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Everything posted by patriots20068@yahoo.com

  1. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    More low-Mid tier gear.

    It can take me an hour or more to find a top tier weapon. So I like it the way it is...
  2. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Please help to keep LU180 populated

    Server is running an older version of ARMA 2 so I can't join. Its also 100ms of latency for me. Too much.
  3. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Possible Graphical Glitch Fix

    I play with low/disabled settings for everything. And the last time I flushed my graphics was a week ago. So I just figured I'd share.
  4. patriots20068@yahoo.com


  5. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Possible Graphical Glitch Fix

    Well I managed to go 10+ hours without it happening once. It's a hot fix for me. Hopefully it stays like this.
  6. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Killing new players? Someone explain it to me...

    You learn quick that this game brings out the true nature of people. If someone is nice, it'll show. If someone is ruthless, it'll show. Two days ago I was playing with a guy I met in game for about an hour or so. I found two mags of AK ammo then found the AK. I gave it to the guy I was with and he instantly killed me. All I could do is just sit back in my chair and laugh. This game is so unpredictable because of the community. That's why I love it and hate it.
  7. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    need help enjoying this game

    From my experience, you have a better chance of surviving if you play with one, two other people. Today I managed to stay alive for ten hours roughly, had one murder, and killed nearly 60 zombies. When the guy and I started it was rough. But we looted areas we knew people wouldn't be at for a better chance of surviving. The game is realistic. And that's what makes it amazing.
  8. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Messed up creating char - i do not spawn with any weapons

    What this guy said. I'd stay away from major cities just for weapon hunting. Once you get a decent weapon with ammo from the minor cities I'd go into Cherno/Elektro/NWAF/etc.
  9. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Was Having Fun

    I was having fun today playing with a guy I met on here. We've been playing for like nine hours or so. Our journey started with him being in Balota and me spawning in Krutoy Cap. I made the long ass haul to the barn North of Cherno where I saved his ass from a shotgun wielding dude. We picked up a CZ with three mags. We hit Nadez, Vyshnoye, and got to Stary. Nobody was there except zombies. We made out with amazing loot. I had a AKM with three mags along with an Enfield with eight mags. He still had the CZ and a M4 with ACOG. We had maps, compasses, food, water, etc. We were finally starting to get good loot. We were making the trek from Stary to the farm building East of Kabino where a sniper killed both of us. He was just standing in the building doorway my partner told me. I thought it was odd for a sniper to be there. I was having fun up until that point. It happened so fast we didn't have time to react. It wasn't easy getting to where we got. We both received blood transfusions at least once. I was knocked unconscious twice. Multiple bandages. Almost starving and being dehydrated. Just nine hours of playing for nothing basically. But I guess this is what the game is about. I'll end up starting over again. But it really sucks. Hahaha. But hey. What can you do?
  10. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Was Having Fun

    We were playing with caution. And every time we heard a gunshot we dropped to the ground. But we didn't see this dude at all. I was sprinting as was dropped immediately. He barley saw the guy but that was because he had the CZ. It was a good nine hours. Now just gotta do it again. :)
  11. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    My brain is melting with boredom

    I'll take the ghillie suit off your hands. :)
  12. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Survivor Looking for Group

    Hey there guys. Another survivor here looking for a group to roll with through DayZ. I'm semi-experienced with the game. Been playing for three weeks or so. Just looking for a group who plays legit and is easy going. You don't have to give me any supplies. I'll scavenge my own. Playing DayZ by yourself for a few weeks gets boring. I'm mature and listen well. I have Skype/Vent and a mic. Message me on here if I can join you.
  13. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Survivor Looking for Group

    Yes I have Skype. I mentioned in my OP I have Sykpe/Vent.
  14. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    This makes me not want to play *Hackers*

    We already know.
  15. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    My debug reset.

    I don't stay alive long enough to even care about my debug. O.o
  16. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Hypothermia and heat packs

    I don't know if I want temperature to be a factor in the game. Reason being is, the game is already too realistic. If you make the game as realistic as possible, its going to be hard. Trust me. I love a realistic game more than the next guy. But you already have to worry about food, water, broken bones, etc. I also don't know how the temperature would come into play. For one, there are no "cold" areas you can reach in game. So the only way your temperature would drop is through being in the rain for too long. But then you'd have to take into account the rain and actually how cold the area you're in is. To me it would be too much of a hassle for the devs to implement. Because you have to take into account so much stuff. Then again, maybe I'm thinking to technical.
  17. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    DayZ Mod - 'Commander Launch' instead of 'Six Launcher'

    ............ dafuq.....
  18. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Hacking, Hacking, Hacking, Hacking, Hacking...

    You're never going to stop hackers as long as their good at it. Well. As long as someone is good enough to keep finding holes in the game and distributing the info.
  19. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Hacking, Hacking, Hacking, Hacking, Hacking...

    Hacking does ruin this game because its a RPG like game. In this game you have to EARN everything. But hackers are hackers. There's nothing you can do about it sadly. Just hope War Z has a better anti-cheat than Battleye.
  20. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Server Hopping (Suggestion to Fix)

    To fix server hopping just get rid of the static character. Every server you join should be a new start. This way players will make "home" servers. This would also help the community in my opinion.
  21. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Survivor Blog Tales

    That's awesome. Bookmarked.
  22. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Are there still friendly Survivor?

    I'm friendly. Even when the other person is brandishing a firearm. My goal is to teamup, survive together.
  23. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    Bring back global chat

    There is a global chat. It's the "Side Chat". Because I've hear people from across the map.
  24. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    The guys in US343 Dallas with tents near elektro

    How do you see yourself on the map? I can never see myself on the map.
  25. patriots20068@yahoo.com

    New Player

    I'm very new to DayZ, and have been trying to play solo. However, that's not working out so well. I either can mobbed by Z's or killed by a group of people (even though I have nothing, not even a weapon in hand). Playing solo is starting to get frustrating. I'm looking for another person or a group of people who wouldn't mind taking me in, showing me the "ropes" to playing the game and surviving. I'm 22-years old and on the East coast. I'd like to play with a group of people my age. Being a little younger or older wouldn't be a big deal. Just don't be five years old. I'd really appreciate it the help.