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Everything posted by hishnik

  1. Location (while irrelevant for this conversation) is actually part of Czech Republic (according to the developers during an interview). Either way, any place in the so call "eastern block" countries would still have much more Russian weapons, than US ones.
  2. hishnik

    A reasonable server hopping suggestion

    Come on.... SEARCH BUTTON! Use it!
  3. That's what I think... Lee should be Mosin, M249/M240 should be RPK/PKM, etc
  4. hishnik

    Map & GPS

    Also when you got gps (even without the map) if you press Ctrl+M you will get the mini-map gps version ;)
  5. Oh there are a whole lot more, I just didst feel like posting more ;) I understand the concept of squeaky wheel gets noticed, just thinking that if I was the developer I would pay more attention to the one with more discussion and views, than same idea spread out across bunch of threads. Perhaps the OP's, (like you in this case) would incorporate things they like from discussions and include it in the edited version of the original post.
  6. hishnik

    Early warning alarm system

    Actually not too bad of idea to have the downside of it alarming infected for a minute or until stopped by action. As for cars, I'd prefer something harder to implement but yeah, something that would screw it up in a way, just make it much harder to come across partaking for anti-car device. ;)
  7. Seriously though, why not at least do your homework before hand? These are the search results for the word Russian http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15770&highlight=russian http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11555&highlight=russian http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=12374&highlight=russian http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1246&highlight=russian http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=25118&highlight=russian http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=24392&highlight=russian http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21629&highlight=russian http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13011&highlight=russian
  8. Suggest you check out the 'search' link top left corner
  9. hishnik

    New Zombie Textures

    What is the approximate delta between original and new?
  10. hishnik

    New Zombie Textures

    Lol, James you're spot on... bunch of games now-a-days are over that number for the phones and tablets. However, Tops concern I believe, is that all together for 7 zombies we've upped the download size by 350MB. Perhaps we could make it into alternative download?
  11. hishnik

    Please use another game engine :/

    You do realize that Arma 2 is made by BIS, and that happens to be employer of the mod developer. ;) On that note: 1. They found and fixed issues within engine. 2. Rocket has knowledge and ability to work around the engine restrictions 3. Please tell me the name of the engine you think can handle 225km squared territory, while allowing you to walk/drive/fly, and at the same time has ability to support AI of more than 700 zombies at once.... and just insane amounts of items to continuously track.... Somehow I doubt you'll be able to find anything even remotely close. It does have very heavy CPU hit, believe me, I share your pain. I have 2 generations old extreme edition CPU, 24gb of RAM, two sli'd 480 video cards, able to run most recent games at over 120fps, and yet at times have DayZ frames drop from 68 down to 9. What was my solution? I spent some time to find good settings, and now play with Fraps, and when I see frames drop under 20 I restart. If you want pm me, ill send you my settings.
  12. hishnik

    Suggestion - Developer Road Map

    This is a little different idea, and I like it. Reminds me of work, a LOT, but I like it. We should have some info as to what "in-flight", we should have that thread stickied. And if such thing would exist, it would be super helpful to have that pop up before you're able to start new post ;)
  13. hishnik

    New Zombie Textures

    But in theory, these skins could be included into actual Arma update, then you don't have to redownload it all the time... just saying ;)
  14. hishnik

    New Zombie Textures

    Looking great! Hopefully devs will consider this in future updates :)
  15. hishnik


    Well I don't know about u but if I had to choose between a bear trap n and ied id take the ied If Im sniping cherno hospital I wouldnt really gain an advantage from an explosion behind me. Typical. And sniping people who have no weapons isn't ruining people's fun. And an ied can be anti-personnel. Wouldnt that make it into 'claymore'? IED's are good for setting up traps for cars' date=' and if that is the case, i would support it, but if you want to kill people with it - i'm against it. It would be awesome to put IED on the side of the road, and cripple (not destroy! [b']cripple) the vehicle - awesome Traps are meant to slow you down. I'd rather make survival hard, not impossible though.
  16. hishnik

    disable the out side of the map

    I would say not more infected, but just high levels of infection. If you stay outside of map for longer then 30 seconds, you get infected, and continuously lose blood until you die.
  17. hishnik


    First of all.. search - wonderful function Second you thinking about http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=19223 ? And SMS, really? I wouldnt hold my breath on that one, would take quite some time to implement somethign like that. Traps are already being implemented in 1.7.2 (to your idea of IED's)
  18. hishnik

    Early warning alarm system

    i think they should be up high enough to be triggered by walking/crouching, but not low enough to be triggered by proning. As for traps - latest patch 1.7.2 will have them. Boom, homework completed ;)