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Everything posted by hishnik

  1. Hello everyone, really hoping the forum admin can pin this, as i believe this could lower number of same threads being created. This is work in progress, i will be adding links to the topics as i go. (i am a full time employed individual, so dont hate if your thread isnt in there quickly, send me pm if i missed it, and i will add it.) This table is based on the FPSGuru interview with Dean 'Rocket' Hall, can be found here: http://www.fpsguru.c...psguru/vod/6478 I dont claim any questions/answers. All i did was merely listened to the interview and wrote down quick summary, and providing you with information needed for you to find the rest of the answers. So view this as a summary transcript, meant to arm you with an idea, and quickly be able to check if what you're about to suggest maybe already either in the works, or has been already looked at The format used is following (Sorry, i had it set in a table in excel, but forums not supporting table format it seems, and xls files arent allowed for upload): Question Summary answer Time in stream (mm:ss format) Links to similar topics Standalone price, conversation Targeted price around 15 euro 0:30 Dropping "hive" needed for data mining 2:00 Features to be included want to avoid list of features because its better to have discussion vs. having a list 4:00 Player reanimated into zombie lots of design and gameplay add on. Not focus at the moment 5:20 http://dayzmod.com/f...turning-zombie/ Respawn/suicide Are you sure: Looking into it, and possible 'suicide' animation, maybe need a bullet for suicide 6:20 http://dayzmod.com/f...tandalone-dayz/ http://dayzmod.com/f...ton-suggestion/ Any idea when standalone would be released somethign can be done with mod, some with game, might have by eoy (end of year) 7:30 Survival too easy/zombies arent dangerous Question of balance, if zombie pathfinding fixed will already throw off balance 8:20 http://dayzmod.com/f...reased-numbers/ http://dayzmod.com/f...tandalone-dayz/ Expanding the map/underground Interesting to Rocket, underground is fascinating, opens a lot of doors and options 9:30 Range of zombies Zombie range is somethign being tweaked, the further they see/closer you are, more chances they have 1030 Will doors stop zombies Arma is designed for outside combat, somethign that would have to be dealt with standalone 12:00 Streaming vs. killed while streaming etc. -- 12:45 Can there be realistic facial expressions Not sure if doable, would like to have more subtle things in game, not about features, more about gameplay 13:15 Alt+f4 working on it as is, possible solution cooldown for logging in/out a lot, affects 'respawning' a lot, possibly even kill character if done overly too much 14:30 http://dayzmod.com/f...another-thread/ http://dayzmod.com/f...26-about-altf4/ http://dayzmod.com/f...fight-fix-idea/ http://dayzmod.com/f...at-disconnects/ http://dayzmod.com/f...server-hopping/ http://dayzmod.com/f...ppingaltf4-fix/ http://dayzmod.com/f...26-about-altf4/ Alt+F4 again -- 48:05 Will DayZ be ready for Arma 3 release Not sure yet 16:05 Bought Arma just to play DayZ, will have to pay again for DayZ standalone? Challenge for developers to come up with polished product and offer it instead of playing the 'mod' 17:30 Barricade system Right now an issue, ultimate is to have seamless world, have construction in your own instances, definitely wants to look at it 18:35 Coop/SP zombie campaign with objective for standalone Right now focus on creating the most awesome open world zombie survival game, wants a narrative for 'what happened, how did the world become like this' rpg feel by maybe instroducing newspapers, other peoples diaries, designed storyline isnt necessarily for DayZ 19:40 Locking tents/vehicles & lockpicking Adding intuitive complexity, locking/hotwiring dev's are open to 21:45 http://dayzmod.com/f...for-carstrucks/ http://dayzmod.com/f...tandalone-dayz/ Building player forts Most excited about it, wants somethign similar to idea of Eve's 'capital ships', "something that can be developed over years", can ignore it if you want, or have something with security, a home base 23:00 http://dayzmod.com/f...tandalone-dayz/ http://dayzmod.com/f...g-ultra-thread/ Cross Platform while it "makes a lot of money, has to be nailed