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Posts posted by Complexlol

  1. It seems lately like 1/4 of the servers I choose are kicking players before they even get logged in.

    DayZ - US 924 (v1.7.2.3/Beta 94876) [Regular 3DP:1 CH:1] dayzmod.com - hosted by eyjtrading

    Admin: _[Knight

    Abuser: E.jones

    Abuser: Officer Tasty


    Admin listed for kicking. Players listed for the assumption of benefiting from the abuse of the admin.

    This admin is kicking players before they even get into the game or very shortly after. I'm assuming its so they can farm the game without risk. I assumed this with another server though, and the guy claimed he was kicking at the time to remove a hacker. So I learned from that lesson and attempted to join the server about 2 hours later under a different profile name. The same occurred.

    I was kicked for doing nothing. I am not a cheater, hacker, scripter, exploiter or whatever else people do to cheat anymore. I don't even combat log if I'm in danger of losing my gear.

    Not sure if this post belongs here, or in Cheating. I know servers are not allowed to be password/protected and has to be 40+ player count. The rule doesn't specifically mention kicking players to keep the server low pop (which I strongly believe it should)

    Yes server admins, you are paying your own money to host a server, but in doing so You also have to agree to the terms and conditions of the DayZ creator or risk having your server Blacklisted. If you are going to provide a server for the community to use, GREAT! but don't be a dick about it or think you have special privileges, you don't.

    Edit: If this is happening because of incorrect version or some other natural cause Let me know. Otherwise I will continue to post these warning/messages.

  2. Very short term/temporary fix for this. I have the same issue - just started for me when BI added graphical options...

    hold shift + numpad "-" shift + #pad - (hold both then release, press nothing else until you type flush)

    then type flush

    Your screen will go black for a moment, same as if you changed a graphic option and come back. Ive had to do this sometimes 3-4 times in a row but it can help you get through an area or around an area you just can't see.

    Edit: May require left side shift, its what i use... so if right side shift has no affect, try left side shift if needed

  3. While trying to reconnect to find out why you were kicking me. Then connecting to copy your teamspeak info you Banned me? This server will be reported for blacklist. You are not allowed to ban users who are not violating any rules. I do not cheat. I do not hack. I do not combat log. I perform no exploits of any kind. And you kicked me repeatedly then banned when i wouldn't go away.

    Badnoob, aka Zer0affect

    DayZ - US 610 (vDayZ 1.7.2/Beta 95389) [Regular 3DP:1 CH:1] dayzmod.com - hosted by Badnoob

    Edit: I was able to get the teamspeak Info to connect to talk to and you kick me from the teamspeak. I tired.
