezones are 5+ hours ahead of me. So unless you play late at night, this is for nothing on my end. Also, why Skype? RaidCall offers a free VOIP service where you can great your own group, and its 100x better than Skype.
  10. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    This game...

    ... I think I'm going to love it. I played for an hour today. And from that hour, I loved it. The game felt like a real apocalypse. Being able to enter all if not all buildings adds a whole new element to DayZ. All I did was go from one building to another trying to scavenge for supplies. All the while trying to be sneaky, turning my flashlight off, crouching, etc. I will admit, for the first ten minutes I struggled with the new inventory system. But I picked it up. And I really like it. So much more realistic. The clothing factor is nice. The weapon scarcity is nice. I found a Mosin on top of a hospital somewhere. Found some sort of handgun as well. Never could find any ammo. I have a feeling, this game isn't going to appeal to most like the DayZ mod did. Because of the realism factor. And I think that's what draws me to it. It makes me feel like I'm living in a real life apocalypse. I will definitely put mad hours into this over the weekend. Hope everyone is enjoying their experiences.
  11. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    This game...

    I saw you say this in another thread. And I just facepalm'd myself because I did the same thing.
  12. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    I love playing at night, but this is getting ridiculous.

    The time of day is based off the server location. So my only thought is these servers are based in the UK. Or the people running the server have the time based off UK time. My only assumption.
  13. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Compress day time

    I feel ya man. I played for a few hours in complete darkness with my lone flashlight. I'm on the east coast. Sun didn't start to come up in game until 3am my time... By then my ass was off to bed.
  14. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give HUD

    I know right? Hate this new text shit...
  15. patriots20068@yahoo.com


    No. Steam is required and Steam has to stay open. Sorry man.
  16. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Bandits still KOS on sight

    You put a gun in a man's hand, he's going to feel powerful over someone who doesn't have a gun. And when supplies are running scarce, you're as good as dead.
  17. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    This game...

    Damn man.That sucks.
  18. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Loot is not respawning

    Yeah. I've found five cans of food to one drink so far.
  19. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Bleeding and bandaging

    No. That's been in the game since initial release man. And it will stay in the game as well....
  20. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    This game...

    To be honest, the zombies don't make or break this game for me. Its the player interaction. That's really all I care about. I will also agree that the new system for telling you you're hungry, thirsty, etc. is horrible. I loved the icons. They need to bring those back. Gets really annoying seeing that text popup ever second...
  21. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    The Paul Walker Dead | DayZ Epoch Server

    "The Paul Walker Dead"? Really dude? Fuck off.
  22. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Looking 4 Group

    Just going to keep this short and simple. My goal is to survive in this game. And I do that by any means. Except killing the ones I'm grouped up with. If you need another survivor that plays smart, knows what he's doing, and will actually listen, then hit me up. I only have experience on the default Chernarus map. I stick to what I like - not opposed to playing the other ones though. PM me about your clan/group.
  23. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Chernarus Private Hive Server: port 3255

    Friendly with no PvP atmosphere? Yet everyone spawns with M4A1? There's a PvP atmosphere now brother.
  24. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Do i deserve an early access key?What do you think?

    So, you're trying really hard to get this access key aren't you?
  25. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    [SC][Open Recruitment]

    Why do you keep making a new thread? That's not how you recruit.