first", flashpoint was ported to xbox, but really depends on publishing, "as long as, dont want to see cross platform imposing restraints on main game 24:30 Customization of the characters something not supported by Arma engine, huge priority, getting blood on your hands after looting dead body, and having washed out look if you wash hands too much, would be cool... 25:50 Using fists to fight Yes, looking at that, wants to get out but didnt finish yet 27:00 Growing your own food Would be cool to build your own base with ability to grow food, or foraging in the forests, probably will toy with it a little bit 27:35 What features you want to implement, but limited because of Arma engine? "A lot of people knock the Arma engine, its crazy to me" "i've seen inside it... these guys are geniuses, and its an underrated engine" "system is modular and is so well designed... very strong potential there" 28:45 Do you plan on adding different types of zombies/mutated zombies Want to design a 'virus' and produce some narrative based on that, after involving zombies, have malnutritioned zombies (slower), and have 'healthy' zombies that are faster etc 30:00 Clothing/skins At this moment they were a bit of 'a hack', Arma wasnt designed for this purpose, wants to see more along the lines of wearing a jacket for rain ("say bright yellow") 31:40 Fatique system Currently Arma has different spin (e.g. if you run a lot, your aim is bad when stopped), wants to see more tention 33:30 Skill systems (skinning/fishing) Wanted to add skill points, but also doesnt want to restrict players 35:00 http://dayzmod.com/f...nd-rods-update/ http://dayzmod.com/f...tandalone-dayz/ http://dayzmod.com/f.../52709-fishing/ Additional animals/dangers (bears/wolves) Really interested in 'survival' part, wants to expand to have more, enviroment elements (cold/blizards) 35:20 http://dayzmod.com/f...��������������� Companions Currently there is collision problem with models, looking at solutions, "dogs would be cool", adding support for solo/small groups 37:20 Adding aging Might be a bit much initially, but something subtle for later 38:20 Bounty system/Currency "Would much rather see" nonsense items added, and have players decide on what is the best currency. Giving players the tools, and let players decide the way it will play out 39:30 Weapon customization/Durability Interested in durability, and possibly self crafting (e.g. find silencer and put it on, different sights, but maybe for Arma3) 40:25 http://dayzmod.com/f...on-maintenance/ Traps Bear traps are in game now, good chance to develop more, would like to see more along the lines of booby traps 41:10 Next patch info Delaying patches due to extra overhead logistics, maybe roll out on one server at first as a try out 42:30 Features for the patch Not as much features, as performance issues. Fixing more for vehicles, zombies 43:35 Sanity system Looked at ideas, but doesnt want to restrict players 44:47 Alternative anti-cheat systems (e.g. not BattleEye) Battleeye is doing a great job for what its designed, but with DayZ creatign different demand, it takes some time for BE to catch up 45:00 Spawning near party Looked at it, want to keep a level disorientation, maybe once bases are created you could spawn in your base 45:20 Performance loss in big cities Latest updates should fix, pushing the player limit up as is 46:20 Trading zones "IronForge type" 47:15 http://dayzmod.com/f...-trade-section/ Blood trails Was causing performance issues before, maybe will come back later when improved, always up to try 48:35 Player bases affecting the overall gameplay Its a challenge, but need to solve it 49:20 Female zombies Yes, just matter of animation 50:28 http://dayzmod.com/f...d-zed-gender/�� http://dayzmod.com/f...female-zombies/ New Zombie textures Saw them, didnt have time to get in touch yet, in plans 50:55 http://dayzmod.com/f...ombie-textures/ ALternative mods Really suggested for people to go out and try other Arma 2 mods, lots of cool mods out there 51:15 WarZ Dont get overly excited/sad about what is announced, feels that competition is very good for consumers/gamers. List of promises vs. list of features 51:38 Enviroment/Natural disasters Some technical limitations, but interested in seeing more, naturally against 'server generated' events, wants more player generated events 56:10
  2. hishnik

