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Everything posted by hishnik

  1. hishnik

    Stuff changes the way you play

    But dont you get a sense of achievement by surviving encounters, or even getting out of hairy situations loaded up? If not, why not just stay by cherno or electro with Makarov and shoot around? I get the crazy adrenaline rush when i know i can lose all i've worked for last few days, right now, because of one mistake..
  2. Awww man, i was hoping it'd be zombie infection... I would be down to have a small chance of turning to zombie after i got pummeled by zombies but got away. Become one of them, and try to hunt down survivors or find friendly who can cure me :)
  3. hishnik

    Incentivizing Behavior

    At this point, i think one could use Arma and its mods to write a doctorate paper on human psychology. Having played Life mod, and now playing DayZ constantly, it just reaffirms my belief. Everyone constantly feels oppressed, cops and civilians, survivors and bandits. Hell, i think if we could ask zombies for their opinion they'd tell you they feel very oppressed and unsafe. Folks, i very much agree with Rockets position on this, he makes the mod, you make whatever you want out of it. Remember, it's you + another 49 people like you. And some of us (for instance me) have been burned before asking people whether they're friendly, just to have them shoot me later. So now i find myself trying to avoid other players, and if i'm unable to do so, i will take the first shot, i value my 'life' more than theirs. And in process of such thinking, it's entirely possible that will act as the major event in the other persons game experience to make them feel same way. Dont view it as DM, view it as survival of the fittest. Unless you're absolutely certain you will not get killed, do you really want to take chances? I play with a group of, oh about 10 players at its max peak time, and we constantly check whether it's one of ours doing some action. Because none of us want to die, and yes, even if its two or three of us playing, we will corner and kill someone, just to avoid them doing same to us. You cant use 'skin' as determining factor in your decision to kill or let go. For all you know, its a murderer who has not killed anyone in a while and became survivor... Or maybe he just got killed, and made it to your location, and looking for weapons and beans. I saw groups of people get wiped by someone gaining trust and opening up in their backs with assault rifle they gave him. On the flip side, just few days ago, our group was joined by a guy we actually killed. Lured in, tricked into believing we wont shoot, and killed him. (Yes, i associate myself with THOSE people). He didnt take it close to heart, yes, he was upset about loosing items and time, but in return he gained few acquaintances with whom he is now able to enjoy the game.
  4. I believe i can. A lot of the problems we are talking about' date=' in the context of the 'current state' are limitations of the engine (Arma 2). Servers by design, have a limit to what can be done. As is, Rocket was able to expand some limits to great extend, for instance the 'spawn'. If you have ever tried modding in Arma, you know that limit is 50 objects spawn upon a trigger. In laments terms if you do an action that is considered a 'trigger' you can have up to 50 objects (be it loot or zombies) appear on the server. Currently, you have that * all the 'trigger points' (be it a town, mil base, or deer hut). While i understand your concern, i dont understand how i am "bring a lot of vague bits". I gave you a very real example. Unless the server will keep track of EVERYTHING spawning and being looted, and follow the loot chain constantly (e.g. player who looted gets killed by another player, who loots him, and later is killed by another player who didnt loot him) your hypothesis is flawed. Just the same way as you're describing, multiple players join in from different servers "with the high-end toys", you can have identical situation, just happening over a longer period of time. Correct me if i'm wrong, but you're suggesting - server does a check of inventory of players vs. loot available when it spawns something. So if the player is on with somethign super rare, it will not spawn it until that player logs off. Am i understanding you correctly? If so, the above mentioned example explains how 'overpopulating' the server with good items can happen. Second option - you're talking about server doing a check of all registered players (registered to the server) inventory vs. loot available, and based on result spawns the items. In this case, you're talking about creating an insanely complex database, that will not only be ridiculous amount of work to create. But also will have a chance of ruining the game due to people with good items stopping playing, and so noone else has a chance to get those items
