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Everything posted by patriots20068@yahoo.com

  1. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Start the game in windowed mode?

    If you use DayZ Commander, simply enable the option to start the game in windowed mode. Problem solved.
  2. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Stash Tent - Temporary Storage, accessed by all.

    I see nothing wrong with how we store loot now.
  3. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Confessions of a Medic

    Dunno if we can call you a medic.
  4. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    DayZ Standalone - How to Wall Glitch [NWAF]

    Ban him. Ban him before this plague spreads even more.
  5. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    What do you do when you're under siege?

    Since I play solo 95% of the time, I tend to make sure I don't put myself in bad situations. I only go into major cities if I desperately have to. I'll live off the land for the most part. But whenever I get into a situation like that, I try to find an exit route. If that involves me shooting on the way out, so be it.
  6. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Yup. That's what I'm using at the moment.
  7. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    How do you group up? (tips/triks needed)

    Most of the players that navigate Chernarus have been playing since the mod. In the mod it allowed you to see where you spawned. Couple that with months of playing, you can pretty much navigate standalone off memory (in standalone it doesn't tell you where you spawn, or at least I think). So, its going to be hard for your friends to group up because they don't know where they're going. I recommend using this map: http://dayzdb.com/map#3.068.086 Its very useful and will help. As for meeting up, if we're fresh spawns we'll either gather outside northern Cherno or Elektro wants we loot. If we're already geared up and scattered across the map, we'll find a general location to meet up at.
  8. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Zombies are too hard (defending my opinion)

    I've never found the zombie in DayZ to be hard. They are a pain in the ass because they defy the laws of physics.
  9. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    DayZ mod better then Standalone?

    In the current stage, in my opinion, the mod is better than standalone because you got so many different options, more variety of weapons, more to do, etc. I can only play standalone for a few hours before I'm bored. I can play the mod endlessly (played Epoch for a total of 24 hours this past weekend). However, I do think standalone will be way better once everything is said and done. Can't wait to play Epoch on standalone. If that'll even be possible.
  10. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    The DayZ OverPoch Mod Ep 2 - The Struggle

    Good video man.
  11. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Noisy fan

    Yeah so I have a noisy CPU fan. So loud I can have my gaming headset on and still hear the thing. My question is, should I do water cooling or get a fan that's known to be silent. It really aggravates me and it probably doesn't sit to well with the guys on TS either when I go to talk. I will post my specs so you can kind of gauge what size fan I'll need so that'll fit. Case: Cooler Master HAF 922 GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 660 Ti CPU: AMD FX 6350 Vishera MOBO: MSI brand If you need any other information, let me know.
  12. patriots20068@yahoo.com


    Its called Epoch. Maybe you should play it. :)
  13. If you're looking for a good PVE server, look no further. Best PVE server I've ever been on.
  14. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Noisy fan

    Would my build suit water cooling? My case has the three holes for the tubes in the back. So I would assume so. What all would I need?
  15. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Noisy fan

    I don't think I really want water cooling. I would be too paranoid with the water inside the system. I'm willing to buy whatever fan setup I need to reduce the noise.
  16. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    What now?

    Hate to say this, vanilla DayZ wont change. It will always be the same routine: spawn, gear up, kill zombies, kill players, die, spawn, repeat. The mods that are developed help break the grind. For example in DayZ Epoch you can always be doing something. Making money, building your base, etc.
  17. Nah. I live in Virginia. Will probably have a bad ping as well. Damn German server! D:
  18. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Where is all the action at now?

    Balota. Cherno. Elektro. Military compound north of Kamenka. Berezino. That about sums it up. No point in going North as you can get everything down South.
  19. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Login in/out and combat logging.

    Its true. If the person combat logged, he's definitely going to relog cause he's already a pussy. And if its someone just joining randomly, the last thing they want is to spawn in with someone around them, bracing for a firefight. So they'll more than likely log too. So don't display any messages like that. Pointless.
  20. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Login in/out and combat logging.

    The person spawning in seeing that message will more than likely log back out.
  21. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Login in/out and combat logging.

    Logging wither it be intentional or not, is hard to fix. There's only so much you can do to combat it. If the game told you someone was logging in around you, it gives you the advantage that someone is around. Whereas the guy spawning in, doesn't know anything. Its a battle that will continue with no end.
  22. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Glitchers at NEAF - What would you of done?

    You gave them satisfaction by wasting your own time. If you sat there for an hour, that's an hour they took from you.
  23. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Glitchers at NEAF - What would you of done?

    Yeah I would of just ran out to begin with. Not going to let pussies waste my time. And I really don't care about gear, can always get that back.