    Add Bears to forests

    Rocket touched on this in one of the recent interviews, here's post of the transcript: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52509-hall-rocket-deans-answers-on-suggestions/
  3. hishnik

    ALT + F4 must be stopped !!!

    There was already that solution in place, but it caused some issues with people exploiting the duping because of it. In any case, Rocket touched on this already in multiple interviews, here's a transcript of one http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52509-hall-rocket-deans-answers-on-suggestions/
  4. He (Rocket) did mention something along these lines http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52509-hall-rocket-deans-answers-on-suggestions/ Seeing how many of same threads are constantly created... Unfortunately doubtful
  5. He (Rocket) did mention something along these lines http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52509-hall-rocket-deans-answers-on-suggestions/
  6. hishnik

    Vehicle Protection

    He (Rocket) did mention something along these lines http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52509-hall-rocket-deans-answers-on-suggestions/
  7. hishnik

    Increase the difficulty of zombies

    Rocket touched on some of these here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52509-hall-rocket-deans-answers-on-suggestions/
  8. hishnik

    Safe zones/merchants/trading/money

    Check out the conversation about it http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52509-hall-rocket-deans-answers-on-suggestions/ Rocket did talk about this subject, as briefly as it was
  9. hishnik

    Respawn Button Suggestion

    Here's what i gathered from the interview conversation about it: If you continue trying to spawn in (respawn or constant logging out), the respawn time will be exponentially (?) longer. And if you persist doing it for too long (undefined how long is long, right now) you will be warned and possibly even killed afterwards
  10. hishnik

    Taming Animals

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52913-taming-animals/ Check at 37:20, rocket talking about this
  11. hishnik

    Respawn Button Suggestion

    http://dayzmod.com/f...on-suggestions/ Rocket talks about this at 6:20 As for extending time, check at 14:30
  12. Rocket talked abuot similar thing at 5:20 as i called it out in http://dayzmod.com/f...on-suggestions/ edit: removed the un-necessary sarcasm
  13. hishnik

    About Alt+F4

    Searching first, would be uber great... THere are a ton of threads on this topic as is, and as you can notice by the transcript, it was mentioned by rocket himself as well http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52509-hall-rocket-deans-answers-on-suggestions/
  14. hishnik


    Why not use search button? In any case, check post below, there is actually conversation by the developer about having fishing as is http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52509-hall-rocket-deans-answers-on-suggestions/
  15. Added some more links, please either post here, or PM to add more. Thanks
  16. hishnik

    Future Suggestions for Standalone DayZ

    Some of these items have been already talked about by Rocket himself. Numbers 1, 3, 4, 6, 12, 13, 14 have been discussed. Check the transcript for more info: http://dayzmod.com/f...on-suggestions/
  17. hishnik

    More enterable buildings!

    I believe they're trying to take it into a little bit different direction, and they touched on that in the interview with FPSGuru, i've made transcript of it here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52509-hall-rocket-deans-answers-on-suggestions/ The parts you may be interested in listening to are about bases/undergrounds/etc Essentially the way i'm hearing him, they are more interested in creating an enviroment with letting players create all these items, instead of developers guiding you through the game.
  18. hishnik

    Making forests scary at night.