  5. I know i'm late to the party, but i can pitch in my few cents. Tartantyco, i kind of see your point. And in all honesty, until i got GPS+Rangefinder and really good weapons, i too, did not value life. However, the rarer the items you get, the more you begin to value your life. During the DB bug time, i kept spawning in the same spot, with same set of equipment. I did not have any navigational equipment (e.g. compass/map/gps), i cannot begin to explain to you the pain, that it caused to play for about total of about 16 hours (4-5 horus at a time) to find yourself in same position as you were originally. As for server hopping, i believe it was Rocket, who earlier mentioned the 50 player cap. I think that is a Arma2 issue, not a mod, remember this is all based on that game, so he is working with the limitations that already exist. You will notice that not all people hop servers, the 'persistence' that you are referring to only applies to your character and items, the larger items (tents/cars) do not fall into this category. Which acts as a great incentive for people to stick to the same server. Also your corpse, if only on that server, so if you're making your way back there, you gotta be on that server. I personally, see few possible options to try and make this issue little less gameplay disruptive, while keeping the persistence. For instance, penalty if you switch the server within short period of time - you get reset to the beach line. This would prevent server hoping to get to certain locations by teleporting. Example: Join the low pop server, safely run to airfield, log out, join the high pop server, and start killing folks around the airfield where you just spawned. This will also help with situations where people are trying to get away from night time, because it's scary and unplayable, they get to enjoy day time, but on the beach, what a wonderful way to spend time - sunbathing on the beach :) Secondly, if there was a way to have the person logging out (whether its by abort or alt-f4, or ctrl+alt+del) to remain in game for another 20-30 seconds, that would act as a silent incentive to prevent people to server hopping when it gets hairy As many folks mentioned before me, as is it takes up to 30 minutes to join A server. If it will take you that long (most likely longer) to join THE server, on which your character is saved, this mod will die out quicker than it became popular. I find myself changing 2-3 servers a night, and not because i'm trying to get into a better position, or cheat death (i embrace death), but due to server issues. Take last night for instance, we were on one of the US based servers, we started playing it was around 730pm server time (getting darker, still some light, but it's getting dark), about an hour later, one of our group mates, logs out to go AFK for 20-30 minutes. He comes back, joins the server, and he tells us "why do you have a flare it's daylight". Myself, and another player, are confused, as we cant see our weapon, its so dark, we start asking him if he joined different server... and no, he's on our server. We log out, log back in, and it is daylight, the server switched by 12 hours. So i'm thinking to myself, i was at a complete disadvantage to anyone joining that server after the switch, as i'm in the darkness with the rain, and they got sunshine. Point is - by your suggestion, i would have to stick to that crappy server until it restarts, just to continue playing, am i understanding you correctly? Granted, above mentioned example, is somethign that is considered an exploit, and is a bannable offense, however, there are other examples too.. For instance, you joined a server 2 hours ago, played for 2 hours, and all of a sudden, you get constant yellow and red broken chain. Its unplayable, you watch your friends teleport around you. Or even worse, you watch your friends get killed by a teleporting player, because of the lag. By your measures, you should stick to the same server, and continue suffering. As for the 'Economics' of the server, they would still get skewed by having few good players log in at the same time. Say player A got everything 3 nights ago, and hasnt played since. Player B played yesterday and picked everything there was up. Player C just spent 5 hours, and now has everythign. All of a sudden all of them get onto the server together, by sheer luck. Does this mean that this server should just completely stop spawning everything, because 3 of 50 people have gathered those items previously? I would leave the economics out of the conversation, it's too complex of an issue to tackle, and its not broken... so lets not 'fix' it :) As for all the folks aswering with one word, or even one sentence to shut down the conversation, learn to present your opinions, otherwise just stay out of the way. You arent becoming part of solution, just part of the problem Thats my 2 cents p.s. Disclaimer, I scanned through the thread, and really concentrated on the first few and last few pages, so if any of the above mentioned has been talked about previously, sorry about that. p.s.s. jeez, my answer is a book of its own
  6. hishnik

    [v. 1.5.7] Respawn bug

    In my case the items arent being saved, nor the location. Really upsetting, as my friends have either maps or compasses and i got none of that, so i feel like i'm starting from semi-scratch every time. I know that dev's read forums and have their hands absolutely filled with other things atm, but any dev input would be awesome, maybe even sticky the thread until the problem goes away, to avoid re-threading it :)
  7. hishnik

    Always spawning in "Bugged Forest"

    From what i understand, spawning in the 'debug forest' happens due to timeout in process of "Waiting for server response" Hish
  8. hishnik

    [v. 1.5.7] Respawn bug

    I've had this issue already few times, getting kind of frustrating, especially when you start at save with no navigational gear (e.g. no map/compass), and find things like GPS/map+compass. Persistent throughout variety of servers, and after the location reset. First sighting of this bug was night before the DB reset. I kept being spawned back to the sign in Novij Sobor. After the reset, i was spawned west of Kamenka, and it magically saved me in Kamenka... Not a perfect location to spawn from cold start... :) p.s. OP should rename the thread. Add the 'character data' or 'inventory issue'. I was looking for place to post this, and saw this post linked in another thread. To me 'Respawn bug' is the spawning in debug forest :)