    I'm putting your thread as a link relevant to the part of the conversation at 35:20 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52509-hall-rocket-deans-answers-on-suggestions/
  19. May i direct your attention to the post i've created, inspired by lack of communication :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52509-hall-rocket-deans-answers-on-suggestions/ The post is a transcript of FPSGuru interview, as i call it out at 21:45 Rocket talks about this topic, enjoy
  20. Prelude: I did do my homework, this has been suggested, but my suggestion is different. I am including other similar threads on the bottom of my post What: Weapon Maintenance How: By tracking weapon after it has been picked up by a player. Keeping track of the rounded off (approximate) number of shots made. Once the number of shots has hit a certain threshold it has a chance to jam. If jammed - simple reload (Like in real life, cycle the weapon, discard the troubled round, keep going until next jam. To perform 'maintenance' - use the 'field repair kit' (or maybe even let it be done with toolbox to make easier), 3 seconds later, gun is back to its original spec Why: To keep players on their toes. 1. Having that element of surprise and unexpectedness when your weapon jams because you shot off bunch of rounds without cleaning it 2. Snipers get very comfortable once they found their sweet spot, and with offline hunger/thirst gone, there is very little incentive for them to move anywhere near the cities (unless they want to terrorize it of course) 3. Additional timesink - i know, this is the part that everyone hates, but it is necessary evil. This is the time when someone needs to hide away and clean their gun, being potentially exposed to someone else Detailed explanation: Truth be told, brand new weapon is not as good as one with 200-500 rounds through it. Depending on the maker, rifles can take as much as 700 rounds to be 'broken-in'. By the same token, if it would be possible to introduce the 'jam' in the game, it would be very cool, i think. Something simple, similar to how it is in lets say Jagged Alliance. The less maintained the weapon is, the more chances it has to jam. Once jammed, you are forced to reload (can be great disappointment to have to reload when you need to make the follow up shot). For the actual maintenance - there should be a field kit, that has say 2-3 charges to it before it's gone (worst case - toolbox). This way, lets say you do find that camper, you grab his gun.. His wonderful .50cal, you take a shot, and then another, and bam! A jam?! You fix it by cycling a round through, but you just lost some precious time and a rare round just because someone didnt take good care of their weapon. At the same time this mechanic would force campers to get up and move into the city more often to get the field cleaning kits. (As a bandit, i can assure you i'm quite comfortable sitting where i am, with 4 canteens + 10 pieces of meat, especially now that character doesnt get hungry/thirsty offline) http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23299 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23068 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=25121 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23244 Few more of recent ones: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/34837-weapon-conditiondegredation/#entry332651 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/44563-new-small-item-that-makes-a-huge-differnce/ And another one on 7/24/12 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/44941-weapon-maintenance/ p.s. Maybe just take simpler approach, you could have crappy ammo. Say a 0.01% chance of having the misfire.
  21. hishnik

    I have matches, I have a jerry can.

    You also have a search button, someone already suggested it before, i remember seeing it few weeks back ;)
  22. hishnik

    Make night bearable (flashlights)

    Blue is the smallest illumination, then red, then green (can be seen from 30/50/70m out respectively) You must've been playing on some very low pop servers, with lots of very nice people. Last time i was on a night time servers, and saw anyone with flashlights or flares in hand, they were dead way before they ever approached the cities :( (and not by my hand either)
  23. hishnik

    Make night bearable (flashlights)

    Mr. OP: Or you could try moving tactically.. As in you use flashlight for few seconds to gather your bearings, finding out where you will be going, and afterwards you move in that direction with flashlight off for few seconds, stopping again do same thing. Idea is very simple - your flashlight is in your hand, and not on your head. Both cases suggested by OP are referring to head mounted flashlights. If the item is in your hand, you will be swinging it up and down as you run
  24. And a big pink neon flashing sign "Sniper look here! >>>" pointing at the doorway. Ever question why all the killing in the Cherno/Electro? Because it's easy, because you can be laying on a hill/building, and all you need to do is pull the trigger. You have already zero'd in your shots, you know where to shoot, and how to shoot (e.g. how much to adjust elevation). Giving something like this, will make it a marshmallow-less campfest right outside the store. Everyone will be trying to get to the store if its that rare, and those with guns already will be defending it. Turning it into intense battle, of course
  25. I am not sure about this one. I kind of like the fact that i have to risk my life to get those rare medical supplies, by going into a spot that i know to begin with is going to be camped. The not so rare, but desirable ones (painkillers/bandages) can be found in supermarkets. Last thing we want to do, is to overflood the supplies. Not everyone will pass up on those small cities. A lot of people, when they are ready to get back on the beach, have already decided in their head, where they would like to go, and what they'd like to do. If i am planning to try to save my body, i will be spawning closest to it. If i intend on getting back to Stary/NWA i will be taking that Kamenka spawn and hauling ass. Short answer, no sir, i do not like